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Nursing Hacks: Tips and Tricks to Make Your Shift Easier

Posted by Carlos Perez

Tue, Jul 09, 2024 @ 10:08 AM

Nursing is a rewarding yet challenging profession. Long hours, demanding tasks, and the need to stay organized can make shifts overwhelming. To help you navigate your day more efficiently, here are some practical hacks to streamline your tasks and improve your overall workflow before and during your shifts.

Prepare the Night Before

Pack Smart: Lay out your uniform, shoes, and any necessary accessories the night before. This eliminates the morning scramble and ensures you start your day smoothly.

Meal Prep: Prepare your meals and snacks in advance. Pack high-protein snacks, fruits, and vegetables to keep your energy levels up throughout the shift.

Check Your Schedule: Review your schedule and any patient updates before heading to bed. This helps you mentally prepare for the day ahead.

Optimize Your Shift Start

Arrive Early: Arriving a few minutes early allows you to settle in, review patient charts, and prioritize tasks before the official start of your shift.

Organize Your Workspace: Take a few moments to organize your workstation. A tidy workspace reduces stress and helps you find necessary items quickly.

Create a To-Do List: Outline your tasks for the day. Prioritize them based on urgency and importance to ensure nothing crucial is overlooked.

Streamline Your Tasks

Batch Similar Tasks: Group similar tasks together to save time. For example, if you need to check vital signs for multiple patients, do it in one go.

Use Checklists: Create checklists for recurring tasks, such as patient admissions or discharges. Checklists ensure you don’t miss any steps and help you stay organized.

Delegate Wisely: Don’t hesitate to delegate tasks to Nursing Assistants or support staff when appropriate. Delegation frees you up to focus on more critical duties.

Maximize Patient Care Efficiency

Prepare Supplies in Advance: Before entering a patient’s room, gather all necessary supplies. This minimizes the need to leave the room repeatedly, saving time and maintaining patient focus.

Document in Real-Time: Document patient care and observations in real-time or as soon as possible. This prevents backlog and ensures accurate, up-to-date records.

Use Technology: Utilize technology, such as mobile apps or digital reminders, to keep track of medications, appointments, and other important tasks.

Take Care of Yourself

Stay Hydrated: Keep a water bottle with you and sip regularly. Staying hydrated maintains your energy levels and cognitive function.

Take Breaks: Use your breaks to relax and recharge. Even a few minutes of deep breathing or a short walk can make a significant difference.

Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, into your day. These practices reduce stress and improve focus.

Foster Teamwork and Communication

Communicate Clearly: Clear and concise communication with colleagues ensures everyone is on the same page, reducing errors and improving patient care.

Support Each Other: Foster a supportive environment by helping colleagues when possible. A collaborative team reduces individual stress and improves overall efficiency.

Share Tips and Tricks: Share your own Nursing hacks with your team and be open to learning from others. Collective wisdom enhances everyone’s efficiency and effectiveness.

By incorporating these Nursing hacks into your routine, you can streamline your tasks, improve efficiency, and provide better patient care. Remember, taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your patients. With a bit of preparation and smart strategies, you can make your shifts more manageable and enjoyable. Happy Nursing!

Topics: nursing, nursing career, nursing stress, Nursing tips, nursing jobs, nursing shifts, nursing shift, nursing practice, nursing field

Nursing Myths Debunked: Setting the Record Straight

Posted by Ryanna Brown

Tue, May 21, 2024 @ 01:25 PM

Nursing is a profession enveloped in myths and misconceptions. Despite being one of the most respected careers, many misunderstandings persist about what Nurses do, their level of expertise, and the nature of their work. As a Nursing Career and Information website, we want to clear up some of these common myths and shed light on the realities of the profession.

Nurses Are Just Doctors' Assistants

One of the most widespread myths is Nurses are merely assistants to Doctors, following orders without their own critical thinking. In reality, Nurses are highly trained professionals who provide independent patient care. They assess patients, develop care plans, administer medications, and educate patients and their families. While they collaborate with Doctors, their role is distinct and autonomous, often involving complex decision-making and specialized skills.

Nursing Is a Profession For Women

The stereotype that Nursing is a career for Women is outdated and inaccurate. While the profession has historically been dominated by Women, Men have always been a part of Nursing. Today, the number of male Nurses is steadily increasing, bringing diversity and challenging gender norms within the field. Nursing is for anyone with a passion for healthcare and patient advocacy, regardless of gender.

