AHRQ Health Care Innovations Exchange Offers 700 Ways to Improve Nursing

The Health Care Innovations Exchange created by AHRQ to speed the implementation of new and better ways of delivering healthcare, now includes more than 700 successful nursing innovations implemented around the country in recent years.

Created to support the agency's mission to improve the quality of healthcare and reduce disparities, the program's website offers busy health professionals and researchers a variety of opportunities to share, learn about, and ultimately adopt evidence-based innovations and tools suitable for a range of healthcare settings and populations.

The hundreds of searchable profiles on successful and attempted nursing innovations describe the innovative activity, its impact, how the innovator developed and implemented it, and other useful information for deciding whether to adopt the innovation. Users can browse by subject to find information on specific topics that interest them.

A new issue on the site is published every two weeks that highlights innovations, quality tools and expert commentaries on a specific topic area. Users can sign up for email alerts that announce each new issue. Or follow them on Twitter: @AHRQIX.

In addition to sharing innovation profiles, tools, commentaries and other useful information related to healthcare innovation, the program also hosts regular TweetChats featuring innovators as subject matter experts to answer questions and provide information on their innovations.

Read more about the Innovations Exchange here

Source: Advance for Nurses 

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