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Nursing Hacks: Tips and Tricks to Make Your Shift Easier

Posted by Carlos Perez

Tue, Jul 09, 2024 @ 10:08 AM

Nursing is a rewarding yet challenging profession. Long hours, demanding tasks, and the need to stay organized can make shifts overwhelming. To help you navigate your day more efficiently, here are some practical hacks to streamline your tasks and improve your overall workflow before and during your shifts.

Prepare the Night Before

Pack Smart: Lay out your uniform, shoes, and any necessary accessories the night before. This eliminates the morning scramble and ensures you start your day smoothly.

Meal Prep: Prepare your meals and snacks in advance. Pack high-protein snacks, fruits, and vegetables to keep your energy levels up throughout the shift.

Check Your Schedule: Review your schedule and any patient updates before heading to bed. This helps you mentally prepare for the day ahead.

Optimize Your Shift Start

Arrive Early: Arriving a few minutes early allows you to settle in, review patient charts, and prioritize tasks before the official start of your shift.

Organize Your Workspace: Take a few moments to organize your workstation. A tidy workspace reduces stress and helps you find necessary items quickly.

Create a To-Do List: Outline your tasks for the day. Prioritize them based on urgency and importance to ensure nothing crucial is overlooked.

Streamline Your Tasks

Batch Similar Tasks: Group similar tasks together to save time. For example, if you need to check vital signs for multiple patients, do it in one go.

Use Checklists: Create checklists for recurring tasks, such as patient admissions or discharges. Checklists ensure you don’t miss any steps and help you stay organized.

Delegate Wisely: Don’t hesitate to delegate tasks to Nursing Assistants or support staff when appropriate. Delegation frees you up to focus on more critical duties.

Maximize Patient Care Efficiency

Prepare Supplies in Advance: Before entering a patient’s room, gather all necessary supplies. This minimizes the need to leave the room repeatedly, saving time and maintaining patient focus.

Document in Real-Time: Document patient care and observations in real-time or as soon as possible. This prevents backlog and ensures accurate, up-to-date records.

Use Technology: Utilize technology, such as mobile apps or digital reminders, to keep track of medications, appointments, and other important tasks.

Take Care of Yourself

Stay Hydrated: Keep a water bottle with you and sip regularly. Staying hydrated maintains your energy levels and cognitive function.

Take Breaks: Use your breaks to relax and recharge. Even a few minutes of deep breathing or a short walk can make a significant difference.

Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, into your day. These practices reduce stress and improve focus.

Foster Teamwork and Communication

Communicate Clearly: Clear and concise communication with colleagues ensures everyone is on the same page, reducing errors and improving patient care.

Support Each Other: Foster a supportive environment by helping colleagues when possible. A collaborative team reduces individual stress and improves overall efficiency.

Share Tips and Tricks: Share your own Nursing hacks with your team and be open to learning from others. Collective wisdom enhances everyone’s efficiency and effectiveness.

By incorporating these Nursing hacks into your routine, you can streamline your tasks, improve efficiency, and provide better patient care. Remember, taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your patients. With a bit of preparation and smart strategies, you can make your shifts more manageable and enjoyable. Happy Nursing!

Topics: nursing, nursing career, nursing stress, Nursing tips, nursing jobs, nursing shifts, nursing shift, nursing practice, nursing field

Helpful Apps Every Nurse Should Have

Posted by Sarah West APRN, FNP-BC

Thu, Feb 01, 2024 @ 11:37 AM

Mobile apps have transformed how Nurses provide care to their patients. Smartphones allow Nurses easy access to applications designed to assist in daily tasks, improve efficiency, provide knowledge, and enhance patient care. Here are some of the most helpful apps every Nurse should have at their fingertips!

Medscape: Medscape is a medical database that lets you stay updated with the latest medical news, research, and clinical data. Within the app, you can access helpful drug and diagnosis information to ensure you stay updated on the most recent recommendations.

The app also offers a pill identifier tool that helps you quickly identify medications, which can be extremely helpful when encountering unlabeled medications patients bring from home. Medscape also offers a med calculator, a drug interaction checker, and easy access to continuing education courses and programs. Medscape provides something for just about every Nurse, whether you are just starting or are well seasoned within the profession.

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MediBabble: MediBabble is a free, professional-grade medical interpretation app that every Nurse should have on hand to better communicate with non-English speaking patients.

This app was designed to help provide medical professionals with safe and effective communication with patients who speak foreign languages. Get timely and accurate translations of 7 languages, including English, Spanish, French, Cantonese, Mandarin, Russian, and Haitian Creole, at the touch of a button.  

Code Scribe: Emergency situations can be stressful, but with Code Scribe, you can time and clock code situations quickly and efficiently. Instead of using a scrap piece of paper or a paper towel (you know you've done it) to write down your code times, you can track all necessary documentation within the Code Scribe app.