Nurses Only Work in Hospitals

When people think of Nurses, they often picture hospital settings. However, Nurses work in a variety of environments, including schools, community health centers, research labs, corporate offices, and even patients' homes. They play crucial roles in public health, policy-making, education, and beyond. The versatility of Nursing means there are opportunities in countless settings.

All Nurses Do the Same Thing

Nursing is a diverse field with numerous specialties. From Pediatrics to Geriatrics, Oncology to Critical Care, each Nursing specialty requires specific knowledge and skills. Advanced Practice Nurses, such as Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs), hold advanced degrees and provide specialized care, often similar to that of Physicians. The scope of Nursing specialties offers varied and fulfilling career paths.

Nurses Are Always Caring and Compassionate

Nursing is a profession that demands a unique blend of qualities, beyond just empathy and compassion. It requires resilience to navigate challenging situations, critical thinking to make quick decisions, and technical expertise to provide high-quality care. Nurses are not just caretakers; they are healthcare professionals who juggle multiple responsibilities, from managing complex medical conditions to advocating for their patients' needs.

Working under significant stress is a reality for many Nurses, yet they continue to show dedication and determination in providing the best possible care. The stereotype of the always-smiling, endlessly patient Nurse overlooks the depth and complexity of the profession, where Nurses are skilled professionals who make a difference in the lives of their patients every day.

Nursing Is Easier Than Being a Doctor

Nursing and medicine are distinct professions with their own challenges and demands. Nursing requires rigorous education, including anatomy, pharmacology, and patient care. Many Nurses pursue advanced degrees and certifications to specialize further. The emotional and physical demands of Nursing are significant, and the notion that it is an "easier" path undermines the dedication and expertise required.

Nursing is a dynamic and evolving profession that goes beyond the outdated stereotypes. Nurses are integral to the healthcare system, providing expert, compassionate care across diverse settings. By debunking these myths, we can better appreciate the complexity and significance of the Nursing profession. Whether you're considering a career in Nursing or simply want to understand it better, it's important to recognize and respect the critical role Nurses play in healthcare.

Topics: nursing program, nursing, nursing career, nursing experience, nursing profession, nursing shift, nursing practice, nursing field, nursing myths

The Heartbeat of Healthcare: Embracing the Noble Journey of Nursing

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Tue, May 07, 2024 @ 09:17 AM

Within the vast world of healthcare, Nurses serve as beacons of compassion, knowledge, and strength.They are the unsung heroes, the caregivers who hold the hands of the sick, the healers who bring comfort in times of distress. Nursing is not merely a profession; it's a calling, a commitment to serve humanity with unwavering dedication. In this article, we explore the profound reasons why Nursing is not just a career choice but a way of life.

Making a Difference Every Day

Every day a Nurse brings the opportunity to create a meaningful impact in someone's life. Whether it involves administering medication, providing comfort to a distressed patient, or advocating for their needs, Nurses play a crucial role in the healing journey. The gratitude in a patient's eyes, the sigh of relief from a worried family member - these moments reinforce the significant influence Nurses have on the lives of the people in their care.

Opportunities for Growth

The field of Nursing is a wealth of opportunities for personal and professional growth. Such as, delving into specialized areas like Pediatrics and Oncology or taking on roles in education, research, and administration. Nurses have the freedom to carve out diverse career paths tailored to their passions and ambitions. The essence of continuous learning is deeply ingrained in Nursing, with avenues for pursuing advanced degrees, certifications, and specialized training readily accessible. 

Building Meaningful Connections

At the heart of Nursing lies the art of building meaningful connections with patients and their loved ones. Nurses often find themselves in intimate moments, offering not just medical care, but also emotional support and empathy. These connections foster trust, compassion, and understanding, creating a therapeutic environment essential for healing and recovery. Nurses also forge deep connections with their colleagues, forming a strong network of support and camaraderie that enhances teamwork and collaboration.

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Embracing Diversity and Inclusion

In the world of Nursing, Diversity isn't just welcomed - it's celebrated with open arms. Nurses have the privilege of working with individuals from all walks of life, embracing cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic differences. This Diversity enriches the Nursing profession, providing a deeper understanding of global health disparities and the unique needs of diverse populations. As advocates for health equity, Nurses play a crucial role in addressing disparities and promoting inclusive healthcare practices.

Resilience in the Face of Challenges

Despite the challenges that come with the territory, such as enduring long hours and navigating emotionally taxing situations, it is during these very moments of adversity the true essence of Nursing radiates most brightly. Nurses showcase unparalleled resilience, standing unwavering in the face of obstacles, and persisting with a blend of grace and fortitude that sets them apart. This resilience forms the core of Nursing, serving as a guiding light that inspires others to walk in their footsteps.

