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DiversityNursing Blog

The Crucial Importance of Diversity in the Nursing Field

Posted by Diversity Nursing

Tue, Jul 16, 2024 @ 11:27 AM

In the constantly changing landscape of healthcare, Nurses play a vital role as the cornerstone of healthcare systems. They offer essential care, support, and education to patients. It is crucial for the field of Nursing to embrace Diversity, as it not only promotes social justice but also significantly improves quality of care, fosters innovation, and mirrors the diverse communities Nurses serve.

Reflecting the Communities We Serve

One of the primary reasons Diversity is so important in Nursing is it allows the healthcare workforce to better reflect the communities they serve. Patients are more likely to feel comfortable and understood when they see healthcare providers who share their cultural, linguistic, or racial background. This comfort can lead to more effective communication, greater trust, and, ultimately, better health outcomes. When Nurses understand the cultural nuances and unique needs of different patient populations, they can provide more personalized and effective care.

Improving Patient Outcomes

Research has shown, Diversity among healthcare providers can lead to improved patient outcomes. Diverse Nursing teams bring a variety of perspectives and problem-solving skills, which can enhance clinical decision-making and lead to more comprehensive patient care. For instance, Nurses from diverse backgrounds may be more aware of specific health risks and conditions prevalent in certain communities, allowing for earlier detection and intervention. Additionally, patients are more likely to adhere to medical advice and treatment plans when they feel understood and respected by their healthcare providers.

Enhancing Cultural Competence

Cultural competence is essential for providers to deliver services effectively, meeting the social, cultural, and linguistic needs of patients. A diverse Nursing workforce is well-prepared to achieve cultural competence, drawing from a wide range of cultural perspectives and experiences. This competency is vital in reducing health disparities and ensuring equitable care for all patients. It encompasses not only language proficiency but also an understanding of cultural practices, beliefs, and values that influence health and healthcare behaviors.

Fostering Innovation and Creativity

Diversity brings a wealth of ideas and perspectives that can drive innovation and creativity in the practice. When Nurses from different backgrounds come together, they can challenge the status quo and develop new approaches to patient care, healthcare delivery, and Nursing education. This Diversity of thought is particularly important in addressing complex healthcare challenges, such as the social determinants of health, chronic disease management, and the integration of technology in patient care.

Addressing the Nursing Shortage

The Nursing profession is facing a significant shortage, with an aging population and an increasing demand for healthcare services. By promoting Diversity in Nursing, the field can tap into a broader pool of talent and attract individuals from underrepresented groups. This not only helps to fill the gap but also ensures a more robust and resilient healthcare workforce. Encouraging Diversity in Nursing education and recruitment can help create a pipeline of skilled Nurses ready to meet the demands of the future.

Building a More Inclusive Healthcare Environment

A diverse Nursing workforce contributes to a more inclusive and respectful healthcare environment. It sets a standard for inclusion and equity, encouraging other healthcare professionals to value and respect differences. This inclusive culture can improve job satisfaction and retention among Nurses, as they feel valued and supported in their workplace. It can also lead to better teamwork and collaboration, essential components of high-quality patient care.

Diversity in the Nursing field is not just an ideal; it is a necessity for delivering high-quality, equitable healthcare. It enhances patient outcomes, fosters cultural competence, drives innovation, and addresses workforce shortages. By embracing Diversity, the Nursing profession can better serve the needs of all patients, create a more inclusive healthcare environment, and build a stronger, more effective healthcare system. As we move forward, it is imperative Nursing leaders, educators, and policymakers continue to prioritize and promote Diversity in all aspects of the profession.

Topics: diversity in nursing, Diversity and Inclusion, diversity in healthcare, diversity recruitment, workplace diversity, diversity nursing, diversity inclusion and belonging, diversity and inclusion in the workplace, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Diversity in Health Care, diversity equity inclusion, healthcare diversity

Frontier Nursing University Announces Plans for 
14th Annual Diversity Impact Conference

Posted by Frontier Nursing University

Thu, Jun 13, 2024 @ 10:27 AM

On July 18-19, 2024, Frontier Nursing University (FNU) will hold its 14th annual Diversity Impact Conference. The Diversity Impact Conference brings together renowned thought leaders and speakers to increase awareness of the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the healthcare workforce, particularly for those working in underserved and rural communities. The conference is a virtual event conducted via Zoom. This year’s conference theme is “Representation Matters: Breaking Down Contributing Factors of Health Inequities.”

