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DiversityNursing Blog

Understanding Social Determinants of Health

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Wed, Apr 17, 2024 @ 12:05 PM

Social determinants of health (SDOH) are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age, and the broader array of influences and structures impacting everyday living. These determinants are the key drivers of health disparities, leading to unjust and preventable health outcomes.

SDOH include factors such as:

Economic Stability 

This includes factors like employment, income, debt, and socioeconomic status. People with lower income levels often face greater challenges accessing healthcare and maintaining healthy lifestyles. The ability to secure stable employment, earn a livable wage, manage financial obligations, and attain a certain socioeconomic status directly impacts one's access to healthcare services, ability to afford healthy lifestyle choices, and overall quality of life.

Individuals facing financial hardships may struggle to prioritize their health due to limited resources, leading to disparities in healthcare access and health outcomes. It is essential to address economic inequalities and provide support systems to ensure all individuals have equal opportunities to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.


Individuals with a higher education level tend to exhibit better health behaviors, such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and avoidance of harmful substances like tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption. This is because education not only provides individuals with the knowledge and understanding of healthy lifestyle choices but also empowers them to make informed decisions about their health.

Higher levels of education are closely linked to greater access to healthcare services. Educated individuals are more likely to have health insurance coverage, seek preventive care, and adhere to medical treatments, leading to better overall health outcomes. Education can also enhance health literacy, enabling individuals to better understand health information, navigate the healthcare system, and communicate effectively with healthcare providers.

Social Connectedness 

Social support networks play a crucial role in individuals' overall health and well-being. Having strong social connections and a supportive community can act as a buffer against stress, loneliness, and mental health issues. When people feel connected and supported by those around them, they are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors, seek out healthcare when needed, and have a sense of belonging and purpose.

On the other hand, discrimination and social isolation can have detrimental effects on both mental and physical health. Experiencing discrimination based on factors like race, gender, or socioeconomic status can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, and depression, all of which can impact one's overall health. Similarly, feeling socially isolated or disconnected from others can increase the risk of developing mental health disorders and exacerbate existing health conditions.

In contrast, communities that foster social cohesion and inclusivity create environments where individuals feel valued, supported, and encouraged to prioritize their health and well-being. By promoting social support networks, community engagement, and addressing issues of discrimination and social isolation, we can create healthier and more resilient communities where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Neighborhood and Physical Environment

The physical environment in which people live, work, and play can significantly impact health. Factors such as access to safe housing, clean air and water, transportation options, and green spaces all influence health outcomes.

Access to safe and secure housing is fundamental to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, as it provides a foundation for stability and a sense of security. Clean air and water are essential elements directly impacting respiratory health and overall physical well-being. Inadequate access to clean air and water can lead to respiratory illnesses and other health complications.

Transportation and infrastructure also play a significant role in health outcomes. Easy access to public transportation, walkable neighborhoods, and bike-friendly paths can promote active lifestyles and reduce reliance on cars, thereby contributing to improved physical health. The availability of green spaces and parks in communities provides opportunities for outdoor recreational activities, which are vital for mental well-being and stress reduction.

Access to Healthcare

Healthcare access includes factors such as health insurance coverage, proximity to healthcare facilities, availability of primary care providers, and affordability of healthcare services. Limited access to healthcare can lead to delayed or inadequate treatment, exacerbating health disparities.

Health Behaviors

Individual behaviors such as diet, exercise, smoking, alcohol and drug use, and sexual activity all play a critical role in determining an individual's overall health and well-being. These behaviors are not only influenced by personal choices but also by a complex interplay of social, economic, and environmental factors.

By addressing the social determinants of health that shape these behaviors, such as promoting affordable and nutritious food options, creating safe and accessible environments for physical activity, and implementing education and prevention programs, we can empower individuals to make healthier choices and ultimately improve population health outcomes.

Addressing social determinants of health requires comprehensive, multi-sectoral approaches that go beyond traditional healthcare interventions. This involves collaboration between various sectors such as education, housing, transportation, and social services to create a holistic approach to improving health outcomes.