A Lifelong Journey of Learning and Discovery

In the world of Nursing, the journey of learning is an endless exploration, a continuous quest for knowledge and growth. From keeping up with the latest advancements in healthcare to perfecting clinical skills and sharpening critical thinking abilities, Nurses embrace a lifelong commitment to mastering their profession. Each interaction with a patient offers a chance to expand knowledge, deepen empathy, and enhance practice, making every day a new opportunity for discovery and personal development.

Being a Nurse is more than just a job—it's a privilege, a profound journey of service, compassion, and growth. It's about touching lives, making a difference, and leaving a lasting mark on the world. Despite the challenges and sacrifices, the rewards of Nursing are immeasurable. So, to all the Nurses out there, thank you for your unwavering dedication, your boundless compassion, and your tireless commitment to healing. You are the heartbeat of healthcare, and the world is a better place because of you.

Topics: National Nurses Week, nursing program, nursing, nursing career, nursing specialty, nursing staff, nursing degree, nursing experience, nursing profession, nursing opportunities, nursing field

The Vital Role of Teamwork and Collaboration in Nursing

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Wed, Dec 13, 2023 @ 10:11 AM

Teamwork is a fundamental aspect of the Nursing practice and is essential for providing safe and effective patient care. In healthcare, Nurses collaborate with a diverse team of professionals, including other Nurses, Physicians, Therapists, Pharmacists, and support staff.

Key Aspects of Teamwork in Nursing:

Communication is the cornerstone of collaboration, ensuring all team members are well-informed and working towards a common goal. Effective communication involves more than conveying information; it encompasses active listening, sharing relevant information, and seeking clarification when necessary.

Active listening is a main component of effective communication. Nurses must attentively listen to their colleagues' viewpoints, concerns, and suggestions. By actively listening, Nurses demonstrate respect for their team members and establish a foundation of trust. This creates an environment where everyone feels valued and encourages the exchange of ideas.

Sharing relevant information ensures all team members have a comprehensive understanding of the patient's condition and care plan. Nurses should provide clear and concise updates, including any changes in the patient's status, medications, or treatment plans. Sharing this information in a timely manner allows the team to make informed decisions and provide coordinated care.

Asking for clarification when needed is another vital aspect of effective communication. Nurses must not hesitate to seek clarification if they are unsure about any aspect of the patient's care or if they need further information to perform their tasks effectively. This proactive approach fosters a culture of openness and collaboration, where questions are encouraged, and knowledge is shared.

Nurses should convey information in a professional and respectful manner, considering the emotions and sensitivities of their colleagues. By maintaining a positive and supportive communication style, Nurses contribute to a harmonious work environment and enhance teamwork.


Collaboration is at the heart of Nursing practice, it allows healthcare professionals from various disciplines to come together and provide comprehensive care to patients. Nurses play a crucial role in this collaborative effort by working closely with Physicians, Therapists, and other members of the healthcare team to develop and implement care plans that address the holistic needs of each individual.

In this collaborative process, Nurses bring their unique perspective and expertise to the table, contributing valuable insights and knowledge that enhance the overall quality of patient care. By actively engaging in interdisciplinary discussions and sharing their observations and assessments, Nurses ensure that all aspects of the patient's health are considered and addressed.

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Respect and Trust

Respecting each other's expertise and perspectives is mandatory for effective teamwork. Team members must acknowledge and value the unique skills and knowledge each individual brings to the table. This respect fosters an environment of trust, where team members can rely on one another and work together harmoniously.

Trust is the foundation upon which successful teamwork is built. It is developed through open and transparent communication, where team members feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, concerns, and ideas. By actively listening to one another, respecting different viewpoints, and engaging in constructive dialogue, trust is nurtured and strengthened.

Reliability is another key factor in building trust within a healthcare team. Team members must be dependable and follow through on their commitments and responsibilities. This includes being punctual, completing tasks in a timely manner, and ensuring their actions align with the agreed-upon care plan. When team members can rely on one another, they feel confident in the team's ability to deliver safe and effective patient care.

A shared commitment to patient well-being is the ultimate bond that unites a healthcare team. When team members prioritize the best interests of the patient above all else, trust is reinforced. This commitment involves advocating for the patient, collaborating on care decisions, and continuously striving to improve the quality of care provided.

Role Clarity

Each member of the healthcare team has specific roles and responsibilities that are keys to the overall functioning of the team. Clear delineation of roles helps prevent confusion, ensures tasks are completed efficiently, and contributes to a smoother workflow.