“As we continue to finalize the plans for the 2024 Diversity Impact Conference, we are thrilled to announce our two keynote speakers for this year’s event,” said FNU Dean of Inclusive Excellence and Student Success Dr. Paula Alexander-Delpech, Ph.D., PMHNP-BC, APRN. “Dr. Lucinda Canty and Dr. Lisa Meeks are recognized experts on healthcare disparities and their underlying causes. This promises to be an incredibly informative and inspiring conference, and we are proud to be able to make it available to an increasingly broader audience.”

Dr. Lucinda Canty, Ph.D., CNM, FACNM, is an Associate Professor of Nursing, and Director of the Seedworks Health Equity in Nursing Program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She earned a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Columbia University, a master’s degree from Yale University, specializing in nurse-midwifery, and a PhD from the University of Connecticut. Dr. Canty has provided reproductive health care for over 29 years. Her research interests include the prevention of maternal mortality and severe maternal morbidity, reducing racial and ethnic health disparities in reproductive health, promoting diversity in nursing, and eliminating racism in nursing and midwifery.

Dr. Lisa Meeks, Ph.D, MA, is a distinguished scholar and leader whose unwavering commitment to inclusivity and excellence has significantly influenced the landscape of health professions education and accessibility. She is the founder and executive director of the DocsWithDisabilities Initiative and holds appointments as an Associate Professor in the Departments of Learning Health Sciences and Family Medicine at the University of Michigan. In addition to developing impactful programs, Dr. Meeks plays a pivotal role in advancing equity through her collaborations with health professions associations.

The full conference schedule and speaker biographies can be found at

Students attending any institution can register for the conference for free. All others can register with an early bird discount by May 31 or at the regular registration price starting June 1 until the day before the event. For more information about the 2024 Diversity Impact Conference and to register, please visit

“We are delighted to offer this conference at no cost to students,” said FNU Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tanya Belcheff, DNP, CNM. “We firmly believe that all students deserve the chance to participate and gain insights from impactful conferences like this one. We view investing in students as an investment in the future. This initiative supports the upcoming generation of leaders and visionaries who will ensure that healthcare is accessible to everyone.”

Topics: nursing schools, nursing school, Frontier Nursing University, Diversity and Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Diversity in Health Care, nursing university, Diversity Impact conference

Celebrating Diversity Month

Posted by Ryanna Brown

Wed, Apr 10, 2024 @ 11:26 AM

April is Diversity Month and serves as a vital opportunity to amplify awareness surrounding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, offering a space for meaningful conversations and mutual understanding among Diverse groups.

Promoting Unity and Belonging can also help boost recruitment and retention. In fact, a Glassdoor survey found that 76% of employees and job seekers report that a Diverse workforce is an important factor when evaluating job offers. 

Here are some suggestions on how to celebrate Diversity Month:

Cultural Exchange Discussions 

Host cultural exchange events that allow individuals from diverse backgrounds to come together and share the richness of their cultures through engaging conversations and storytelling. Facilitate discussions centered around Diversity and Inclusion in various settings such as your workplace, school, or community, fostering open dialogue and the sharing of personal experiences.

Educate Yourself

Immerse yourself in the beauty of diverse cultures by delving into various traditions, languages, religions, and customs. Expand your knowledge through reading, language learning, documentary viewing, or attending cultural gatherings to truly embrace the essence of Diversity.

Explore Arts and Media

Experience the magic of cultural performances, art exhibits, or film screenings that highlight the creativity and impact of a diverse array of artists and filmmakers.

Indulge in Food

Organize potluck gatherings where individuals can showcase dishes from their diverse cultural backgrounds, encouraging a shared experience of trying new cuisines and exploring different flavors together. You can also venture out to restaurants to sample and enjoy a variety of international foods.

Support Businesses 

Supporting businesses owned by individuals from diverse backgrounds is crucial for promoting economic equality and fostering an inclusive society. Show support for businesses by shopping at their stores, eating at their restaurants, or using their services.


By actively volunteering or donating to cultural nonprofits, organizations can preserve and honor diverse cultural heritages, ensuring they are cherished and valued for generations to come.

Promote Inclusivity

Advocate Inclusivity in your workplace, school, or community by backing policies and initiatives that promote Diversity and Equality.

Create a Diversity Calendar

Develop a Diversity calendar highlighting important cultural events, holidays, and observances throughout the year. Use it to plan activities and celebrations. Download our 2024 Cultural Dates Calendar, here! 

