Tips For Boosting Hospital Staff Morale

GettyImages-1287395389Working in a healthcare setting can be a high-stress environment. Especially during a time of crisis, many healthcare workers face burnout, worry, anxiety, and grief. Here are some ideas for improving hospital staff's morale.

Mental Health Support

Healthcare workers understand the importance of self-care and mental health. It may be a good idea to offer mental health PTO days so they have an opportunity to see to their own wellness needs. Offering counseling or therapy, virtually or on-site, is another great way to help staff cope and manage stress.

Physical Health Programs

Mental health is important, but so is physical health. Working in the healthcare field can take a serious toll on the body. Offering a physical wellness program with coaching, virtual yoga, cardio classes, massage therapy, etc. is an outlet for staff to blow off steam and feel better.

Not Your Average Break Room

Put some love into the design of the break room. This is a place for staff to escape and recharge. Help fuel your employees by offering snacks and beverages. Replace old metal chairs with something a little more comfortable and switch the cold white lighting for some lamps and accent lights. Plants and calming scenic art are other good touches.


One of the simplest ways to boost staff morale is through open communication. In any career, employees want to feel they have a voice and their concerns are heard. Find ways to maintain an open-door policy and make sure staff members have the opportunity to share their thoughts.


Celebrate holidays, birthdays, and milestones. Recognition is a huge morale booster. Hanging decorations, planning a potluck or simply having staff sign a card for someone are fun ways to improve moods!

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