By clearly defining each team member's role, there is a greater sense of accountability and ownership over their specific tasks. This allows for better organization and coordination within the team, as everyone knows exactly what is expected of them. With role clarity, each team member can focus on their own responsibilities, which leads to increased productivity and effectiveness in delivering patient care.


As situations can change rapidly, team members must be able to quickly adapt and respond to emerging challenges. This requires flexibility and a willingness to collaborate on problem-solving.

Adaptability means being open to new ideas and approaches. It involves embracing change and being willing to step outside of one's comfort zone. Nurses who are adaptable understand there is always room for improvement and are constantly seeking ways to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Being adaptable also means being able to think on your feet and make quick decisions when necessary. In high-pressure situations, Nurses must be able to assess the situation, consider all available information, and make informed choices in the best interest of the patient. This requires a calm and composed demeanor, as well as the ability to prioritize and multitask effectively.

Conflict Resolution

This is an inevitable aspect of teamwork, and is needed to address conflicts promptly in order to maintain a harmonious work environment. Constructive conflict resolution involves a combination of open communication, active listening, and finding solutions that benefit both the individuals involved and the team as a whole.

It is important to note conflict resolution is not about winning or losing, but rather about finding a resolution that satisfies all parties involved. This requires compromise, flexibility, and a willingness to consider different perspectives. By finding middle ground and reaching a consensus, conflicts can be resolved in a way that promotes unity and collaboration within the team.

Continuous Improvement

This involves a commitment to consistently evaluating and enhancing the quality of patient care. By engaging in ongoing evaluation and quality improvement efforts, healthcare professionals can ensure they are providing the best possible care to their patients.

Regular team meetings provide an opportunity for team members to come together and discuss various aspects of patient care. These meetings allow for open and honest communication, where team members can share their experiences, challenges, and successes. By sharing insights and lessons learned, the team can identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to address them. Team meetings also foster a sense of unity and collaboration, as everyone works together towards a common goal of providing optimal patient care.

Feedback sessions are another important component of continuous improvement. These sessions involve giving and receiving feedback on individual and team performance. Constructive feedback allows team members to identify their strengths and areas for growth, as well as receive guidance on how to enhance their skills and knowledge. By providing feedback in a supportive and constructive manner, team members can feel empowered to make positive changes and contribute to the overall improvement of the team.

Effective teamwork in Nursing is a collaborative effort that involves clear communication, respect, trust, and a shared commitment to patient-centered care. Nurses play a central role in fostering positive teamwork and contributing to the overall success of the healthcare team.

Topics: nursing, teamwork, nursing career, nursing jobs, nursing profession, healthcare team communication, teamwork in nursing, healthcare team, nursing field, nursing best practices

The Importance of a Healthy Work Environment

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Tue, Oct 24, 2023 @ 10:39 AM

Creating a healthy work environment for Nurses should be a top priority for employers in the healthcare industry. Nurses play a vital role in patient care, and their well-being directly impacts the quality of care they provide. By addressing some of the biggest issues in Nursing today, such as recruitment, retention, burnout, and bullying, employers can create a positive and supportive work environment that ultimately benefits both Nurses and patients.

Recruitment and retention are ongoing challenges in the industry. Many healthcare facilities struggle to attract and retain qualified Nurses, leading to staffing shortages and increased workload for the existing staff. By focusing on creating healthy work environments, employers can make their organizations more appealing to prospective Nurses and enhance employee satisfaction and loyalty. A positive work environment with adequate resources, support, and opportunities for professional growth can attract and retain talented Nurses, ensuring a stable workforce and improving patient outcomes.

Burnout is a pervasive issue among Nurses, resulting from the demanding nature of their work and high levels of stress. A negative work environment can exacerbate burnout and its associated physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion. 

A McKinsey Health Institute (MHI) report found a direct correlation between a workplace's toxicity and the levels of stress and burnout reported by its employees. According to this research, employees are almost 8 times more likely to report symptoms of burnout when faced with high levels of toxic workplace behavior.

Employers need to prioritize the well-being of their Nursing staff by implementing strategies that promote work-life balance, provide access to support services, and encourage self-care. By fostering a culture of wellness and offering resources to manage stress, employers can mitigate burnout and create an environment where Nurses feel valued and supported.

Bullying is another significant issue that affects Nurses' well-being and job satisfaction. Workplace bullying can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and decreased morale among Nurses, ultimately impacting patient care. 