With the tap of a button, you can start and stop your code timer, clock medication administration, and so much more. Codes can be tracked in real-time with a CPR and epinephrine timer. After the code is completed, you can easily copy the log and send it by email to be printed and placed in the chart as official documentation.  

PEPID: PEPID is an all-in-one medical resource for medical professionals of all degrees, including Nurses and Nursing students. The app offers Nurses access to a wealth of point-of-care clinical knowledge, including a pill identification, IV drug compatibility checker, and drug interaction checker.

Within the app, you can also access a lab manual with over 200 lab results and ranges with complete lab information to help you better care for your patients. There are also over 750 procedural and examination videos available in their comprehensive medical video library that you can easily access while on the job.

Epocrates: Epocrates is a trusted healthcare app every Nurse should have available to ensure safe medication administration. The app provides comprehensive medication guides that include medication dosages, drug interactions, and side effects.

Quickly access medication information on the job and use the resources to find information to answer your patients' medication questions quickly and accurately. The app also provides continuing education materials and a pill identifier feature to use on the go.

NurseGrid: NurseGrid allows you to balance your work life and personal life right from your phone. Nurses designed the app for Nurses, so it has everything you need to manage your work schedule most efficiently.  

The app allows you to carry your work schedule everywhere you go and share your schedule with coworkers so you always know who you are working with or who may be available to switch shifts. Overall, NurseGrid is a great way to track your work shifts and your PTO so that you can make the most of your time off! 

Nursing can be a demanding profession requiring constant access to medical knowledge and clinical skills. Thanks to smartphones, Nursing and technology have combined to provide new graduates and experienced Nurses with quick and reliable access to medical resources at their fingertips. Access to these resources and many others can help you stay informed, organized, and confident so you can continue to provide your patients with the best care.

Topics: nurse apps, nursing apps, nursing jobs, nursing profession, nursing shift

Research Nursing: A Comprehensive Overview

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Wed, Jan 03, 2024 @ 02:45 PM

Being a Research Nurse is a unique and vital role within the healthcare system. Research Nurses play a crucial part in bridging the gap between clinical practice and scientific research. Here's an overview of what it's like to be a Research Nurse and why the role is essential:

Responsibilities of a Research Nurse

Clinical Trial Coordination

Research Nurses play a crucial role in the coordination and management of clinical trials. They are responsible for recruiting and screening eligible participants, obtaining informed consent, and ensuring strict adherence to the study protocol.

Patient Care

These Nurses also provide comprehensive care to participants in clinical trials. This entails closely monitoring for any potential adverse events, administering treatments specific to the study, and promptly addressing any concerns or questions participants may have.

Collaboration with Multidisciplinary Teams

This role involves collaborating with a wide range of experts, including principal Investigators, Physicians, Pharmacists, Data Managers, and Statisticians. Effective communication and collaboration skills are integral to the progress of research studies. By working together with these experts, Research Nurses ensure the study protocol is followed, participant safety is prioritized, and accurate data is collected, ultimately contributing to the advancement of medical knowledge and the improvement of patient care.

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Education and Informed Consent

They are responsible for providing participants with detailed information about the research study, a clear and comprehensive explanation of the potential risks and benefits involved, and acquiring informed consent. Effective and transparent communication is paramount in ensuring participants have a comprehensive understanding of their role and responsibilities within the study.

Protocol Adherence

Maintaining a meticulous adherence to the research protocol is of utmost importance. Research Nurses diligently monitor participants to guarantee all procedures are executed in accordance with the study plan.

Why We Need Research Nurses

Advancing Medical Knowledge

Research Nurses contribute to the progress of medical knowledge by actively facilitating and conducting clinical research. Their dedication and efforts lead to the discovery of innovative treatments, medications, and interventions that have the potential to significantly enhance patient outcomes.

Translating Research into Practice

These Nurses are essential in translating research findings into clinical practice. They understand the practical implications of study results and can help integrate evidence-based practices into patient care.

Quality Improvement in Healthcare

Through their involvement in research, Nurses contribute to ongoing quality improvement initiatives in healthcare. They identify best practices and areas for improvement based on research outcomes.

Patient-Centered Care

Research Nurses prioritize the voice and perspective of the patient, placing them at the heart of the research process. This patient-centric approach is instrumental in generating research outcomes that are not only meaningful but also relevant to the individuals who will benefit from them.

Professional Development

Being a Research Nurse offers opportunities for professional growth and development. It allows Nurses to deepen their understanding of research methodologies, stay up-to-date on the latest medical advancements, and contribute to the scientific community.

Research Nurses are integral to the dynamic interaction between research and clinical care. Their work is essential for advancing medical knowledge, ensuring patient safety, and improving the quality of healthcare through evidence-based practices.