Remember, celebrating Diversity is not just a one-time event but a continuous effort to promote Inclusivity, understanding, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their background.

Topics: diversity, Diversity and Inclusion, cultural diversity, workplace diversity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, diversity equity inclusion

DEI Efforts: A Positive Force in the Workplace

Posted by Diversity Nursing

Tue, Mar 12, 2024 @ 10:30 AM

Rather than dismissing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) as a passing trend, we should recognize it as a natural progression. In moving forward, we need to elevate our strategies to a more deliberate, purposeful, and impactful approach.

According to the Pew Research Center, a significant number of employees have expressed that DEI initiatives have had a beneficial impact on the workplace. It comes as no surprise that among those highlighting the value of DEI efforts, many belong to marginalized groups who often face challenges in a work environment that overlooks the importance of their diverse experiences in terms of quantity and quality.

The Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)—in partnership with HR Executive, analyzed data from over 850 respondents in organizations of all sizes, and arrived at a surprising finding, most companies aren’t slowing down their DEI initiatives, despite backlash. 

Research highlights the multitude of benefits diversity brings to organizations, including heightened profitability, enhanced creativity, strengthened governance, and improved problem-solving capabilities. Employees from diverse backgrounds contribute their unique perspectives, ideas, and experiences, ultimately fostering resilient and high-performing organizations that surpass those lacking in diversity investments.

Below we explore different ways of improving DEI efforts in the work place.

Integrate and Align Efforts

Dr. Luthra shares with Forbes that it’s hard to effectively address DEI needs in isolated pockets. It’s interconnected and needs a holistic lens. Emphasizing targets and quotas just pits people against one another. “When DEI is done right, it levels the playing field and there’s room for everyone. But we can’t skip the hard work of dismantling systems that weren’t built for everyone.”

Go Beyond Diverse Hiring

It's important to foster a culture of inclusion and belonging throughout the entire organization. This means creating spaces where all employees feel valued, respected, and empowered to bring their authentic selves to work. Implementing mentorship programs, unconscious bias training, and regular DEI education can help to cultivate a more inclusive workplace where everyone has equal opportunities to thrive.

It's essential to address systemic barriers and biases that may exist within company policies and practices to truly create a level playing field for all individuals. By going beyond just meeting hiring quotas and actively promoting a culture of diversity and inclusion, organizations can truly harness the benefits that a diverse workforce brings.

Embedding DEI Throughout The Organization

This requires a comprehensive and sustained effort that goes beyond just surface-level initiatives. It involves weaving DEI principles into the fabric of the organization, from top leadership to every employee at all levels. This means creating a culture where DEI is not just a box to check off, but a fundamental value that guides decision-making, policies, and practices.

To truly embed DEI, organizations must provide ongoing training and education for all employees to increase awareness and understanding of different perspectives and experiences. Leaders should lead by example, actively promoting and advocating for DEI in all aspects of the business. Regularly assessing and evaluating DEI efforts through metrics and feedback mechanisms can help ensure that progress is being made and that any areas needing improvement are identified and addressed promptly.

Utilize Metrics 

By collecting and analyzing data on key performance indicators related to DEI initiatives, such as employee satisfaction, retention rates, promotion rates among underrepresented groups, and diversity in leadership positions, you can effectively measure the success and effectiveness of your efforts. These metrics provide concrete evidence of the positive impact of DEI on the workplace culture, employee engagement, and overall organizational performance. Additionally, sharing these metrics with stakeholders and leadership can help reinforce the importance of DEI and drive continued support and investment in these initiatives. By regularly tracking and reporting on these metrics, you can showcase the tangible benefits of prioritizing diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

According to a Gallup Report, employees that feel connected to the culture are 3.7 times more likely to be engaged at work, 68% less likely to feel burned out and 55% less likely to be looking for work somewhere else. It appears, getting DEI right has benefits for everyone, including the business itself.

DEI is here to stay. Organizations will continue to uncover and address their obstacles to fostering inclusion and workplace equity.

Topics: Diversity and Inclusion, diverse workforce, diverse workplace culture, diversity nursing, diversity and inclusion in the workplace, DEI, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Diversity in Health Care, diversity equity inclusion

Health Systems Look Locally To Recruit Nurses

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Mon, Jan 15, 2024 @ 11:03 AM

Hospitals across the country are implementing a range of innovative strategies to attract and recruit talented Nurses from their local communities. Here, are some effective methods to consider:

UC Davis Health, renowned for being named a top employer in California by Forbes, has devised an inclusive outreach and local recruitment plan to promote workforce diversity throughout the healthcare industry. This innovative approach is now receiving global attention through a new case study published in New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst's January 2024 issue.