According to an article from the National Library of Medicine, "A significant percentage of Nurses leave their first job due to the negative behaviors of their coworkers, and bullying is likely to exacerbate the growing Nurse shortage. A bullying culture contributes to a poor Nurse work environment, increased risk to patients, lower Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) patient satisfaction scores, and greater Nurse turnover."

Health systems must take proactive measures to prevent and address bullying in the workplace. This includes implementing clear policies against bullying, providing training on respectful communication and conflict resolution, and fostering a culture of respect and collaboration. By creating a safe and respectful work environment, employers can empower Nurses to excel in their roles and provide the best possible care to patients.

Negative workplaces not only harm the well-being of Nurses but also contribute to disengagement and decreased job satisfaction. When Nurses feel unsupported, unappreciated, or overwhelmed by their work environment, they are more likely to become disengaged, which can ultimately lead to decreased productivity and compromised patient care. Employers must recognize the impact of the work environment on Nurse engagement and take steps to create a positive and empowering atmosphere. This can be achieved through open communication, involving Nurses in decision-making processes, and providing opportunities for professional development and growth.

In conclusion, creating a healthy work environment for Nurses should be a top priority for employers. By addressing issues such as recruitment, retention, burnout, and bullying, employers can create a positive and supportive workplace that enhances Nurses' well-being and improves patient care. Investing in the well-being of Nurses not only benefits the individuals but also contributes to the overall success of healthcare organizations. Employers must recognize the crucial role Nurses play in healthcare and take proactive steps to ensure their work environment fosters their growth, satisfaction, and ultimately, the provision of high-quality patient care.

Topics: nursing, nurse, nursing career, nursing staff, nursing stress, nurse engagement, nursing workforce, workplace culture, healthy workplace, healthcare workforce, nursing field, inclusive workplace, work environment

Nursing Trends in 2023 and Beyond

Posted by Sarah West APRN, FNP-BC

Mon, Jul 10, 2023 @ 11:36 AM

Nurses at the forefront of healthcare continue to face challenges that change how we provide Nursing care to our patients. As the Nursing field continues to evolve, here are some of the top Nursing trends to watch in 2023 and for the years to come.

Nursing Shortages

Nursing shortages across all aspects of healthcare will continue to increase in 2023 and for several years to come. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Nurses have experienced higher rates of burnout which has led to an increased number of Nurses leaving bedside Nursing or even the Nursing profession altogether. Nurse burnout, coupled with the baby boomer generation of Nurses entering retirement, has left an increasing need for Nursing professionals across all aspects of healthcare.

To help combat the growing Nursing shortage, many Nursing programs offer rolling admissions and flexible online Nursing programs to help accommodate as many potential Nurses as possible. The World Health Organization has estimated that nearly 6 million more healthcare jobs must be filled by 2030 to meet the growing healthcare needs. We can expect the demand for Nurses to remain high for many years.

Job Availability Increases

Job availability for Nurses has been rising for several years, and 2023 will be no different. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that by 2031, job growth for Registered Nurses is expected to increase by 6% and Nurse Practitioners by 40%. Several factors will influence the increasing job availability, including the retirement of the baby boomer generation of Nurses, the growing demand for healthcare, and the inability of Nursing schools to keep up with the increasing demands of students. 

Online Nursing Programs

As the demand for Nursing professionals increases, online education programs will continue to grow in popularity. Online programs offer students scheduling flexibility to make it easier to attend classes while dealing with other responsibilities like work and family life. Online programs also create a new market for students living in rural areas who need help commuting to universities.

Travel Nursing

Travel Nursing has been a rising trend for some time, but it came into focus during the COVID-19 Pandemic. As thousands of Nurses traveled to care for the surging patient volumes in COVID-19 hot spots, it was realized how much value travel Nurses bring to the shifting demands of healthcare. Travel Nursing offers higher compensation, the opportunity to work in new environments, and travel opportunities Nurses otherwise would not be able to experience. More and more Nurses have discovered the endless perks of travel Nursing over the past few years, and there is no end in sight. We can expect travel Nursing to continue to grow in popularity.

Increased Salaries

As the Nursing shortage continues, it is expected that we will see an increase in salary for Nurses over the next few years. Adequate compensation is necessary to attract and retain qualified Nurses, recognize them for their expertise, and address their daily challenges. Although increasing salaries for Nurses involves much more than just a higher paycheck, many healthcare networks have been reconsidering healthcare budgets, government policies, and negotiations between employers and unions to help better compensate Nurses for their tireless work efforts.

