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DiversityNursing Blog

Unlocking Nursing Career Opportunities: Tips and Advice for Success

Posted by Sarah West APRN, FNP-BC

Mon, Dec 04, 2023 @ 11:19 AM

One of the most extraordinary things about Nursing are the endless opportunities that lay at your feet the second you enter the profession. Here are some tips and advice to set you up for success in your Nursing career.

Continuing Education and Learning

Nursing is a dynamic career field with constant technological advancements and best practice updates. Nurses should strive to stay on top of industry trends by attending conferences, online classes, independent study programs, and on-the-job training.

Continuing education credits can ensure you stay updated with industry trends and broaden your skill set, making you stand apart from others in the job market. 

Nursing Specialization

Nursing specialization allows you to become an expert in a chosen area of interest within the Nursing profession. Registered Nurses can choose to become board-certified in various Nursing specialties, including but not limited to, Emergency Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, and Critical Care.  

Nurses who specialize in a specific area of Nursing can influence Nursing practice, education, and healthcare outcomes by sharing their expertise and patient care experience. Not only does pursuing a specialization look excellent on a resume, it also helps shape the healthcare industry's future and promote better patient care. 




Networking in Nursing can unlock unexpected and significant career opportunities. Networking contributes to personal growth and development within your career by allowing Nurses to connect with colleagues, mentors, and experts in the field to share knowledge and experience.

These connections provide Nurses with opportunities for learning from the experiences of others, developing professionally, and staying updated on advancements in healthcare. Becoming a member of a professional Nursing organization or association and finding a Nurse mentor are great ways to expand your network and unlock limitless career advancement.

Diversify and Seek New Experiences

A rich and productive work environment comprises diverse individuals with broad experience backgrounds. The best career candidates provide valuable experience and knowledge in different areas of Nursing practice.

To diversify your background and become an ideal career opportunity candidate, seek out new experiences to broaden your skills and knowledge by participating in volunteer opportunities, internships, and residency programs. Experience in various areas of Nursing makes you a well-rounded medical professional with knowledge and experience to share, which looks great on any job application.

Create a Strong Cover Letter and Resume

When seeking new career opportunities, a strong cover letter and resume can set you apart from other candidates and help you to stand out.

The cover letter is the first document a potential employer reads. It should capture the reader's attention and set the tone for the rest of your application. From there, your resume should showcase your strongest achievements, skills, and experiences. A quality cover letter and resume may unlock or block you from career opportunities.

Consider an Advanced Degree

Advanced Nursing degrees can unlock extreme career potential and open the doors to new and prosperous opportunities. Advanced Nursing degrees empower Nurses to take on more specialized, leadership-oriented, and impactful roles in the healthcare system.

They provide a pathway for career growth, increased responsibilities, and the opportunity to contribute significantly to patient care, education, research, and healthcare policy. If you are looking for a new career opportunity, there is no better way to open more career goals than to work toward completing an advanced degree.

To unlock Nursing career opportunities and achieve the greatest success, Nurses must have a unique combination of education, skill development, networking, and a proactive approach to career planning. A successful Nursing journey can look different to everyone, and how you reach ultimate career satisfaction is an individualized process. Nursing at all levels takes skill, dedication, and passion. As long as you keep the goal of providing high-quality patient care, you will achieve career success.




Topics: nurse staffing, hiring nurses, Nursing tips, nurse recruitment, nurse advice, nurse hiring, nurse success

Advice For New Nurses

Posted by Diversity Nursing

Thu, Apr 06, 2023 @ 10:23 AM

GettyImages-1400028194Congratulations on starting your Nursing career! Here are some pieces of advice that may help you as a new Nurse:

Never stop learning

Nursing is a constantly evolving field and there are always new things to learn. Attend continuing education classes, read Nursing journals, go to Nursing conferences, join Nursing associations, and stay up-to-date on the latest research.

Get to know your teammates 

Don't hesitate breaking the ice, introduce yourself, others are probably wondering who this new person is! Once you get to know everyone, try keeping a close group of people you can rely on and talk to when need be. Every one needs a helping hand or shoulder to lean on time and again. 

Sara Lentz DNP, MSN, RN, CNL at Heritage Dignity Health said, "Get to know everyone you work with, from the top to the bottom of the organizational structure. It doesn’t matter if someone is cooking, providing bedside care, or a chief — everybody is there for a common goal and a part of your work family.”

