Nurses Invitation to Participate in National COVID-19 CHAMPS Study of Frontline Workers

CHAMPSThe M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing (FCN) at Villanova University invites nurses to participate in CHAMPS, the Caring About Health for All Study CHAMPS is one of a few national studies designed to understand the immediate and long-term effects of caring for COVID-19 patients on the health, lives and careers of all frontline workers, including nurses. We seek colleagues across the spectrum of nursing who share our concerns for frontline workers to join us in participating in CHAMPS to better understand and meet their emergent health needs.

The FCN launched CHAMPS in mid-May 2020, recognizing the importance of seizing the moment to understand how the pandemic has impacted the physical, social and behavioral health of those caring for COVID-19 patients. The initial study survey takes less than 20 minutes to complete. This study will enable the government, healthcare providers, insurance companies, and other stakeholders to understand the broader impact of COVID-19 on frontline workers. Ultimately, CHAMPS will inform public health strategies designed to mitigate these effects during future health emergencies.

The study will include data obtained through surveys and optional in-person interviews and will capture immediate and long-term impacts on frontline workers. Participants will be recruited throughout the United States and its territories with outcomes followed longitudinally (for those who choose to enlist in the longitudinal phase) through a registry.

The FCN seeks your help to:

Disseminate the online survey link among nurses who provided care to patients with COVID-19 and encourage their participation.

TO PARTICIPATE, go to and click Enter Study.

The FCN believes that our country has an obligation to frontline workers to learn about the effects that their sacrifices have had on their lives. This will enable us to best support and plan for future health emergencies. Thank you for your consideration of this request.

CHAMPS Principal Investigators:

Donna S. Havens, PhD, RN, FAAN, Connelly Endowed Dean and Professor
Peter Kaufmann, PhD, Associate Dean for Research and Innovation
Janell L. Mensinger, PhD, FAED, Associate Research Professor and Biostatistician

For more information about CHAMPS, please contact Dr. Havens at .

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