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DiversityNursing Blog

Tips for Assessing Your Unconscious Biases

Posted by Carlos Perez

Tue, Apr 02, 2024 @ 10:31 AM

When you first meet someone, do you automatically judge that person based upon their weight, skin color, clothing, piercings, hairstyle, disability, speech, etc? Many people automatically infer a stereotype based on someone’s appearance. This is known as unconscious bias.

Recognizing and addressing biases is not only crucial for Nurses to uphold the highest standards of care, but it's also a moral necessity in providing equitable and compassionate treatment to every patient. With commitment to self-reflection and continuous growth, Nurses can truly embody the principles of empathy and understanding in their practice. 

According to Project Implicit, "Implicit bias is an automatic reaction we have towards other people. These attitudes and stereotypes can negatively impact our understanding, actions, and decision-making."

Here are several approaches Nurses can take to evaluate their biases:

Practicing Reflection

Engaging in reflective practice is a powerful tool for Nurses to delve deep into their thoughts, emotions, and actions during patient interactions, especially with individuals from diverse backgrounds. By taking the time to step into the shoes of their patients and see the world from their perspective, Nurses can gain valuable insights into their own biases and prejudices. Picturing themselves in the patients' situations allows Nurses to foster empathy, understanding, and a heightened awareness of how their biases may influence the care they provide. This introspective practice not only promotes self-awareness but also cultivates a more compassionate and equitable approach to patient care.

Implicit Bias Tests

Taking implicit bias tests, such as the Implicit Association Test (IAT), is a valuable step for Nurses to uncover unconscious biases that may unknowingly influence their patient care. These online tests, like those offered by platforms such as Project Implicit, provide a glimpse into the subtle biases that can impact healthcare interactions. By shedding light on these hidden prejudices, Nurses can actively work towards addressing and mitigating them, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and equitable healthcare environment for all patients.

Feedback from Colleagues and Patients

Seeking feedback from colleagues and patients is an essential aspect of self-reflection. By seeking input from those around them, Nurses can gain valuable insights into their communication styles and interactions. Colleagues can offer a different perspective on how biases may manifest in their behavior, while patients can provide direct feedback on their experiences during care. This feedback loop allows Nurses to continuously evaluate and adjust their approach, ultimately leading to a more empathetic and unbiased practice. By fostering open communication and a willingness to listen, Nurses can create a supportive environment that encourages personal growth and professional development.

Cultural Competency Training

Participating in cultural competency training programs can help Nurses become more aware of their biases and develop strategies for addressing them. These training programs offer valuable insights into different cultural practices, beliefs, and norms, allowing Nurses to better understand and respect the unique perspectives of each patient. Additionally, these programs provide practical tools and techniques for navigating cross-cultural communication challenges. Embracing cultural competency training not only benefits patients but also enriches the professional growth and development of Nurses.


Keeping a journal of patient interactions and reflecting on them regularly can be a powerful tool for Nurses to gain deeper insights into their own biases and assumptions. By documenting their experiences and emotions during patient care, Nurses can pinpoint any recurring patterns of biased behavior that may be impacting their practice. This self-reflection allows Nurses to not only recognize their biases but also actively work towards addressing and overcoming them. 

Seeking Diversity in Education and Experience

By actively seeking out opportunities to learn from and work with individuals from diverse backgrounds, Nurses can not only challenge their biases but also expand their perspectives in profound ways. Immersing themselves in a multicultural environment allows Nurses to gain a deeper understanding of different cultures, beliefs, and traditions, fostering a sense of empathy and appreciation for the unique experiences of each patient. 

Mindfulness Practices 

Engaging in mindfulness practices, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, can help Nurses become more aware of their thoughts and emotions in the moment, making it easier to recognize and address biases as they arise. By incorporating mindfulness into their daily routine, Nurses can cultivate a sense of inner peace and clarity allowing them to approach patient interactions with a clear and unbiased mindset. Through mindfulness, Nurses can develop a heightened sense of self-awareness, enabling them to identify any negative thought patterns or biases influencing their behavior. 

Using Bias Checklist 

Utilizing bias checklists or prompts during patient interactions can serve as a valuable tool for Nurses to actively assess and address any unconscious biases. By incorporating these checklists into their daily practice, Nurses can create a structured framework for self-reflection, allowing them to consciously evaluate their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors for any signs of bias. This proactive approach enables Nurses to identify and challenge any preconceived notions or stereotypes influencing their patient care.


Topics: bias, unconscious bias, unconscious bias in healthcare, implicit bias

Nurses Working Towards Cultural Competency

Posted by Wilson Nunnari

Fri, Apr 20, 2012 @ 09:40 AM

By definition...

Cultural competency is having specific cognitive and affective skills that are essential for building culturally relevant relationships between providers and patients. Obtaining cultural competency is an ongoing, lifetime process, not an endpoint. Becoming culturally competent requires continuous self-evaluation, skill development, and knowledge building about culturally diverse groups.

Healthcare disparities are inequalities in healthcare access, quality, and/or outcomes between groups. In the United States, these inequalities may be due to differences in care-seeking behaviors, cultural beliefs, health practices, linguistic barriers, degree of trust in healthcare providers, geographical access to care, insurance status, or ability to pay. Factors influencing these disparities include education, housing, nutrition, biological factors, economics, and sociopolitical power.


