Topics: diversity, nursing, ethnic, nurse, nurses, professional, ethnicity, student, race, racial group, degree
Here is a chart let you know the largest number of healthcare professions which is 2.6 million registered nurses in USA also show how much they earn in different levels.
Nurses have always played a first-rate role in people’s lives. They perform a wide range of clinical and non-clinical functions that are necessary in the delivery of health care
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist salary around $135,000
Nurse Researcher salary around $95,000
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner salary around $95,000
Nurse Practitioner salary around $78,000
Clinical Nurse Specialist salary around $76,000
Gerontological Nurse Practitioner salary around $75,000
Topics: Workforce, employment, nursing, nurse, nurses, professional, salary, salaries, hospital staff, income

Topics: employment, nursing, nurse, nurses, care, career, stress, professional, infographic