DiversityNursing is where every healthcare employer should turn for a complete nurse recruitment strategy.
Are you struggling with your nurse recruitment goals?
For 9 years, healthcare employers have turned to Diversitynursing.com as a way to effectively promote their organization to diverse nurses. Our platform allows employers and nurses to engage on our Job Board, on our Nursing Forum and through eNewsletters and our very active social media properties of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube.
The demographics of our communities are changing at a dramatic pace and the forward-thinking employers are working hard to ensure their nursing staff is a good reflection of their community.
If you haven't heard of us, we are rapidly expanding and can deliver the nursing audience you need. Some of our statistics include:
Total Page Views: 3,611,421
Facebook Followers: 29,500
Enewsletter subscribers: 69,491
Over 40% of nurses use our site on a mobile device
At DiversityNursing.com we understand the heightened demand for nurses and the increasing need for Healthcare Institutions’ employees to reflect the populations they serve.
If you would like a customized diversity recruitment plan, please fill out the form and one of our diversity representatives will contact you shortly.
Let us create a customized diversity plan for you.