Topics: nurse research, nursing program, nursing programs, nursing career, nursing specialty, nurse researcher, nursing jobs, nursing field, research nurse

The Vital Role of Teamwork and Collaboration in Nursing

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Wed, Dec 13, 2023 @ 10:11 AM

Teamwork is a fundamental aspect of the Nursing practice and is essential for providing safe and effective patient care. In healthcare, Nurses collaborate with a diverse team of professionals, including other Nurses, Physicians, Therapists, Pharmacists, and support staff.

Key Aspects of Teamwork in Nursing:

Communication is the cornerstone of collaboration, ensuring all team members are well-informed and working towards a common goal. Effective communication involves more than conveying information; it encompasses active listening, sharing relevant information, and seeking clarification when necessary.

Active listening is a main component of effective communication. Nurses must attentively listen to their colleagues' viewpoints, concerns, and suggestions. By actively listening, Nurses demonstrate respect for their team members and establish a foundation of trust. This creates an environment where everyone feels valued and encourages the exchange of ideas.

Sharing relevant information ensures all team members have a comprehensive understanding of the patient's condition and care plan. Nurses should provide clear and concise updates, including any changes in the patient's status, medications, or treatment plans. Sharing this information in a timely manner allows the team to make informed decisions and provide coordinated care.

Asking for clarification when needed is another vital aspect of effective communication. Nurses must not hesitate to seek clarification if they are unsure about any aspect of the patient's care or if they need further information to perform their tasks effectively. This proactive approach fosters a culture of openness and collaboration, where questions are encouraged, and knowledge is shared.

Nurses should convey information in a professional and respectful manner, considering the emotions and sensitivities of their colleagues. By maintaining a positive and supportive communication style, Nurses contribute to a harmonious work environment and enhance teamwork.


Collaboration is at the heart of Nursing practice, it allows healthcare professionals from various disciplines to come together and provide comprehensive care to patients. Nurses play a crucial role in this collaborative effort by working closely with Physicians, Therapists, and other members of the healthcare team to develop and implement care plans that address the holistic needs of each individual.

In this collaborative process, Nurses bring their unique perspective and expertise to the table, contributing valuable insights and knowledge that enhance the overall quality of patient care. By actively engaging in interdisciplinary discussions and sharing their observations and assessments, Nurses ensure that all aspects of the patient's health are considered and addressed.

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Respect and Trust

Respecting each other's expertise and perspectives is mandatory for effective teamwork. Team members must acknowledge and value the unique skills and knowledge each individual brings to the table. This respect fosters an environment of trust, where team members can rely on one another and work together harmoniously.

Trust is the foundation upon which successful teamwork is built. It is developed through open and transparent communication, where team members feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, concerns, and ideas. By actively listening to one another, respecting different viewpoints, and engaging in constructive dialogue, trust is nurtured and strengthened.

Reliability is another key factor in building trust within a healthcare team. Team members must be dependable and follow through on their commitments and responsibilities. This includes being punctual, completing tasks in a timely manner, and ensuring their actions align with the agreed-upon care plan. When team members can rely on one another, they feel confident in the team's ability to deliver safe and effective patient care.

A shared commitment to patient well-being is the ultimate bond that unites a healthcare team. When team members prioritize the best interests of the patient above all else, trust is reinforced. This commitment involves advocating for the patient, collaborating on care decisions, and continuously striving to improve the quality of care provided.

Role Clarity

Each member of the healthcare team has specific roles and responsibilities that are keys to the overall functioning of the team. Clear delineation of roles helps prevent confusion, ensures tasks are completed efficiently, and contributes to a smoother workflow.

By clearly defining each team member's role, there is a greater sense of accountability and ownership over their specific tasks. This allows for better organization and coordination within the team, as everyone knows exactly what is expected of them. With role clarity, each team member can focus on their own responsibilities, which leads to increased productivity and effectiveness in delivering patient care.


As situations can change rapidly, team members must be able to quickly adapt and respond to emerging challenges. This requires flexibility and a willingness to collaborate on problem-solving.

Adaptability means being open to new ideas and approaches. It involves embracing change and being willing to step outside of one's comfort zone. Nurses who are adaptable understand there is always room for improvement and are constantly seeking ways to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Being adaptable also means being able to think on your feet and make quick decisions when necessary. In high-pressure situations, Nurses must be able to assess the situation, consider all available information, and make informed choices in the best interest of the patient. This requires a calm and composed demeanor, as well as the ability to prioritize and multitask effectively.

Conflict Resolution

This is an inevitable aspect of teamwork, and is needed to address conflicts promptly in order to maintain a harmonious work environment. Constructive conflict resolution involves a combination of open communication, active listening, and finding solutions that benefit both the individuals involved and the team as a whole.

