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DiversityNursing Blog

ICU Nurse Donates Part of Her Liver to Save 8-Year-Old Boy

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Thu, Sep 05, 2019 @ 12:26 PM


Nurses are selfless, always giving as much of themselves as they can for their patients. Thanks to one extremely selfless Nurse, 8-year-old Brayden Auten of WI is alive and well and starting a new school year. 


One day last April, Brayden, a busy and active child, came home from school very sick. The following evening, he was at Children's Hospital in Milwaukee where doctors discovered an aggressive unknown virus attacking his liver.


According to a Wisconsin News article, within a week, young Brayden was fighting for his life. Ruth Auten, Brayden's mom said "Started talking liver transplant, and we just bawled our eyes out. We didn't think it was going to get that far."


The family posted Brayden's story online and the response was so huge, an operator was added to the unit to handle the volume of phone calls. Thankfully, Cami Loritz, an ICU Nurse in Milwaukee, answered their prayers. She was a perfect match and volunteered to be a living donor.


Brayden’s dad, James Auten said "What she did was completely selfless and she saved his life, plain and simple." Ruth said "We can't thank her enough. She's a true miracle. We consider her one of us, one of our family."


While Brayden was recovering in Milwaukee, the community back home in Wrightstown, WI came together for the family. "They set up fundraisers and everything for tournaments and just, it was really amazing to see the community support and the wrestling team came while we were gone and did our lawn and landscaping and came and saw him. It's been pretty amazing," said Brayden's dad. 


The Auten's are so thankful and grateful for the gift of life Cami gave to Brayden. To commemorate what Cami did for Brayden and his family, they organized a family photo shoot for them. You can see their bond in these photos. Cami, you are truly an amazing person!




Topics: organ donor, ICU nurse, liver transplant, nurse organ donor

Doctors Bow In Reverence To Cancer Victim Who Donated Organs 'To Be A Great Kid'

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Mon, Jul 28, 2014 @ 12:39 PM

 By Carly Ledbetter

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An 11-year-old's wish to give the gift of life to others came true on the last day of his life. The photograph below shows doctors bowing to Liang Yaoyi, a gifted student from Shenzhen, China, who died from a brain tumor in June. His mother can be seen crying in the background.


Liang was diagnosed with the tumor at the age of 9, just after he moved to Shenzhen to join his brother and sister, and to attend primary school, Shanghai Daily reports. One day, Liang felt dizzy and the next day had trouble walking, so his sister took him to a hospital where he learned he had a brain tumor.

Before passing away on June 6, Liang told his mother, Li Qun, that he wanted to donate his organs.

"There are many people doing great things in the world," he said according to China Daily. "They are great, and I want to be a great kid too."

CCTV News reported that Liang also said it was also a chance for him to be "alive in another way."

Liang's teacher said he may have learned of organ donation by reading stories in a school textbook. Liang's mother honored his wishes and doctors were able to save his kidneys and liver for donation, according to China Daily.

The picture has created a firestorm within Chinese media outlets and on Reddit, where users commented on the beauty of the photo, the strength of Liang and the importance of organ donation.

If you would like to learn more about how you can become an organ donor, contact Donate Life.



Topics: boy, organ donor, China, doctors, cancer

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