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DiversityNursing Blog

How To Be a Great Nurse Leader During COVID-19 Pandemic

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Tue, Nov 03, 2020 @ 03:09 PM

nurseleadercovidThe Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) role was created by the American Association of Colleges in Nursing (AACN) in 2003.

According to a journal from the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, The CNL understands microsystem issues and their relationship to larger organizational issues. This perspective provides a two-way flow of information to and from health system leaders as they direct an institutional response to the pandemic around issues such as assessing patterns of spread, patient acuity, appropriate staffing levels, and personal protective equipment utilization.

A successful CNL must be confident in their communication abilities. They're expected to provide the coaching and direction staff needs to adapt to frequent changes. Whether it be transforming hospital departments into COVID-19 units or creating sanitation and PPE protocols for staff.

Communication is also key in keeping staff informed and calm throughout the pandemic by addressing any questions or concerns they have. Nurses want to feel that management has their backs, and CNLs are the ones they will look to in times of need.

Leaders should be responsible for supporting the well-being and mental health of the healthcare team. CNLs should advocate for adequate programs and resources for Nurses to cope and deal with stress.

Not only should Nurse leaders advocate for their fellow Nurses, they should also be the voice for their patients.  According to NursingCenter, the CNL acts as a patient advocate by incorporating patients' unique values, desires, needs, and perspectives into patient care delivery.

Another way Nurse leaders advocate for patients during COVID-19 is providing a way for patients to communicate with their families. Because of the pandemic, visitation is prohibited. Leaders work with management to provide devices for patients to see and talk with loved ones.

Lastly, a successful Nurse leader must be resilient. Personal resilience is key and leaders can find it by…

  • Letting go of what they can't control
  • Leading with their head as well as their heart
  • Showing strength through vulnerability

The CNL is a valuable member of the Nursing profession and team. They do their best to maintain safety while providing the best patient care possible during this extremely stressful pandemic.

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Topics: CNL, nurse leaders, clinical nurse leader, nurse leader

$5M to widen UVA Nursing's doors

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Tue, Jan 24, 2017 @ 02:04 PM

thumbnail_photo 5.jpgWashington DC area philanthropists Joanne and Bill Conway have committed to a $5 million gift to support our CNL program, funding the education of more than 110 new nurses over five years, beginning in 2018. The Conways, who gave a similar gift to UVA Nursing in 2013 are, with this transformative gift, renewing their pledge to encourage a broader diversity in the students who enroll in this program.

Conway Scholars are chosen from among the CNL applicants who are invited to interview for the program after applying (typically, this happens in December, after the program application deadline Oct. 1) who meet the criteria:
  • Applicants must be Virginia residents, and have a FAFSA on file
  • They should have experience with a vulnerable population, and a commitment to service 
  • They should have exposure to healthcare in some way – through work, volunteering, personal/family experience
  • They should be able to communicate well and must commit to providing 50 volunteer hours each year of funding on top of their clinical hours either in a rural, underserved or their home communities
  • They must present on their work to the School of Nursing community during the course of their academic career.
thumbnail_photo 3.jpgAll Conway Scholars (entering this summer `17, to graduate in 2019) receive a year-long grant for tuition and related expenses ($24k over the year). The new gift, which will begin funding students in 2018
More information about the gift and program is here.

Topics: CNL, clinical nurse leader, UVA, masters program

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