Several models of cultural competency exist. In a model called The Process of Cultural Competence in the Delivery of Healthcare Services, by Campinha-Bacote, nurses are directed to ask themselves questions based on the five constructs-awareness, skill, knowledge, encounters, and desire (ASKED)-to determine their own cultural competency. According to this model, nurses need an awareness of their own cultural biases and prejudices, cultural knowledge, and assessment and communication skills. Nurses also need to be motivated to have encounters with culturally diverse groups. In its most recent form, this model suggests that these encounters are the pivotal key constructs in the process of developing cultural competency.

The Giger and Davidhizar Transcultural Assessment Model identifies six cultural phenomena nurses and other healthcare providers assess in their patients: biological variations, environmental control, time, social organization, space, and communication.

Staff should select a model that best fits your specific work setting and patient population.

Beware stereotypes

Discussions about culture in healthcare often focus on race and ethnicity. Taking this approach excludes other factors (biological, psychological, religious, economical, political) that are all aspects of one's cultural experience. When race and ethnicity are overemphasized in conversations about healthcare disparities, the results can be polarizing because nursing remains a White, female-dominated profession. Also, emphasis on racial difference over other equally important differences sets up an "us versus them" dynamic between nurses that may lead to some minority nurses' disengagement from these initiatives. In addition, no one is immune to prejudice. Minorities are just as likely to have room for improvement in cultural competency.


Taking it all in

You can gain helpful information by performing a cultural assessment and using a broad definition of culture that reflects the differences in healthcare besides race and ethnicity. These definitions include age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, immigration status, employment status, socioeconomic status, culture, and religion.

To avoid stereotyping, keep in mind that individuals within a particular group can vary in many respects. For example, among older adults, certain characteristics may be typical but some older adults may demonstrate attributes that differ from the group. Many believe that all older people resist the use of modern technology; however, many people who are elderly enjoy using smartphones, tablets, electronic readers, and other devices. These intracultural differences are important to consider; having group knowledge never justifies predicting behaviors of any individual members. As part of a cultural assessment, determine the specific values, beliefs, attitudes, and health needs of each patient. See Performing a cultural assessment for an example using the Giger and Davidhizar Transcultural Assessment Model.

In the United States, the healthcare system is a cultural entity with its own norms and values. Yet nurses may overlook a facility's institutional culture when they consider the impact culture has on patients' healthcare access and outcomes. Both organizational and hospital unit culture play a role in determining the quality of care a patient receives. When you can determine what interpersonal or institutional barriers exist within a particular institution, clinic, or community setting, you're better able to assist your patients in overcoming them to achieve better healthcare outcomes.

Goals and Considerations of cultural competency

How do you know whether you're providing culturally competent care? Some believe that they've reached the goal of cultural competency as they gain new knowledge or skills, or have encounters with culturally diverse groups. But while providers may meet goals, there is always room for improvement. Helpful questions and considerations when determining cultural competency include:

* What does being culturally competent mean to me and the patients I serve?

* Which cultural competency model and/or assessment tool is most useful to me, given my patient population?

* As I gain cultural knowledge and skills, how can I use that knowledge to improve my patients' healthcare outcomes and assist in reducing healthcare disparities for underserved populations?

* Did the patient demonstrate an understanding of what I was trying to convey or teach?

* What can I do to improve the quality of care I deliver to members of this group?

Topics: disparity, bias, diversity, Workforce, nursing, ethnic, diverse, Articles, nurse, nurses, cultural, inclusion

Bias: You Don’t Have to See It to Believe It

Posted by Pat Magrath

Wed, Feb 29, 2012 @ 09:22 AM

Kellye Whitney -  2/23/12
reprint from Diversity Executive

maskJust because you don’t see unconscious bias doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist and that the unseen isn’t having a tangible impact on actual people.

Iowa is dealing with one of the largest class-action lawsuits of its kind against the entire state government’s civil service system. Some 6,000 African-American plaintiffs are saying since 2003 they were systemically passed over for jobs and promotions.

“The plaintiffs … do not say they faced overt racism or discriminatory hiring tests in Iowa, a state that is 91 percent white. Instead, their lawyers argue that managers subconsciously favored whites across state government, leaving blacks at a disadvantage in decisions over who got interviewed, hired and promoted,” an article about the case said.

This is particularly interesting because apparently similar cases against local governments have failed — it’s tough to explicate and prove disparities in mistreatment of this type. But science may be the answer — or at least offer some measure of proof.

The article said that University of Washington psychology professor Anthony Greenwald, an expert on implicit bias who testified on the plaintiffs’ behalf, developed an Implicit Association Test to test racial stereotypes. The resulting research found a preference for whites over blacks in up to 80 percent of test takers among people who did not consider themselves to be racist.

This kind of research makes me want to hop up and down pointing and yelling, ‘See! Told ya.’ This is why I talk the subject of unconscious bias darn near to death. Just because you don’t see it — or don’t want to acknowledge it exists — doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist and that the unseen isn’t having a tangible impact on actual people.
“Attorney Thomas Newkirk said the science and other evidence that shows disadvantaged groups such as blacks face employment discrimination in subtle ways ‘is becoming overwhelming,’” the article said.

Lawyers are asking for lost wages to the tune of $67 million minus what plaintiffs earned in the meantime, and that changes be made in the way state officials train managers, screen candidates and track disparities in hiring. We’ll see how it plays out.


We are interested in what you think? Do you believe Bias can be a subconscious thing? Let us know what you think of this article and the lawsuit that is its subject. Do you agree? Disagree?

Topics: disparity, bias, diversity, Workforce, employment, Articles

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