It is important to note conflict resolution is not about winning or losing, but rather about finding a resolution that satisfies all parties involved. This requires compromise, flexibility, and a willingness to consider different perspectives. By finding middle ground and reaching a consensus, conflicts can be resolved in a way that promotes unity and collaboration within the team.

Continuous Improvement

This involves a commitment to consistently evaluating and enhancing the quality of patient care. By engaging in ongoing evaluation and quality improvement efforts, healthcare professionals can ensure they are providing the best possible care to their patients.

Regular team meetings provide an opportunity for team members to come together and discuss various aspects of patient care. These meetings allow for open and honest communication, where team members can share their experiences, challenges, and successes. By sharing insights and lessons learned, the team can identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to address them. Team meetings also foster a sense of unity and collaboration, as everyone works together towards a common goal of providing optimal patient care.

Feedback sessions are another important component of continuous improvement. These sessions involve giving and receiving feedback on individual and team performance. Constructive feedback allows team members to identify their strengths and areas for growth, as well as receive guidance on how to enhance their skills and knowledge. By providing feedback in a supportive and constructive manner, team members can feel empowered to make positive changes and contribute to the overall improvement of the team.

Effective teamwork in Nursing is a collaborative effort that involves clear communication, respect, trust, and a shared commitment to patient-centered care. Nurses play a central role in fostering positive teamwork and contributing to the overall success of the healthcare team.

Topics: nursing, teamwork, nursing career, nursing jobs, nursing profession, healthcare team communication, teamwork in nursing, healthcare team, nursing field, nursing best practices

Keys To a Fulfilling Nursing Career

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Fri, Oct 20, 2023 @ 10:06 AM

A fulfilling Nursing career is often characterized by a combination of personal satisfaction, professional growth, and a positive impact on patients and the healthcare system. It is a profession that requires dedication, empathy, and a genuine passion for patient care. Nurses who find joy in helping patients, improving their health, and providing emotional support tend to be more satisfied in their roles.

Here are some key elements that can contribute to a fulfilling Nursing career:

Passion for Patient Care: A genuine passion for caring for others is at the core of a fulfilling Nursing career. This passion drives Nurses to go above and beyond their duties, ensuring that each patient receives personalized and compassionate care. It is this dedication and genuine concern for the well-being of patients that sets exceptional Nurses apart. Whether it's comforting a frightened patient, advocating for their needs, or simply lending a listening ear, Nurses with a true passion for patient care create a nurturing environment that promotes healing and instills trust. Their unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on patients' lives not only brings fulfillment to their own careers but also enhances the overall quality of healthcare delivery. With every interaction, these passionate Nurses strive to make a difference and leave a lasting impression on the lives of those they care for.

Continuous Learning and Professional Development: As the field of healthcare continues to evolve, it is crucial for Nurses to stay up-to-date with the latest medical advancements and continuously seek opportunities for growth and learning. By doing so, Nurses not only enhance their knowledge and skills but also find greater satisfaction in their careers.

One way Nurses can engage in continuous learning is by pursuing advanced degrees or certifications. These educational opportunities allow Nurses to deepen their understanding of specific areas and can open doors to new career paths and opportunities. Whether it's obtaining a master's degree in a specialized field like Gerontology or pursuing a certification in a specific area of practice, further education can provide Nurses with the knowledge and expertise needed to excel in their roles.

Moreover, continuous learning fosters a sense of professional growth and personal fulfillment. It allows Nurses to challenge themselves, expand their horizons, and push the boundaries of their capabilities. By constantly seeking new knowledge and skills, Nurses can feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in their work. They can also experience increased job satisfaction as they witness the positive impact their continuous learning has on patient care.

Variety of Career Paths: Nursing offers a wide range of career paths, from bedside Nursing to research, education, administration, specialized roles, and even entrepreneurship. The beauty of Nursing is that it provides diverse opportunities to explore and find their true calling within the field.

Finding a niche that aligns with their interests and skills can make a Nursing career more rewarding. It allows Nurses to find fulfillment in their work while making a meaningful impact in the healthcare field. Whether they choose a traditional career path or venture into less conventional roles, the possibilities within Nursing are vast and exciting.

Strong Support System: A supportive work environment and colleagues can significantly impact job satisfaction. Collaborative teams and mentors can help Nurses navigate challenges, promote a sense of belonging, and foster professional growth.

In a supportive work environment, Nurses have the opportunity to collaborate with their colleagues and form strong, cohesive teams. This teamwork not only improves patient care but also creates a sense of camaraderie and support. When Nurses feel supported by their colleagues, they are more likely to feel valued and appreciated, leading to increased job satisfaction.

Mentors also play a crucial role in career development. Having a mentor who can provide guidance, advice, and support can be invaluable. Mentors can help navigate the challenges Nurses face in their roles, offer encouragement during difficult times, and provide insights and knowledge based on their own experiences. By having a Mentor, Nurses can develop professionally and gain the confidence they need to excel in their careers.