"Diversity, equity and inclusion are core tenets of our recruitment strategies," said Lyndon Huling, interim lead for Talent Acquisition Unit and co-author of the case study. "We implement those values in our approach to outreach. We know that a diverse and local workforce cultivates innovation, improves patient outcomes and makes UC Davis Health an employer of choice."

"We wanted to use our presence in the community to increase local hiring," said Victoria Ngo, co-first author of the case study and postdoctoral researcher at UC Davis Health. "Targeting outreach to local Sacramento neighborhoods of concern is just one way the anchor institution mission is focusing its efforts in reducing disparities in the long term."

A 2019 Community Health Needs Assessment identified 10 ZIP codes within a 20-minute commute of UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento with the greatest socioeconomic and health needs. In response, UC Davis Health pledged to hire and invest in the communities within these ZIP codes.

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Establish Educational Relationships with Local Universities

To establish strong connections with Nursing students, consider offering Nursing internships that provide valuable practical experience and college credit. By forging educational partnerships with local universities, you can provide top-tier students with the opportunity to intern at your organization, offering them a real-life glimpse into the rewarding world of your health system. These internships allow employers to thoroughly evaluate potential candidates, enabling them to select the best fit and streamline the hiring process.

Networking and Community Engagement

Get involved in local healthcare and community events to connect with potential candidates and expand your network. Take part in community outreach programs to spread awareness about the exciting Nursing opportunities available at your hospital.

Employee Referral Programs (ERPs)

Implementing a rewarding employee referral program motivates your current staff to recommend talented candidates. Show your appreciation by offering enticing incentives for successful referrals. A creative ERP not only boosts employee engagement and satisfaction, but also helps you retain employees and attract top-notch individuals to join your team.

Utilize Social Media

Harness the power of social media platforms to broadcast job opportunities in your area and captivate potential candidates. Showcase the hospital's vibrant work environment and let employee testimonials shine a spotlight on the positive culture.

Recruitment Events and Open Houses

Organize exclusive recruitment events and Open Houses that provide a firsthand experience of the exceptional facilities and vibrant culture that exist at your place of employment. These events will create opportunities for prospective Nurses to interact with your dedicated staff, gaining valuable insights into the numerous career opportunities available.

Topics: hiring, hiring nurses, nurse recruitment, hiring diverse candidates, hiring diverse workforce, DEI, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, healthcare hiring, nurse hiring, hospitals hiring

Health Systems Investing in DEI: A Closer Look

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Thu, Aug 10, 2023 @ 01:10 PM

Healthcare organizations and hospitals are making significant investments in initiatives focused on promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in order to cultivate a dynamic and talented workforce for the future.

Johnson & Johnson has put its support behind two pilot programs aimed at setting Nurses up for success on campus and in healthcare settings.

The first program is a year-long leadership initiative developed by the National League for Nursing (NLN), an organization whose mission is to promote an inclusive nursing workforce and support nursing education. The NLN leadership program is designed to help students of color with a smooth transition from their last year of school to their first clinical job.

The second initiative is led by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), which represents more than 865 nursing schools nationwide. The AACN has developed a detailed online survey for student nurses to measure their sense of belonging in classrooms. The goal is to use the survey results to foster a more inclusive and encouraging culture on campuses.

Mass General Brigham and UMass Boston’s Manning College of Nursing and Health Sciences announced an expanded collaboration to enhance the college’s Clinical Leadership Collaborative for Diversity in Nursing program.

With a $20 million investment — $10 million from Mass General Brigham and $10 million from UMass Boston — the goal is to recruit and retain Nursing students from underrepresented communities as they start their clinical rotations. 

“Nurses are fundamental to the delivery of high-quality, compassionate healthcare to our patients,” said Dr. Anne Klibanski, president and CEO of Mass General Brigham. “There is an immense need to increase the pipeline of trained Nurses, with a concerted focus on increasing diversity among our trainees. This initiative is a powerful example of how collaboration can drive change to overcome monumental challenges in a meaningful way.” 

The Cleveland Clinic, MetroHealth and University Hospitals officially signed the Impact Workforce Commitment with the overall goal to find new opportunities, maximize the hiring process and train and retain the area's diverse talent.

