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DiversityNursing Blog

The Power of Age Diversity in Healthcare

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Tue, Jun 25, 2024 @ 11:05 AM

In the ever-evolving world of healthcare, embracing diversity in all its forms is essential for providing exceptional patient care and cultivating a lively workplace. Age diversity, in particular, plays a major role in promoting professional growth and personal fulfillment. A healthcare team that encompasses individuals of various ages not only leads to more innovative solutions and improved outcomes but also fosters a supportive environment for learning and development.

Professional Advantages of Age Diversity

Smarter Teams

Healthcare teams that encompass individuals from different generations bring together a diverse range of experiences, perspectives, and skills. Younger professionals often bring in the latest medical knowledge, innovative techniques, and a knack for new technologies. On the other hand, seasoned professionals offer a wealth of experience, a deep understanding of patient care, and well-developed clinical skills. This fusion of fresh perspectives and seasoned expertise enables healthcare teams to make more informed decisions, ultimately enhancing patient outcomes and nurturing a culture of continuous learning and growth.

Better Results 

In healthcare, the quality of care can literally be a matter of life and death. Age-diverse teams combine the strengths of different generations to create comprehensive and effective care plans. Younger team members might be adept at utilizing cutting-edge diagnostic tools and digital health solutions, while their older colleagues can offer tried-and-true treatment protocols and a deeper understanding of patient histories. Together, they produce well-rounded and thoroughly vetted healthcare solutions that are innovative yet practical, ensuring the highest standards of patient care.

Two-Way Mentoring

Age diversity in healthcare creates valuable two-way mentoring relationships. Seasoned professionals guide their younger counterparts, sharing insights from years of practice and teaching patient care nuances. In return, younger professionals share their knowledge of the latest medical research, technology, and healthcare practices with older colleagues. This mutual exchange of knowledge fosters a collaborative environment where everyone has valuable insights to offer, regardless of age.

Personal Advantages of Age Diversity

Reduced Ageism

According to Greater Good Magazine, connecting with older colleagues can reduce ageism. Research suggests that frequent intergenerational contact can reduce age biases. “The more contact young people have with older adults, the less anxious they are about their own aging, and the less ageist they are,” notes one study.

Enhanced Social Connections

Working in an age-diverse environment can significantly enrich our social connections. Interacting with colleagues from different generations broadens our perspectives and fosters mutual respect and understanding. These relationships often extend beyond the workplace, creating a supportive and interconnected community. Feeling connected to colleagues of different ages can lead to a greater sense of belonging and reduce feelings of isolation, which is especially important in high-stress fields like healthcare.

Increased Job Satisfaction

Age diversity can also enhance job satisfaction. When we engage with colleagues of different ages, we are exposed to a variety of viewpoints and experiences, making our work environment more stimulating and engaging. This diversity helps prevent burnout by breaking the monotony and offering fresh perspectives on routine tasks. Moreover, the opportunity to learn from and teach colleagues of different ages can make our work feel more meaningful and rewarding.

Greater Happiness

Establishing connections with colleagues from various age groups can enhance overall happiness. Younger team members often bring a burst of energy and enthusiasm to the workplace, while their more experienced counterparts provide a sense of wisdom and stability. This harmonious blend fosters a positive work environment where employees feel appreciated and supported. The mutual respect and camaraderie that flourishes in such a diverse setting contribute to a more joyful and fulfilling work experience.

Age diversity in healthcare is not just a strength; it is a necessity for fostering a dynamic, innovative, and supportive work environment. The professional benefits such as smarter teams and two-way mentoring, enhance the quality of patient care and drive continuous improvement. On a personal level, relationships with colleagues of different ages make us happier, more socially connected, and more satisfied with our jobs. By embracing age diversity, healthcare organizations can build stronger teams and create a more inclusive and fulfilling workplace for everyone. 

Topics: ageism, age discrimination, age diversity

Ageism in Healthcare

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Mon, Mar 29, 2021 @ 11:13 AM

ageismAge discrimination involves treating an applicant or employee less favorably because of his or her age, defined by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) forbids age discrimination against people who are age 40 or older.

Ageism in the Workplace

According to a 2018 AARP survey, about 3 in 5 older workers have seen or experienced age discrimination in the workplace. Also 76% of these older workers see age discrimination as a hurdle to finding a new job.

A diverse workplace is fundamental in providing the best patient care possible. But age is usually left out of an organization's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) strategy.

Patients feel more comfortable talking with a Nurse who understands and can relate to them and their issues. Nurses who understand what ageing patients are going through can provide better care. 

Some Nurses over the age of 40 experience ageism from employers, fellow staff members, and even patients. Examples of this type of ageism include:

Physical Strength - There is a perception older Nurses aren't physically strong enough to handle certain responsibilities such as restraining a combative patient or assisting someone into a bed or wheelchair.

Technology - Another misconception is older Nurses can't keep up with the changing technologies and medications.

Pay - An article by Arkansas State University discusses salary-based ageism in Nursing saying, "As Nurses accumulate experience, they also accumulate pay increases. As a result, employers sometimes discriminate against more experienced Nurses by hiring or promoting younger, less experienced, and therefore, less expensive Nurses."

This type of stereotyping and discrimination often leads to poor morale, job dissatisfaction, burnout and early retirement.

How You Can Reduce Ageism at Work

To combat ageism in healthcare organizations, there should be DEI policies that include a focus on age.

According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) the EEOC recommends organizations follow these strategies:

  • Assess your organization's culture, practices or policies that may reveal outdated assumptions about older workers. The Center on Aging & Work at Boston College and AARP partnered to develop an assessment tool.
  • Examine your recruitment practices. Does your website include photos of an age-diverse workforce? Do your job applications ask for age-related information such as date of birth or when a person graduated? Is your interview panel age-diverse? Train recruiters and interviewers to avoid ageist assumptions.
  • Include age as part of your diversity and inclusion programs and efforts. Offer learning and development, including anti-bias training and courses.
  • Foster a multi-generational culture that recognizes ability regardless of age and rejects age stereotypes, just as it would reject stereotypes involving race, disability, national origin, religion or sex.

Ageism in Your Patient Population

Ageist stereotypes and discrimination are also barriers to health equality for this patient population.

An article from Lippincott Nursing Center states, Older adults represent 13% of the total population in the United States, but account for over 40% of U.S. hospitalizations.

Ageism can negatively affect the care older adults receive. It's often healthcare providers attribute signs and symptoms of illness to normal aging, missing important indicators that need to be addressed.

A lot of ageist behaviors may not be intentional and will take conscious efforts to identify and change. For example, talking slowly and loudly, or assuming someone can’t comprehend what you are telling them, is common behavior around older patients and is considered ageism.

How You Can Reduce Ageist Attitudes Toward Patients

The Alliance for Aging Research warned "that unless ageist attitudes are recognized and rooted out of our healthcare system, the next generation of Americans under Medicare, the largest generation in U.S. history, will likely suffer inadequate care."

The Alliance released recommendations to address the problem of ageism:

  • More training and education for healthcare professionals in the field of geriatrics.
  • Greater inclusion of older Americans in clinical trials.
  • Utilization of appropriate screening and preventive measures for older Americans.
  • Empowerment and education of older patients.

The older patient population deserves the same quality care and attention as younger patients. Organizations must acknowledge ageism as an obstacle in providing the best care possible and take action to make healthcare more equitable and inclusive.

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Topics: Diversity and Inclusion, age discrimination in healthcare, DEI, ageism, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

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