Don't be afraid to ask questions

As a new Nurse, it's okay to not know everything. Ask your colleagues and mentors for help when you need it.

Mary Erickson, RN, Clinical Care Leader at Sanford Health said, "Even after 34 years in the ICU, there is still plenty for me to learn and there will be for you, too. A Nurse who asks a lot of questions and continues to expand their knowledge and expertise will undoubtedly provide good, quality care to patients."

Be organized

Nursing can be a busy and demanding profession, so it's important to be organized. Develop a system for keeping track of your tasks, and prioritize your to-do list. Try taking notes or use a Nursing report sheet, so you can ensure you're always on top of your game.

Stay calm

One of the most important things a new Nurse can do is to remain calm under pressure. When difficult situations arise, it is a Nurse’s job to provide a sense of calm for their patients and their families.

Develop good communication skills

Effective communication is essential in Nursing. Learn how to communicate clearly and effectively with your colleagues, patients, and their families.

“Look at your patient so you notice their nonverbal communication. Find ways to assess fine motor skill where they don’t notice it. For example, when working home health have them reach for pen when signing paperwork. My assessment begins the minute I enter their room or when they open the door. Use ALL of your senses! Actively listen to patients and their family," says Nurse Kay.

Take care of yourself

Burnout in Nursing is common as it's a physically and emotionally demanding job. It's critical you take care of yourself. Get enough rest, eat a healthy diet, enjoy your social life, exercise regularly, and find ways to manage stress.

Be compassionate

Don’t ever forget, you're in the profession of caring. It's important to be compassionate toward your patients and their families. Treat each patient as an individual, with their own unique needs, fears, and preferences.

Build a support network

This career can be challenging, so it's important to have a support system of colleagues, friends, and family members who understand what you're going through.

“Being a Nurse will change your life. It changes your outlook on a lot of things--makes you more passionate about some, thankful for some and just down-right mad about others,” Nina Vella, RN, at St. Edward Mercy Medical Center said, adding that the best part of being a Nurse is “getting to genuinely make a difference in someone’s life. When a patient tells you ‘thank you for saving my life,’ you can’t help but to be proud. When you get to watch a patient that you didn’t know would live or not walk out of a hospital and know that you are a part of the reason they can live again, you can’t explain the feeling!”

Nursing is a rewarding profession that allows you to make a real difference in people's lives. With compassion, great communication skills, an inquisitive and confident nature, a good support network, and a commitment to stay healthy both mentally and physically, you will become an excellent Nurse and make a positive impact on the world.

Topics: new nurses, new nurse, nursing, nursing career, nursing experience, nurse advice, nursing opportunities

10 Pieces of Advice For New Nurses

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Mon, Jun 14, 2021 @ 09:23 AM

nursesatstation1. Set your phone or digital watch to military time. In healthcare, the 24-hour clock is generally used in documentation of care as it prevents any ambiguity as to when events occurred in a patient's medical history.

2. Get to know your team. Don't hesitate breaking the ice, introduce yourself, others are probably wondering who this new person is! Once you get to know everyone, try keeping a close group of people you can rely on and talk to when need be. Every one needs a helping hand or shoulder to lean on time and again. 

3. Don't be afraid to ask questions, no matter how small. It's better to not know and ask, than act like you know and risk a patient's safety. Listen, watch and learn from seasoned Nurses. Learning is a never ending part of the job. 

4. Seek a mentor. This one-on-one experience provides a safe space for new Nurses to ask questions and learn the social and professional inner workings of their profession.

5. Self care is important. If you aren't caring for yourself, you won't be able to care for others.  Be mindful of how you feel and recognize when you need to give yourself some extra love and attention. Even small 15 minute breaks during shifts can make a world of difference. 

6. Never stop learning. Invest in continuing education, keep certifications up to date and seek knowledge in places outside the hospital setting. 

7. Buy good shoes! Nurses are on their feet constantly so invest in a pair that are comfortable and durable. Also try wearing compression socks.

8. You may not be able to do everything yourself, but together we can do anything. Offer help when you can and accept help when you need it. 

9. Carry many pens with you!

10. Remember why you started. It will help you get through tough times or when you're feeling down or burnt-out. Nursing is stressful, but also rewarding. 

Topics: new nurses, new nurse, advice, Nursing tips, nurse advice

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