Additionally, a strong support system can contribute to a Nurse's overall well-being. Nursing can be a demanding and emotionally taxing profession, and having colleagues and mentors who understand and empathize with the challenges Nurses face can be incredibly beneficial. They can provide a listening ear, offer emotional support, and help Nurses manage stress and prevent burnout. Nurses who feel supported in their work environment are more likely to experience a healthy work-life balance and overall job satisfaction.

Work-Life Balance: Achieving a healthy work-life balance is crucial for long-term career satisfaction. Nursing can be demanding, but it's essential to prioritize self-care and manage stress to prevent burnout.

Finding time for self-care and relaxation is necessary in preventing burnout and maintaining a sense of fulfillment. Nurses should prioritize activities that promote physical and mental well-being, such as exercise, meditation, and hobbies. Taking regular breaks and time off is also vital to recharge and replenish energy levels. By consciously making time for themselves, Nurses can prevent exhaustion and maintain their passion and enthusiasm for patient care.

A Sense of Purpose: Many Nurses find fulfillment in knowing that their work makes a meaningful difference in patients' lives. Connecting with patients and seeing improvements in their health can provide a profound sense of purpose. This sense of purpose goes beyond the everyday tasks of Nursing and transcends into the realm of making a lasting impact on someone's life.

Nurses who find purpose in their work often feel a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, knowing that they are instrumental in helping patients overcome health challenges and improve their overall well-being. Whether it's witnessing a patient recover from a serious illness, helping a patient manage chronic pain, or providing emotional support during a difficult time, Nurses understand the significance of their role in the lives of their patients.

They find purpose in being a source of comfort, strength, and support for individuals and their families, knowing that their presence and care can make a meaningful difference. This sense of purpose not only brings personal fulfillment to Nurses but also drives them to strive for excellence in their practice, continuously seeking ways to improve their skills and knowledge, and ultimately making a positive impact on the lives of those they serve. 

Advocacy for Patients: Acting as advocates can be personally fulfilling for Nurses, as they witness the positive impact their efforts have on their patients' lives. It allows Nurses to make a difference in the lives of individuals and their families, ensuring that they receive the best possible care and support. Advocacy not only contributes to positive patient outcomes but also enhances the Nurse-patient relationship, fostering trust and collaboration.

Recognition and Appreciation: When Nurses feel valued and appreciated by patients, their families, and the healthcare organization, it not only boosts their job satisfaction but also motivates them to continue providing exceptional care. 

One way to recognize Nurses for their hard work and dedication is through regular acknowledgment and praise. Taking the time to acknowledge their efforts, whether through verbal recognition, written notes, or small tokens of appreciation, can make a significant impact on their morale and overall job satisfaction. When Nurses feel seen and appreciated for their contributions, it reinforces their sense of purpose and encourages them to continue going above and beyond for their patients.

In addition to individual recognition, organizations can also implement formal recognition programs to celebrate the achievements and milestones of their Nursing staff. These programs can include awards, ceremonies, or even financial incentives to reward exceptional performance. By publicly recognizing Nurses for their hard work, dedication, and the positive impact they make on patient care, organizations create a culture of appreciation and motivate Nurses to excel in their roles.

Ethical Practice: Maintaining high ethical standards and integrity in Nursing practice can contribute to a sense of pride and fulfillment. Upholding the Nursing code of ethics and making morally sound decisions is essential. It allows them to align their actions and decisions with their values, contributing to a strong professional identity and a sense of personal integrity. Nurses who practice ethically can take pride in knowing that they are upholding the highest standards of their profession and making a positive impact on the lives of their patients.

In addition, ethical practice contributes to a positive work environment and enhances teamwork and collaboration. When Nurses prioritize ethical considerations, they create an atmosphere of trust and respect among their colleagues. This promotes effective communication, shared decision-making, and a culture of safety and accountability.

Leadership Opportunities: Some nurses find fulfillment in leadership roles, where they can influence healthcare policies, drive quality improvement initiatives, or mentor others. These leadership positions allow Nurses to make a broader impact on the healthcare system and drive positive change within their organizations.

These opportunities provide Nurses with the chance to develop and strengthen essential skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and decision-making. These skills are invaluable not only in leadership roles but also in everyday Nursing practice. By honing these skills, Nurses can enhance their effectiveness in patient care and become more influential advocates for their patients and colleagues.

Ultimately, a fulfilling Nursing career is a personal journey that depends on individual values, interests, and goals. It's essential to regularly assess your career and make adjustments to align it with your evolving aspirations so you can maintain long-term satisfaction in the field of Nursing.