Mental Health Awareness

Mental health is an essential aspect of well-being for everyone, including Nurses. The Nursing profession has always been one to carry a significant mental burden, and this can take a toll on mental health over time. Although it has been going on for decades, the pandemic revealed a devastating increase in Nurse burnout, stress, fatigue, anxiety, and depression that can no longer be ignored. In the coming years, we can expect to see an increase in mental health awareness and services available to help Nurses better prioritize their mental health. It is anticipated that healthcare organizations will start to implement initiatives to help promote self-care and work-life balance, like mental health services, stress reduction programs, and peer support networks.

Telehealth Services

Telehealth and virtual care services have exponentially increased since the COVID-19 pandemic. Nurses are now providing remote care, conducting virtual health assessments, monitoring patients remotely and offering telephonic or video consultations to help bridge healthcare gaps and improve patient outcomes. Telehealth services allow for increased access to healthcare to patients who otherwise would not have available healthcare like people from rural or underserved areas. As healthcare continues to evolve and grow, we can expect the same from telehealth services over the next few years.

Nursing trends shape the Nursing progression and can significantly impact working environments and the roles and responsibilities of Nurses. As Nursing trends continue to evolve, one thing that will always remain true about the Nursing profession is it will remain a dynamic profession that must continue to grow and adapt to new medical research, technology, and healthcare challenges.

Topics: nursing, nursing career, nursing trends, nursing profession, healthcare trends, nursing practice, nursing field, trends in nursing

The Culture of Nursing

Posted by Sarah West APRN, FNP-BC

Wed, May 17, 2023 @ 12:32 PM

GettyImages-1403307063A positive workplace culture is essential for Nurses to provide excellent patient care. In addition, a positive workplace culture on Nursing units can positively impact job satisfaction, staff retention, and patient outcomes.

Unfortunately, in some Nursing units, bullying is tolerated, silently condoned, or completely ignored. This leads to a toxic culture and an unhealthy workplace. There is an age-old phenomenon among some Nurses called “Nurses eating their young.” This form of bullying has been viewed as a rite of passage for new Nurses, but in the end, it has resulted in devastating effects on unit morale. It can have a long-lasting impact on the self-confidence of new Nurses.

The good news is most Nursing units offer a culture of support and positivity. And thankfully, the culture of “eating your young” is slowly dissolving. Nurses see coworkers more often than family due to working long hours, overnights, or holidays, so having support and camaraderie with your colleagues is very important.

Here are some ways you can help support Nurses on your unit to increase morale and create a positive Nursing culture.

Make Friends with Your Co-Workers

Nursing can be stressful, and Nurses often experience intense situations at work. Bonding with coworkers and developing friendships can reduce stress and create a more positive work environment. After all, only Nurses can understand what other Nurses go through. Why not make friends with your Nursing colleagues so you have someone to share all the joys and struggles of the job?

Be a Role Model

The best way to encourage a positive work culture in your unit is to model positive, encouraging behavior. For example, always lend a hand to a fellow Nurse with a heavier patient load or praise a co-worker for a job well done – it’s a great way to spread positivity.

Small acts of kindness are also great ways to role model good behavior on your Nursing units. Acts of service can be as simple as answering a call bell for a fellow Nurse or offering to cover your coworker's patients so they can take their lunch break. When Nurses choose to be positive, show compassion, and respect for their fellow Nurses, we can experience a happier work environment and improve the culture of our units. 

Acknowledge Strengths

Recognizing positive behavior and a job well done is the best way to motivate your colleagues and spread positivity. Feeling valued at work encourages staff members to perform their best and go the extra mile. Empowering Nurses by appreciating everything they do goes a long way. Say thank you to your co-workers when they help you out or compliment them when a job is done well.

Have Fun!

Nurses often deal with life and death circumstances, so saying ‘have fun’ can seem a little insensitive. However, having fun at work is excellent for your mental health and can help reduce stress both on and off the job. Finding humor and laughing with co-workers can lighten the stress Nurses carry on their shoulders throughout the day. Other ideas to try on your unit could be to plan a day to match scrubs, a theme day to celebrate a holiday, or plan a potluck so everyone can enjoy a snack on their lunch break. 

Nurses are kind and compassionate with their patients. They should act the same way to their coworkers. You have the power to create an encouraging, positive culture. So go out there and spread positivity because happy Nurses provide the best care to their patients.

Topics: nursing program, nursing, nursing career, nursing staff, nursing experience, nursing profession, nursing practice

Nursing Gig Shifts: What You Need to Know

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Mon, May 01, 2023 @ 11:16 AM

GettyImages-1129008172Nurse gig shifts refer to temporary or short-term Nursing assignments that are often offered through staffing agencies or online apps. These shifts can range in length from a few hours to several weeks or months and are often taken by Nurses who are looking for flexible work arrangements or who want to supplement their income.