By working together to address the underlying factors that contribute to health disparities, we can create a more equitable and inclusive society where everyone has the opportunity to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. This approach not only benefits individuals but also strengthens communities and promotes overall well-being for all. 

Topics: healthy lifestyle, health equity, health disparities, SDOH, social determinants of health

Instacart Health Allows Healthcare Providers To Prescribe Healthy Meals To Patients

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Mon, Apr 03, 2023 @ 11:41 AM

Screen Shot 2023-03-31 at 10.44.46 AMHealthcare providers recognize the crucial role nutritious diets play in promoting and maintaining good health. People with healthy eating patterns live longer and are at lower risk for serious health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. For people with chronic diseases, healthy eating can help manage these conditions and prevent complications.

However, over 30 million people in the U.S. live in food-insecure households – including as many as 9 million children.

Studies have shown that nearly 46% of adults and 56% of children in the U.S. have an overall poor-quality diet and unhealthy diets account for more than $50 billion in U.S. healthcare costs.

The leading grocery technology company in North America, Instacart, wants to help end hunger and reduce diet-related diseases in the U.S. 

The company announced their release of the Instacart Health’s provider products, designed to enhance collaborative care, promote healthy choices and deliver nutritious foods to patients across the country. Through Instacart Health, they’re giving providers the tools required to build virtual food pharmacies and deliver actionable nutrition advice to their patients through their platform.

"We know that access to nutritious foods can deliver healthier outcomes, but a number of challenges have prevented healthcare providers from effectively adopting food as medicine programs at scale. With Instacart Health, we have the unique opportunity to partner with providers to expand proven nutrition programs and more deeply integrate food as medicine into standard patient care," said Sarah Mastrorocco, Vice President and General Manager of Instacart Health. "We're proud to offer these products to help providers expand access to nutritious food and make medically-tailored groceries and meal advice more actionable. Together, we can help patients and their families take an active role in their health through food."

Boston Children's Hospital is among the first health systems to leverage Instacart Health provider products for its patients, establishing new food as medicine programs to help them get the nourishment they need to manage and maintain their health.

"At Boston Children's Hospital, we're committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in pediatric health and addressing our patient health needs holistically," said Dr. John Brownstein, Chief Innovation Officer at Boston Children's Hospital. "Together with Instacart Health, we are excited to explore this technology further to help our providers deliver programs serving patients and families with specific dietary needs. Food and nutrition programs are essential to disease treatment and prevention."

Today, Instacart is available to 95% of U.S. households, including 93% of people living in food deserts. And SNAP participants can use their benefits to shop online from more than 10,000 stores across 49 states and Washington D.C. on the Instacart platform. 

"Food desert" is a common phrase used to describe a neighborhood or section of a city where it's hard for people to access healthy food, many of which are low-income communities and communities of color. "Access" is a multi-layered word here — a neighborhood may technically have a grocery store, but it may not be accessible by public transportation.

Instacart partners with more than 1,100 national, regional and local retailers to offer online shopping, delivery and pickup from more than 80,000 stores across North America.

To learn more about Instacart Health visit

Topics: healthy lifestyle, healthcare, health disparities, healthcare providers, instacart health, nutrition, healthy meals

Tips For Staying Healthy As A Nurse

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Tue, Mar 06, 2018 @ 12:06 PM


Nurses are committed to caring for their patients, but unfortunately many struggle to take care of themselves. In fact, Nurses are more likely to be overweight, have higher levels of stress and get less than the recommended hours of sleep. Delivering health care is a stressful role, both physically and mentally. Therefore, it is imperative you take your own health into consideration.
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Nurses and health care workers experience the highest rate of non-fatal occupational injuries and illnesses of any sectors, including construction. As mentioned, both your mental and physical health are important. Here are some tips to help you improve your overall health.