Topics: modern nursing, nursing career, nursing experience, nursing jobs, nursing profession, nursing practice, nursing field, fulfilling career

Nursing Gig Shifts: What You Need to Know

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Mon, May 01, 2023 @ 11:16 AM

GettyImages-1129008172Nurse gig shifts refer to temporary or short-term Nursing assignments that are often offered through staffing agencies or online apps. These shifts can range in length from a few hours to several weeks or months and are often taken by Nurses who are looking for flexible work arrangements or who want to supplement their income.

Gig shifts can be beneficial for both Nurses and healthcare facilities. Nurses who work gig shifts have the flexibility to choose when and where they work, and they can often earn a higher hourly rate than they would in a traditional full-time position. Healthcare facilities can use gig shifts to fill staffing gaps or to cover unexpected absences, ensuring that patient care is not compromised.

According to The Wall Street Journal, embracing gig apps is one way hospitals and health systems are looking to provide flexibility and fill vacancies. This includes Providence Health.

Providence added gig Nurses last year and has filled 13,000 shifts for Nurses and other medical roles, Mark Smith, who oversees workforce analysis, staffing and optimization for the organization, told The Wall Street Journal. He also told the publication the health system plans to expand gig work from 12 hospitals and Nursing homes to 19.

“We make sure the Nurses who work through the app are thoroughly vetted and have the licenses and certifications required to work on the Nursing unit they’re receiving training to work on, just like our own caregivers do,” Smith explained. “At Providence, we’ve found that Nurses taking assignments through the app fill six shifts per month.”

Since late last year, Chesterfield-based Mercy has been piloting a program where both Staff Nurses and “gig worker” Nurses can sign up for shifts through an app. Now the health system is expanding it across all of Mercy.

“Millennials, and those even younger, are starting to look at work in a different way,” said Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer Betty Jo Rocchio.

Among the apps hospitals are adopting are ShiftKey, which lets Nurses bid for shifts, and CareRev, which lets hospitals raise and lower their rates for different shifts. 

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to working gig shifts. These can include inconsistent work schedules, lack of benefits, and a lack of job security. Nurses who work gig shifts may also miss out on opportunities for professional development and career advancement that are more readily available in traditional full-time positions.

Overall, whether or not you should pursue gig shifts depends on your personal goals and priorities. It's important to carefully consider the pros and cons of gig work as well as research potential employers and platforms before accepting any assignments.

Topics: nursing shortage, modern nursing, nursing, nursing career, nursing staff, nursing trends, nursing jobs, nursing shifts, nursing opportunities, nursing shift, nursing field, gig shifts, shift app, Nursing gig shifts

Tips For Choosing a Nursing Specialty

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Tue, Mar 21, 2023 @ 02:48 PM

GettyImages-1410233424Choosing the right Nursing specialty can be a challenging decision, as there are many areas of Nursing to consider. Here are some steps that can help you choose the right specialty:

Assess your interests

Think about the areas of Nursing that interest you the most. Do you enjoy working with children or adults? Do you like working in a fast-paced environment or a more relaxed one? Do you prefer working in a clinical setting or a community-based one? Weighing your choices based on your interests and personality traits will help you narrow down your options.

Research Nursing Specialties

Once you have identified your interests, research the specialties that align best with them. Look for information about the scope of practice, work environment, patient population, salary, and required education and certification. You can also talk to other Nurses who work in these specialties to get a better understanding of what it's really like to work in these areas. 

Johnson and Johnson offers A Nursing Specialty Quiz to help guide you in learning more about specific specialties that fit what you're looking for.

Consider Your Strengths

Think about your strengths as a Nurse. Do you excel at critical thinking and problem-solving? Are you skilled at patient education and counseling? Do you have strong leadership skills? Are you able to work well under pressure? Looking at the areas you excel in will help you pick a specialty that suits you.

Think About Career Goals

Consider your long-term career goals and how a particular Nursing specialty can help you achieve them. Do you want to advance into a leadership role? Do you want to work in a specific healthcare setting or with a particular patient population? Understanding your career goals can help you better choose a specialty that aligns with them.

“One of the best things about being a Nurse is your career can change and flex as you grow,” says Ashleigh Woods, Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing at Berry College. “Nursing is versatile. Unlike other professions, as a Nurse, you can specialize in ICU medicine, but then after a few years, you can become a specialist in another area.”

Gain Experience

Once you have narrowed down your options, try to gain experience in different areas through clinical rotations or job shadowing. Some Nursing schools offer part-time work for interested students which would allow you to make money and gain experience. Hands on experience can help you get a better sense of what it's like to work in these areas and make an informed decision about which specialty is right for you.

Ultimately, choosing the right specialty is a personal decision that depends on your interests, strengths, career goals, and experience. Take the time to explore your options and gather information before making a decision, and don't be afraid to seek guidance from experienced Nurses and healthcare professionals.