"Through this partnership with the Healthcare Anchor Network, we literally have committed to walk the talk," said Alan Nevel, Senior Vice President Chief Equity and Community Impact Officer for Metro Health System.

The health system is creating learn-and-earn programs to amplify and support diversity, as well as hosting community health and job fairs year-round.

The United Health Foundation, the philanthropic arm of UnitedHealth Group, will invest $100 million over the next decade to drive a more diverse healthcare workforce.

Patricia L. Lewis, the company's Chief Sustainability Officer, said "We don't have enough people entering the workforce. Given all of what we've been through in the last few years, you can see just how taxing that will be on the healthcare system."

Investing in a diverse workforce has numerous benefits and advantages such as:

Better patient care and outcomes: Diverse healthcare teams can provide more comprehensive and culturally competent care to patients from various backgrounds. When healthcare professionals understand the unique needs and perspectives of their patient populations, they can deliver more effective and personalized treatments, leading to better health outcomes.

“When you’re a Nurse with a diverse background, you are likely to bring a differentiated perspective to patient care," explains Lynda Benton, Senior Director of Global Community Impact Strategic Initiatives of Johnson & Johnson Nursing. "You may have broader and deeper insights into patient beliefs, attitudes, ethnicities and perceptions. When patients see Nurses and other members of the medical team who look like them, it can remove barriers, open up conversations and ultimately improve access to quality care."

Enhanced patient satisfaction: Patients feel more comfortable and valued when they see diversity represented in their healthcare providers. Feeling understood and respected by their healthcare team contributes to higher patient satisfaction and better patient-provider communication.

Reducing health disparities: In many healthcare systems, certain minority groups experience disparities in access to care, treatment options, and health outcomes. By promoting diversity and inclusion, hospitals aim to address these disparities and provide equitable care to all patients.

Attracting and retaining talent: High turnover rates are prevalent in this industry, attributed not only to the demanding workload but also the treatment professionals experience. 

A Rutgers School of Nursing study found 63% of Nurses have experienced racism on the job. More than three-fourths of Black Nurses said racism negatively impacts their professional well-being. 

People are more likely to join and stay in an inclusive organization where they feel accepted, supported, valued, and have equal opportunities for growth and advancement.

Fostering innovation and creativity: A diverse workforce brings together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, creating a mix of ideas and insights. This diversity of thought can foster a culture of innovation and creativity within healthcare settings, leading to more effective problem-solving and decision-making.

When healthcare professionals from diverse backgrounds collaborate, they bring forth a wide range of perspectives and approaches to address complex healthcare challenges. They can draw upon their unique experiences and knowledge to develop innovative strategies and solutions that may not have been considered otherwise.

Reputation and community trust: Healthcare organizations that prioritize diversity and inclusion can build a positive reputation in their communities. Patients and community members are more likely to trust and support organizations that demonstrate a commitment to inclusivity.

Cultural competence and language access: A diverse workforce can help bridge language and cultural barriers between patients and providers. This can improve communication and ensure that patients receive the information and care they need, regardless of their language or cultural background.

Economic benefits: Diverse and inclusive healthcare organizations have been associated with improved financial performance. Studies have shown that companies and institutions with diverse leadership teams tend to outperform their peers financially.

From a health care perspective, lack of equity translates to higher costs. “When we exclude particular populations, decrease access, increase barriers, or provide subpar care, then at the end of the day, those people are going to utilize health care dollars at a much higher rate,” says Mary Fleming, MD, President of the nonprofit Reede Scholars, Inc. and Program Director of the Leadership Development to Advance Equity in Health Care program at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Employee morale and productivity: Inclusive environments not only foster higher employee morale and satisfaction but also have a direct impact on the overall productivity and success of an organization. 

When employees feel supported and included, they are more likely to develop a sense of loyalty towards the organization. They become advocates for the company's mission and values, which can positively impact employee retention and reduce turnover rates.

Additionally, inclusive environments promote effective communication and collaboration among team members. When employees feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and opinions, it leads to open and honest discussions. This fosters a culture of trust and transparency, enabling teams to work together more efficiently and effectively towards shared objectives.

Furthermore, inclusivity promotes diversity in leadership roles. Employees see individuals from diverse backgrounds in positions of authority, and become inspired and motivated to reach their full potential. This representation not only boosts employee morale but also helps to break down barriers and biases, leading to a more inclusive and equitable workplace for everyone.