Find a work buddy

In any job, especially Nursing, it’s easier to cope with emotional stress when you have a work buddy to help you through tough shifts. You can vent to your friend, share your frustrations and they understand what you're going through. If you haven’t found your best friend at work yet, don’t worry, you will.

Eat well

Most Nurses work in a fast-paced environment and are often short on time, which can lead to relying on fast food that is high in fat, sodium, sugar, and additives. Look for ways to add more lean proteins, fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Try meal prepping for the week.

Meditate or find a quiet space

Try to find peace for at least 10 minutes in a quiet room or in a quiet place outside with no electronic distractions. Ten minutes of quiet is longer than you think, but you'll feel more refreshed afterwards. Just take a moment to focus on breathing and calming positive thoughts to boost you through draining times.

You know it's important to get sufficient sleep prior to your shift, but it’s not always easy to get it. Do your best to get your sleep because many bad things happen when you don’t sleep properly. You might overeat, feel unhappy and impatient, your energy levels will slowly deplete, and it’s possible you could make mistakes. For night shift workers who need to sleep during the day, try using ear plugs to drown out noise and face masks to block the light. White noise machines could be helpful too.
Some jobs require you to sit for long periods at a computer, so try standing every hour for a few minutes. Walk up and down a flight of stairs, stretch your legs and find workouts tailored for long shifts.
What do you do to stay healthy? We'd love to hear your ideas and tips as they could be helpful to your colleagues. Please comment below!


Topics: healthy lifestyle

Can Fast Food Hinder Learning in Kids?

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Mon, Dec 29, 2014 @ 10:28 AM

FSF050 resized 600A steady diet of fast food might hurt your child in the classroom, a new study finds.

Kids who frequently ate fast food in fifth grade lagged behind by eighth grade, said researchers who reviewed questionnaires and test scores of more than 8,500 U.S. students.

"The largest effects were found for the kids who reported daily consumption of fast food," said study leader Kelly Purtell, assistant professor of human sciences at Ohio State University. "On average they were scoring three or four points lower than the kids who did not report eating fast food at all in the past week." 

The researchers compared academic test scores in reading, math and science for fifth and eighth grade and looked at the students' responses to food questions on a national survey. 

On average, test scores increased 16 to 19 points, depending on the subject, Purtell said.

But kids who ate fast food the most had test-score gains of up to 20 percent less than those who never ate fast food, she found.

The study was published online this month in Clinical Pediatrics

More than two-thirds of the students surveyed reported some fast-food intake. And one in five had eaten at least four fast-food meals in the previous week, the survey found.

The amount of fast food consumed corresponded with eighth-grade scores, even after researchers took into account for physical activity, TV watching, income levels and school characteristics, Purtell said.

The proliferation of fast food is already a concern because of America's obesity epidemic.

However, the study can't prove the fast food caused the lower scores, only that the two were linked, Purtell noted. Still, other research has linked high-sugar and high-fat diets with an adverse effect on learning processes requiring attention, she said.

Although researchers can't explain the tie-in for sure, it's also possible that those with a fast-food habit may not get the nutrients needed for good learning, she suggested.

Experts aren't recommending you ban all fast foods on the basis of this one report, but they do advise moderation.

"It is premature to presume that frequent fast-food consumption will compromise one's later academic functioning," said Dr. Andrew Adesman, chief of developmental and behavioral pediatrics at the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Children's Medical Center of New York, who wasn't involved in the study.

"Although this study found an association between frequently eating fast food and weaker academic performance a year later, we cannot be certain that the observed differences were due to nutritional factors and not other variables," he said.

Still, it's advisable to "encourage kids to go slow when it comes to fast food" to preserve health and good nutrition, Adesman added.

More research is needed, he said, to determine what impact fast food has on students' learning potential.

In the meantime, Purtell said, "I don't think the occasional fast meal is anything to worry about." Once a week or less might be a good goal, she suggested.


Topics: learning, kids, fast food, harmful, healthy lifestyle, lifestyle choices, classroom, youth, pediatrics, nursing, health, healthcare, children, diet, medical, food, physicians

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