Gig shifts can be beneficial for both Nurses and healthcare facilities. Nurses who work gig shifts have the flexibility to choose when and where they work, and they can often earn a higher hourly rate than they would in a traditional full-time position. Healthcare facilities can use gig shifts to fill staffing gaps or to cover unexpected absences, ensuring that patient care is not compromised.

According to The Wall Street Journal, embracing gig apps is one way hospitals and health systems are looking to provide flexibility and fill vacancies. This includes Providence Health.

Providence added gig Nurses last year and has filled 13,000 shifts for Nurses and other medical roles, Mark Smith, who oversees workforce analysis, staffing and optimization for the organization, told The Wall Street Journal. He also told the publication the health system plans to expand gig work from 12 hospitals and Nursing homes to 19.

“We make sure the Nurses who work through the app are thoroughly vetted and have the licenses and certifications required to work on the Nursing unit they’re receiving training to work on, just like our own caregivers do,” Smith explained. “At Providence, we’ve found that Nurses taking assignments through the app fill six shifts per month.”

Since late last year, Chesterfield-based Mercy has been piloting a program where both Staff Nurses and “gig worker” Nurses can sign up for shifts through an app. Now the health system is expanding it across all of Mercy.

“Millennials, and those even younger, are starting to look at work in a different way,” said Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer Betty Jo Rocchio.

Among the apps hospitals are adopting are ShiftKey, which lets Nurses bid for shifts, and CareRev, which lets hospitals raise and lower their rates for different shifts. 

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to working gig shifts. These can include inconsistent work schedules, lack of benefits, and a lack of job security. Nurses who work gig shifts may also miss out on opportunities for professional development and career advancement that are more readily available in traditional full-time positions.

Overall, whether or not you should pursue gig shifts depends on your personal goals and priorities. It's important to carefully consider the pros and cons of gig work as well as research potential employers and platforms before accepting any assignments.

Topics: nursing shortage, modern nursing, nursing, nursing career, nursing staff, nursing trends, nursing jobs, nursing shifts, nursing opportunities, nursing shift, nursing field, gig shifts, shift app, Nursing gig shifts

Advice For New Nurses

Posted by Diversity Nursing

Thu, Apr 06, 2023 @ 10:23 AM

GettyImages-1400028194Congratulations on starting your Nursing career! Here are some pieces of advice that may help you as a new Nurse:

Never stop learning

Nursing is a constantly evolving field and there are always new things to learn. Attend continuing education classes, read Nursing journals, go to Nursing conferences, join Nursing associations, and stay up-to-date on the latest research.

Get to know your teammates 

Don't hesitate breaking the ice, introduce yourself, others are probably wondering who this new person is! Once you get to know everyone, try keeping a close group of people you can rely on and talk to when need be. Every one needs a helping hand or shoulder to lean on time and again. 

Sara Lentz DNP, MSN, RN, CNL at Heritage Dignity Health said, "Get to know everyone you work with, from the top to the bottom of the organizational structure. It doesn’t matter if someone is cooking, providing bedside care, or a chief — everybody is there for a common goal and a part of your work family.”

Don't be afraid to ask questions

As a new Nurse, it's okay to not know everything. Ask your colleagues and mentors for help when you need it.

Mary Erickson, RN, Clinical Care Leader at Sanford Health said, "Even after 34 years in the ICU, there is still plenty for me to learn and there will be for you, too. A Nurse who asks a lot of questions and continues to expand their knowledge and expertise will undoubtedly provide good, quality care to patients."

Be organized

Nursing can be a busy and demanding profession, so it's important to be organized. Develop a system for keeping track of your tasks, and prioritize your to-do list. Try taking notes or use a Nursing report sheet, so you can ensure you're always on top of your game.

Stay calm

One of the most important things a new Nurse can do is to remain calm under pressure. When difficult situations arise, it is a Nurse’s job to provide a sense of calm for their patients and their families.

Develop good communication skills

Effective communication is essential in Nursing. Learn how to communicate clearly and effectively with your colleagues, patients, and their families.

“Look at your patient so you notice their nonverbal communication. Find ways to assess fine motor skill where they don’t notice it. For example, when working home health have them reach for pen when signing paperwork. My assessment begins the minute I enter their room or when they open the door. Use ALL of your senses! Actively listen to patients and their family," says Nurse Kay.