Compliance and legal requirements: Many countries have laws and regulations that promote diversity and equal opportunity in the workplace. Hospitals and health systems invest in D&I to comply with these legal requirements and create a safe and inclusive environment for their employees.

Overall, investing in DEI is not just a social responsibility but also a strategic decision that can lead to improved patient care, better employee satisfaction, and enhanced organizational performance for health systems and hospitals.

Topics: diversity in nursing, Diversity and Inclusion, diversity in healthcare, diverse workforce, diversity recruitment, diversity and inclusion in the workplace, DEI, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Diversity in Health Care, diversity equity inclusion, healthcare diversity

FNU Makes 2023 Diversity Impact Conference Available to External Attendees

Posted by Frontier Nursing University

Tue, May 16, 2023 @ 10:25 AM

Frontier-Nursing-1Versailles, Ky. – On June 8-9, 2023, Frontier Nursing University (FNU) will hold its annual Diversity Impact Conference. The Diversity Impact Conference brings together renowned thought leaders and speakers to increase awareness of the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the healthcare workforce, particularly for those working in underserved and rural communities. This year, for the first time, the conference will be available for attendees outside of FNU.

“We are extremely excited about the 2023 Diversity Impact Conference,” said FNU Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer Dr. Paula Alexander-Delpech, Ph.D., PMHNP-BC, APRN. “The Conference gets better each and every year, and we are putting the finishing touches on the plan for this year’s sessions. We are most excited, however, about being able to include more attendees this year. As we grow this important event, we want to invite leaders and students from some of our area universities to join us. This event is all about collaboration, learning, and growing. I’m confident that it will benefit any university, department, or individual.”

The 2023 Diversity Impact Conference will be conducted via Zoom. The theme of this year’s conference is “Better Together: Advancing a Culture of Identity and Belonging in Healthcare.” The two-day event will feature keynote presentations on both days from nationally recognized leaders in diversity, equity, and inclusion. Additional sessions will include panel discussions, breakout sessions, and time for reflection.

The opening keynote address will be given by Dr. Tia Brown McNair, Vice President of the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Student Success and Executive Director for the Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation (TRHT) Campus Centers at the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) in Washington, D.C. On the second day of the conference, the keynote speaker will be Rebekka Eshler, National President of the Transgender American Veterans Association in Washington, D.C.  All speaker bios and the full conference schedule can be found at

The learning outcomes attendees can expect to take away from the Diversity Impact Conference include:

  • Identify specific strategies to create a culture of belonging amongst peers and the larger community
  • Discuss the causes behind healthcare disparities and their effect on creating a culture of belonging
  • Reflect on ways to effectively engage in spaces to promote diversity in identity
  • Practice ways to build collaborative communities

Students attending any institution can register for the conference for free. All others can register at the registration price of $99 until the day before the event. For more information about the 2023 Diversity Impact Conference and to register, please visit


About Frontier Nursing University:

The mission of Frontier Nursing University is to provide accessible nurse-midwifery and nurse practitioner education that integrates the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We transform healthcare by preparing innovative, ethical, compassionate, and entrepreneurial leaders to work with all people with an emphasis on rural and underserved communities. FNU offers graduate Nurse-Midwifery and Nurse-Practitioner distance education programs that can be pursued full- or part-time with the student’s home community serving as the classroom. Degrees and options offered include Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), or Post-Graduate Certificates. In 2021 and 2022, Frontier was named a “Great College to Work For” by the Great Colleges to Work For® program. To learn more about FNU and the programs and degrees offered, please visit




Topics: nursing schools, School of Nursing, student nurse, nursing student, nursing students, nursing school, Frontier Nursing University, diversity, inclusion, health equity, Diversity and Inclusion, student nurses, DEI, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, diversity equity inclusion, Diversity Impact conference, conference

Diversity Recruitment Strategies For Nursing

Posted by Diversity Nursing

Mon, Mar 06, 2023 @ 02:07 PM

GettyImages-1372866989Hiring Nurses who reflect Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is an important step towards creating a healthcare system that is accessible and welcoming to all patients, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic.

Here are some strategies that healthcare organizations can use to improve DEI in their Nursing workforce:

Develop A Diverse Recruitment Plan

Health Systems should develop recruitment strategies that target a Diverse pool of candidates. This may involve partnering with community organizations, attending job fairs and career events that attract a Diverse group of people, and actively recruiting from underrepresented communities.