Topics: specialities, nursing career, nursing specialty, Nursing tips, nursing jobs, nursing profession

Switching Careers To Nursing

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Thu, Jan 05, 2023 @ 04:07 PM

GettyImages-1287395441Thinking about changing careers? At any stage in life, Nursing is a great choice because Nurses are always in demand. It's a challenging, but rewarding field and previous education can help you become a Nurse faster.

"I'm a second career Nurse. What's wonderful about Nursing, is that it's very accessible after you've already been to school or college for another type of degree," Telemetry Nurse, Victoria told Johnson and Johnson

If you already have a Bachelor’s degree in any field, an accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) program is the quickest route. It usually takes less than 2 years. If you don't have a prior Bachelor’s degree, you can become a Registered Nurse (RN) with an Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN) or you can enter the workforce even quicker by becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN). 

After you earn your Nursing degree, you’ll be eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX), which is administered by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN).

There are two of the NCLEX exam: The NCLEX-RN is a computerized exam required by all state boards of Nursing to qualify for an RN license. T
he NCLEX-PN is required to practice as an LPN.

After you pass the NCLEX, you must apply to your state board of Nursing for a license to practice.

If you're asking yourself, "Am I too old to become a Nurse?" The answer is no, it's never too late to join  the Nursing workforce. According to the NCSBN, the median age of working Registered Nurses is 52 years old. 

It's also important to remember this point by Indeed, your career length doesn't reduce the impact you may bring to the unit once you work as a Nurse. Your contribution makes a huge difference regardless of how long you can be active in the field.

"If you are a baby boomer or Gen X, there’s a place in Nursing for you. Your past work experience, dedication and passion are all needed resources within the healthcare arena. As Uncle Sam once said, “We Want You!," wrote Judy McDaniel, RN, MSN in a article.

According to The Department of Labor, The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that more than 275,000 additional Nurses are needed from 2020 to 2030, and that employment opportunities for Nurses will grow at 9%, faster than all other occupations from 2016 through 2026.

This high demand is due to a variety of factors such as an increase in chronic conditions, an aging population and a stronger emphasis on preventative care.

If you have anxiety about being a new Nurse, consider one of the most important concepts taught in Nursing school, the “5 C’s” of caring: 

Commitment, Conscience, Competence, Compassion, and Confidence

Learning and adapting these concepts will allow you to provide better care and will improve the relationships you have with your patients as well as co-workers.

If you're interested in learning more about different Nursing Specialties, Click Here! 

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Is Nursing an Art or a Science?

Posted by Sarah West, MSN, FNP

Fri, Aug 19, 2022 @ 10:44 AM

GettyImages-1208547781Nursing is a profession that requires compassion as well as expertise, making it both an art and a science. Empathy and compassion are critical characteristics of an excellent Nurse. These qualities help us to connect with patients on an individualized basis and improve patient outcomes.

Nurses must also be educated, motivated, and have a strong understanding of evidence-based practice. Nurses must find a unique balance between using their heads and hearts, as well as the balance between the art and science of Nursing to provide our patients with the highest quality care.

The Art of Nursing

Florence Nightingale was the first to coin the phrase, the Art of Nursing. She understood that Nursing is a profession in which physical tasks must be adapted into individualized patient care, making Nursing an educated art form. Empathy and compassion are at the forefront of what makes Nursing an art. Although compassion and empathy are similar concepts, they are vitally different and often confused with one another.

Empathy is the ability to feel the emotions of others. As Nurses, we care for patients when they are most vulnerable. When patients seek medical attention, they can often be fearful, sad, or even angry. To care for these patients respectfully and efficiently, Nurses must be able to empathize with patients to facilitate a strong Nurse-patient relationship to promote healing.

Compassion is the ability to feel the emotions of others while experiencing a desire to help. Nursing is a helping profession and to be an excellent Nurse, you must genuinely want to help others. The task-oriented approach to Nursing can sometimes challenge Nurses to maintain a human connection to our patient. Still, we must always strive to connect with and understand our patients to ensure they are cared for comprehensively. The emotions behind why we do the things we do is what makes Nursing an artform.

The Science of Nursing

The science of Nursing is the ‘why’ behind the tasks we carry out daily. The Nursing profession is built on evidence-based practice. Evidence-based practice collects, processes, and implements research findings into clinical practice and improves patient outcomes.

As Nurses, we strive to provide our patients with the best care possible, so we must ensure that our actions and tasks are well researched and have been shown to improve the health and safety of our patients. This is what the science of Nursing is all about, having a reason behind our actions and an understanding that our interventions improve the outcomes of patients.

Education is also at the foundation of the science of Nursing. To become a Nurse, we must complete coursework that prepares us to meet the diverse needs of our patients and become safe healthcare professionals. Nursing coursework includes detailed education on the intricacies of the human body, disease processes, health policy, and hands-on instruction to develop clinical skillsets.

