To recap the year, we’d like to share our Top 5 most read articles in 2016. We hope you enjoy them and please feel free to let us know topics you’d like us to explore in 2017. Thank you for being part of our DiversityNursing.com community.
There was a big tiny surprise on a flight leaving Philadelphia. A woman's water broke and luckily a Nurse of 40 years, jumped into action. You might be wondering how the pregnant woman got clearance to fly. Turns out she was only 26 weeks pregnant. The baby, ironically named Jet, was a miracle delivery and is still in the Intensive Care Unit.
Nurses are always learning. Whether it’s on-the-job with practical experience or continuing your formal education, you are always on a quest to learn more. Perhaps you’re trying to figure out how to do something better, earn your next degree, improve your relationship and listening skills, or how the latest electronic medical records program works. You are determined to move forward and be your best. If you’re looking to advance your formal education, we offer this article as a source of information on Nursing schools and acceptance rates.
Do you feel safe at work? I hope you do 100% of the time. If you don’t, this article focuses on violence happening against healthcare staff from their patients. Nationwide safety standards are being considered. Some states and healthcare systems have adopted their own policies and safety training.
Though discrimination exists in many forms, racial discrimination brings a unique set of implications that threaten the mental and physical health of patients and acts as a barrier to seeking care from medical professionals. Eliminating racism, therefore, is not just a concern for civil rights activists, but also for medical professionals.
5. 10 Tips To Help You Enjoy Your Holiday Nursing Shift
The holiday season is fast approaching and with that comes a lot of stress in both our personal and professional lives. No matter what holiday you celebrate, we hope it is a joyful and peaceful holiday for you and your family.
Topics: 2016, 2016 blogs