Get Involved In Your Community

If you aren’t already involved in your community, it’s time to get started. Sponsor community information sessions such as signs to look for regarding specific illnesses including diabetes, weight control, high blood pressure, etc. See if there’s a local chapter of the NBNA (National Black Nurses Association), NAHN (National Association of Hispanic Nurses), AMN (American Men in Nursing) and become a member. Sponsor a local chapter recruiting event or attend their national conferences. Reach out to the schools in your area to get high school and college kids aware of the career opportunities available in healthcare. Your community is full of potential patients and employees so get your Diversity, Equity and Inclusion message out there in your community.

Consistent Communication

It is important that both your internal and external communications consistently promote your inclusive environment. Be honest and welcoming. Don’t be shy. It’s that simple!

Use Inclusive Language In Job Postings

Those responsible for hiring should use inclusive language in their job postings to attract a more Diverse pool of candidates. This includes using gender-neutral language, avoiding language that may be exclusive or discriminatory, and highlighting the organization's commitment to DEI.

Provide Cultural Competence Training

Healthcare organizations should provide cultural competence training to all employees, including management. These trainings can help staff understand the unique needs and perspectives of patients from all different backgrounds, and provide them with the skills and knowledge they need to provide culturally responsive care.

Foster An Inclusive Workplace Culture

It is important to foster an inclusive workplace culture where all employees feel valued and appreciated. This may involve implementing policies and practices that promote Equity and Inclusion, providing opportunities for professional development and advancement, and creating a safe and supportive work environment.

Measure And Track DEI Progress

Management should be measuring and tracking their progress towards Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion goals. This may involve collecting and analyzing data on the Diversity of the Nursing workforce, as well as conducting regular employee surveys to gauge their experiences and perceptions of the workplace culture.

Topics: recruitment, recruiting, Diversity and Inclusion, healthcare organizations, nurse recruitment, nursing workforce, DEI, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, healthcare recruitment

Meet The RN Advocating For Disabled Candidates

Posted by Diversity Nursing

Thu, Feb 23, 2023 @ 02:17 PM

Applying for a new job can be overwhelming and stressful. For candidates with disabilities, the hiring process can be a disheartening experience.  

According to the CDC, one in four adults in the U.S. has a disability; the unemployment rate for that community is double that of non-disabled workers.

Andrea Dalzell can relate to those who face unjust barriers when searching for employment. She is a disability advocate and New York State's first wheelchair-bound Registered Nurse. 

Dalzell fights for those like her, qualified candidates who face discrimination and obstacles when applying for jobs.

Andreawas diagnosed with transverse myelitis when she was 5 years old and using a wheelchair full-time by the age of 12.

Her experiences with Nurses inspired her to become one. She received her Nursing degree from the City University of New York, College of Staten Island.

Even with her Nursing degree it was difficult to find work.

"I once went through 76 clinical Nursing interviews. I was rejected from them all until COVID demanded my help during the peak in NYC. The rejection from ever having a bedside Nursing position was flipped on its head as my wheelchair was seen for what it is: a mobility device", said Dalzell in an American Nurses Association interview. 

Dalzell uses past negative experiences and turns them into a positive, as she can relate to patients who struggle with disabilities, and give them hope. She encourages them to persevere in the face of adversity. 

However, she finds it frustrating that in the field of caring, many still face discrimination.

According to Employee Benefit News, Dalzell said, "We're forgetting that [enabling] technology has advanced so much, and should allow our healing touch and compassion to come into the profession and give hope in a way that is normally not seen. And yet when [people with disabilities] are saying they want to be Nurses or be on a healthcare team, we're saying well, you have a disability — you're not good enough."

Employers need to do more than just talk about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), they need to actually be about it. 

"You cannot tell people you are an equal opportunity employer, tell them to come on in through the door," Andrea says, "but then be unprepared and your doors are not even big enough to accept someone."

"Disability is the fastest- and largest-growing minority in the world. Without disability inclusion, you could very well be limiting opportunities for your future selves," says Dalzell

Andrea is a Pioneer and an inspiration to many. In recognition of her achievements, she's earned many spotlights, such as New Mobility’s Person of the Year (2021). She was also one of the inaugural recipients of the Craig H. Neilsen Foundation Visionary Prize of $1 million.

Dalzell is still figuring out how she will use the money, but has already started a 501c3 nonprofit foundation called The Seated Position to create awareness around those with disabilities in education and the workforce.

