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DiversityNursing Blog

Family Nurse Practitioners and the Affordable Care Act

Posted by Alycia Sullivan

Wed, Oct 16, 2013 @ 01:23 PM

The Health Insurance Marketplace open enrollment launch on October 1, 2013 spurred discussion about the influx of newly insured patients and the shortage of primary care professionals. Nursing@Simmons, an online Master of Science in Nursing program for aspiring Family Nurse Practitioners, created an infographic to illustrate the state of primary and preventive health care in the U.S. and the role nursing professionals hold. This infographic provides a snapshot of what has happened in the years since the Affordable Care Act was conceptualized and enacted, in addition to showing how nurse practitioners are contributing to primary care.

Share the infographic below to raise awareness about the role that Family Nurse Practitioners play in health care reform under the Affordable Care Act.

nursingsimmons resized 600
Source: Simmons Nursing

Topics: affordable care act, health care reform, family nurse practitioner, health insurance marketplace, health professionals, master's in nursing, nursing school Blog, Family Nurse Practitioner Career, Visual Content, nurses, nurse practitioner

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