Nurses Secure The Spot For Most Trusted Profession 22nd Time In A Row

GettyImages-1312272657The Gallup polls are in and for more than two decades, Nurses have achieved the highest ethics rating from Americans.

According to the findings, the 79% of U.S. adults who now say Nurses have “very high” or “high” honesty and ethical standards is far more than any of the other 17 professions rated.

Nurses have topped the list every year except one since they were added to the annual ratings in 1999. That was in 2001, when firefighters earned a record-high 90% rating in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

"Nurses have earned the trust of the American people by putting patient safety above all else," said Katie Murphy, a practicing ICU Nurse, and President of the Massachusetts Nurses Association. "The public has seen Nurses give everything to their patients during the COVID-19 pandemic while fiercely advocating for improvements to care quality and access."

Nurses, medical doctors and pharmacists remain the most ethically revered professions of those measured by Gallup.

Professions to earn the lowest ethics ratings were Car salespeople, members of Congress and telemarketers. 



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