According to New Mobility, Andrea attributes her tenacity to her parents, first-generation immigrants from Guyana, who encouraged hard work and perseverance. “I told Andrea, don’t let anyone ever tell you there is something you can’t do,” says her mother, Sharon Dalzell. “Just look at them straight in the face and say, ‘Watch me.’ As long as you do it in the right way, you’ll reap the benefits in the years to come.”

Andrea knows it’s important for people to see someone like her — a black, disabled woman — out in the world, making a life for herself and changing the lives of others. 

You can follow Dalzell on Instagram @theseatedNurse where she posts her everyday life along with great motivational content. Also check out her website to learn more! 

Topics: disability, disabled, Diversity and Inclusion, nurses with disabilities, diversity and inclusion in the workplace, DEI, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, disability advocate, disabled candidates, Andrea Dalzell

Ageism in Healthcare

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Mon, Mar 29, 2021 @ 11:13 AM

ageismAge discrimination involves treating an applicant or employee less favorably because of his or her age, defined by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) forbids age discrimination against people who are age 40 or older.

Ageism in the Workplace

According to a 2018 AARP survey, about 3 in 5 older workers have seen or experienced age discrimination in the workplace. Also 76% of these older workers see age discrimination as a hurdle to finding a new job.

A diverse workplace is fundamental in providing the best patient care possible. But age is usually left out of an organization's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) strategy.

Patients feel more comfortable talking with a Nurse who understands and can relate to them and their issues. Nurses who understand what ageing patients are going through can provide better care. 

Some Nurses over the age of 40 experience ageism from employers, fellow staff members, and even patients. Examples of this type of ageism include:

Physical Strength - There is a perception older Nurses aren't physically strong enough to handle certain responsibilities such as restraining a combative patient or assisting someone into a bed or wheelchair.

Technology - Another misconception is older Nurses can't keep up with the changing technologies and medications.

Pay - An article by Arkansas State University discusses salary-based ageism in Nursing saying, "As Nurses accumulate experience, they also accumulate pay increases. As a result, employers sometimes discriminate against more experienced Nurses by hiring or promoting younger, less experienced, and therefore, less expensive Nurses."

This type of stereotyping and discrimination often leads to poor morale, job dissatisfaction, burnout and early retirement.

How You Can Reduce Ageism at Work

To combat ageism in healthcare organizations, there should be DEI policies that include a focus on age.

According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) the EEOC recommends organizations follow these strategies:

  • Assess your organization's culture, practices or policies that may reveal outdated assumptions about older workers. The Center on Aging & Work at Boston College and AARP partnered to develop an assessment tool.
  • Examine your recruitment practices. Does your website include photos of an age-diverse workforce? Do your job applications ask for age-related information such as date of birth or when a person graduated? Is your interview panel age-diverse? Train recruiters and interviewers to avoid ageist assumptions.
  • Include age as part of your diversity and inclusion programs and efforts. Offer learning and development, including anti-bias training and courses.
  • Foster a multi-generational culture that recognizes ability regardless of age and rejects age stereotypes, just as it would reject stereotypes involving race, disability, national origin, religion or sex.

Ageism in Your Patient Population

Ageist stereotypes and discrimination are also barriers to health equality for this patient population.

An article from Lippincott Nursing Center states, Older adults represent 13% of the total population in the United States, but account for over 40% of U.S. hospitalizations.

Ageism can negatively affect the care older adults receive. It's often healthcare providers attribute signs and symptoms of illness to normal aging, missing important indicators that need to be addressed.

A lot of ageist behaviors may not be intentional and will take conscious efforts to identify and change. For example, talking slowly and loudly, or assuming someone can’t comprehend what you are telling them, is common behavior around older patients and is considered ageism.

How You Can Reduce Ageist Attitudes Toward Patients

The Alliance for Aging Research warned "that unless ageist attitudes are recognized and rooted out of our healthcare system, the next generation of Americans under Medicare, the largest generation in U.S. history, will likely suffer inadequate care."

The Alliance released recommendations to address the problem of ageism:

  • More training and education for healthcare professionals in the field of geriatrics.
  • Greater inclusion of older Americans in clinical trials.
  • Utilization of appropriate screening and preventive measures for older Americans.
  • Empowerment and education of older patients.

The older patient population deserves the same quality care and attention as younger patients. Organizations must acknowledge ageism as an obstacle in providing the best care possible and take action to make healthcare more equitable and inclusive.

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Topics: Diversity and Inclusion, age discrimination in healthcare, DEI, ageism, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

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