The nursing curriculum has been well studied and tailored to ensure that new graduate Nurses can provide safe patient care. We know that Nursing programs are effective in producing safe healthcare workers because we have been able to research and understand what education and skills are needed to produce safe novice Nurses.

Once a Nurse has graduated from a Nursing program, they must complete continuing education courses to continue to improve their knowledge and skills. And as medicine is constantly ever-changing, Nurses can never stop learning and growing.

The Nursing Profession

Nursing is not just a career option. It is a true craft where individuals must be able to incorporate evidence-based practices into compassionate and individualized patient care. It is truly a scientific art that must be carried out precisely and efficiently for our patients to receive the highest quality and most up-to-date care.

Nursing is as much of a science as it is an art. The science of Nursing explains a Nurse’s daily work and why tasks are performed, while the art of Nursing is centered around the human connections needed to truly be an effective Nurse.

The art and science of the Nursing profession is ever evolving as we are continually developing new healthcare interventions and continuing to improve upon our human approach to healthcare.

Nursing is a delicate balance of skill, expertise, compassion, and empathy. Without each other, the Nursing profession would not be the respected profession it is today.

Topics: nursing, nurses, nursing career, nursing experience, nursing jobs, nursing profession, art of nursing

Nursing Opportunities Beyond The Bedside

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Tue, Oct 19, 2021 @ 04:39 PM

GettyImages-641755238The Nursing field offers many Nursing specialties to choose from depending on your interests and skills. And, there are plenty of opportunities to get the necessary training to move on to a different specialty.

The stress of the pandemic has increased Nurses' interest in positions beyond the hospital setting. 

Some of those opportunities include:

Nurse Educator

Nurse Educators don’t work in a traditional hospital or medical facility. They teach in universities, technical schools, and hospital-based Nursing programs. They can also work as administrators, consultants, or independent contractors.

Forensic Nurse

According to, Forensic Nurses provide specialized care for patients who are experiencing acute and long-term health consequences associated with victimization or violence, and/or have unmet evidentiary needs relative to having been victimized or accused of victimization. In addition, Forensic Nurses provide consultation and testimony for civil and criminal proceedings relative to Nursing practice, care given, and opinions rendered regarding findings.

Many Forensic Nurses work in hospitals but they also work in community anti-violence programs, coroner’s and medical examiners offices, corrections institutions, and psychiatric facilities.

Health Policy Nurse

A Health Policy Nurse (HPN) plays an active role in forming and communicating public health policies with the goal of improving the overall well-being of society. With a strong background of hands-on Nursing expertise, HPNs are able to aid and act as policy makers within our government and healthcare systems, according to Johnson & Johnson Nursing.

Flight Nurse

Flight Nurses provide care onboard medical helicopters, airplanes, or jets often used in emergency situations to get patients to the best hospital as quickly as possible.

Flight Nurses also transfer patients between facilities. Patients might need to be moved to obtain lifesaving treatment unavailable at the original facility or to relocate to another part of the country. They also communicate with medical professionals at the receiving facility, to ensure all case notes and patient files get to the right person.

Nurse Writer

Nurse writers educate readers on healthcare topics through their personal knowledge and experience.

According to, they can freelance for medical journals, guides, and other health-related publications (newspapers, magazines, websites, etc.) that require accumulated knowledge, education, experience, and objectivity. Nurses can also write academic papers, write grants for hospitals or programs, coordinate programs, or assist the Communications Department in hospitals or other organizations.

Camp Nurse

Camp Nurses typically serve children or teens, in a camp environment. This can include summer camps or other camps that last from days to weeks to even months at a time, but are usually temporary.

Depending on the size of the camp, Nurses could be required to work alone or as part of a team, making critical decisions on patient care. They may also be required to obtain and keep records on allergies, medical histories, and medications of all camp participants.

Dialysis Nurse

Dialysis Nurses work with patients suffering from kidney diseases and illnesses. They administer dialysis to patients at dialysis centers, nursing homes, or at the patient's home.

Yacht Nurse

As a Nurse/Stewardess, you will be expected to maintain the on-board medical ward and Nursing station. This includes overseeing stock inventory, ordering supplies, and recording inventories. Depending on the yacht owner's health, you may be required for certain medical duties.

Although long working hours are required, the benefits are amazing with salaries often higher than other Nursing positions. Yachting is not for the faint-hearted though and you must have a sense of adventure and an urge to travel.

A Nursing career isn't always a straight path. You have the opportunity to work in a variety of different environments and grow your skills and knowledge. Take a chance and use that degree to explore your options. Discover what Nursing path fulfills and challenges you.

Topics: nursing career, nursing jobs, nursing opportunities

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