Take care of yourself

Burnout in Nursing is common as it's a physically and emotionally demanding job. It's critical you take care of yourself. Get enough rest, eat a healthy diet, enjoy your social life, exercise regularly, and find ways to manage stress.

Be compassionate

Don’t ever forget, you're in the profession of caring. It's important to be compassionate toward your patients and their families. Treat each patient as an individual, with their own unique needs, fears, and preferences.

Build a support network

This career can be challenging, so it's important to have a support system of colleagues, friends, and family members who understand what you're going through.

“Being a Nurse will change your life. It changes your outlook on a lot of things--makes you more passionate about some, thankful for some and just down-right mad about others,” Nina Vella, RN, at St. Edward Mercy Medical Center said, adding that the best part of being a Nurse is “getting to genuinely make a difference in someone’s life. When a patient tells you ‘thank you for saving my life,’ you can’t help but to be proud. When you get to watch a patient that you didn’t know would live or not walk out of a hospital and know that you are a part of the reason they can live again, you can’t explain the feeling!”

Nursing is a rewarding profession that allows you to make a real difference in people's lives. With compassion, great communication skills, an inquisitive and confident nature, a good support network, and a commitment to stay healthy both mentally and physically, you will become an excellent Nurse and make a positive impact on the world.

Topics: new nurses, new nurse, nursing, nursing career, nursing experience, nurse advice, nursing opportunities

5 Helpful Tips for Dealing with Difficult Patients

Posted by Sarah West APRN, FNP-BC

Thu, Mar 23, 2023 @ 11:28 AM

GettyImages-1323553506Patients become difficult for many different reasons. They sometimes become challenging due to diseases that affect their reasoning, like dementia or Alzheimer’s. Other times, patients can become verbally or physically abusive due to high-stress situations or unmet wants or needs. Regardless of why some patients become difficult, Nurses can help handle and diffuse difficult patient interactions with these 5 helpful tips.

Stay Calm

It may be challenging to stay calm when dealing with a problematic or irrational patient, but controlling your emotions is one of the most important things you can do during a confrontation. Reacting to a patient with anger can only escalate the situation and make it worse.  

When dealing with a difficult patient, remember in most cases, they are only being difficult to get their needs met and not to cause trouble. However, other times, patients may be misdirecting their feelings of fear or uncertainty onto you, and it is our job to help them navigate their feelings and de-escalate the situation. Some Nurses have found practicing meditation and yoga helps to develop healthy coping methods and strategies to navigate stressful patient interactions.  

Control Your Body Language

It is only natural to become defensive during a controversial situation. Your body language can often speak louder than spoken words. When interacting with difficult patients, it is important to evaluate your nonverbal communication and ensure it is portraying the right message. You should also avoid standing with your arms crossed, as it can be interpreted as rude or standoffish. Learn to control your facial expressions, gestures, and posture during difficult interactions to help diffuse the situation.  


When a patient becomes loud or argumentative, it’s natural to respond with anger and defensiveness. In these times, it is essential to remember that the patient is coming from a place of needing to be heard. Whether their request is reasonable or not, we as Nurses must listen to their concerns or complaints.

If you set aside your own feelings about the situation and listen to what the patient is saying, you may be able to get more insight into the situation and come up with a better solution to the conflict. Many times, you may not need to come up with a solution for the patient. They just need someone to listen to them and feel heard. We have to remember, patients are usually in a vulnerable state when being cared for and can be scared, frustrated, or hurt. Listening is one of the easiest ways we can connect with our patients and help them to heal both physically and mentally.  

Have Empathy

Empathy is one of the most important traits of a Nurse. When dealing with difficult patients, it is important to remember they are going through a tough time, and they may be displacing their anger onto you as their Nurse. Make sure you always try to put yourself in your patient’s shoes to better understand where they’re coming from. Patients are only human. They want to be heard and understood. If we connect with them through empathy, it will help to diffuse many uncomfortable situations.  

Set Boundaries

As Nurses, it is our job to provide for the wants and needs of our patients, but it is important to do so within your set boundaries. Sometimes, patients demand things that are unreasonable. Make sure they understand the limitations of your role. As a Nurse, it is important to find the balance between meeting your patient's needs and also standing your ground and not letting a patient push you around. Some patients may try to take advantage of your kindness so it is important to set boundaries and stick to them.

Unfortunately, every Nurse has had the unfortunate experience of dealing with a difficult patient. Next time you find yourself in a challenging situation with a patient, keep these helpful tips in mind so you can get back to providing your patients with exceptional Nursing care. 

Topics: nursing, nursing career, nursing experience, difficult patients, Nursing tips, nursing field

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