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DiversityNursing Blog

Interview Preparation: Strategies to Excel in Nursing Interviews

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Wed, Jul 24, 2024 @ 11:44 AM

Entering the Nursing field is an exciting and rewarding journey, but the interview process can be daunting. Here are some strategies to help you excel in your Nursing interviews and secure your dream job.

Understand the Job Description

Before stepping into the interview room, make sure you thoroughly understand the job description. Review the skills, qualifications, and responsibilities required for the role. This will help you tailor your responses to demonstrate that you are the perfect fit for the position.

Tip: Highlight key phrases in the job description and think of specific examples from your experience that align with these requirements.

Research the Healthcare Facility

Take the time to research the healthcare facility where you’re interviewing. Understand its mission, values, culture, and any recent news or achievements. This knowledge will not only impress your interviewers but also help you determine if the facility is a good fit for you.

Tip: Visit the facility's website, read their annual reports, and look for any recent press releases.

Prepare for Common Nursing Interview Questions

Nursing interviews often include a mix of behavioral, situational, and clinical questions. Prepare for common questions such as:

  • Why did you choose Nursing as a career?
  • How do you handle stressful situations?
  • Can you describe a time when you dealt with a difficult patient?
  • How do you prioritize tasks during a busy shift?

Tip: Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your answers and provide clear, concise examples.

Showcase Your Soft Skills

In addition to clinical skills, soft skills like communication, empathy, teamwork, and problem-solving are crucial in Nursing. Be prepared to discuss situations where you’ve demonstrated these qualities.

Tip: Think of specific instances where your soft skills made a difference in patient care or team dynamics.

Prepare Questions for the Interviewers

Having thoughtful questions ready for your interviewers shows your genuine interest in the position and the facility. Consider asking about:

  • The facility's approach to patient care
  • Opportunities for professional development and continuing education
  • The team dynamics and work culture
  • Challenges the unit is currently facing

Tip: Avoid asking questions that are easily answered by looking at the facility’s website or job description.

Dress Professionally and Arrive Early

First impressions matter. Dress in professional attire and aim to arrive at least 15 minutes early. This demonstrates your punctuality and respect for the interviewers' time.

Tip: Plan your route in advance and account for any potential traffic or transportation issues.

Bring Necessary Documents

Bring multiple copies of your resume, a list of references, and any certifications or licenses relevant to the position. Having these documents on hand shows that you are organized and prepared.

Tip: Keep your documents in a professional folder or portfolio.

Practice Good Body Language

Your body language can convey confidence and enthusiasm. Maintain eye contact, offer a firm handshake, and sit up straight. Avoid fidgeting or crossing your arms, as these can signal nervousness or defensiveness.

Tip: Practice your body language in front of a mirror or with a friend before the interview.

Follow Up with a Thank-You Note

After the interview, send a thank-you note or email to express your appreciation for the opportunity. This small gesture can leave a positive impression and reinforce your interest in the position.

Tip: Mention specific topics discussed during the interview to make your note more personalized and memorable.

Excelling in a Nursing interview requires thorough preparation, a clear understanding of the role, and the ability to showcase both your clinical and soft skills. By following these strategies, you'll be well on your way to making a lasting impression and securing the Nursing position you desire.

Best of luck in your interview preparation!

Topics: hiring, interview, job interview, hiring nurses, hospitals hiring

Health Systems Look Locally To Recruit Nurses

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Mon, Jan 15, 2024 @ 11:03 AM

Hospitals across the country are implementing a range of innovative strategies to attract and recruit talented Nurses from their local communities. Here, are some effective methods to consider:

UC Davis Health, renowned for being named a top employer in California by Forbes, has devised an inclusive outreach and local recruitment plan to promote workforce diversity throughout the healthcare industry. This innovative approach is now receiving global attention through a new case study published in New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst's January 2024 issue.

"Diversity, equity and inclusion are core tenets of our recruitment strategies," said Lyndon Huling, interim lead for Talent Acquisition Unit and co-author of the case study. "We implement those values in our approach to outreach. We know that a diverse and local workforce cultivates innovation, improves patient outcomes and makes UC Davis Health an employer of choice."

"We wanted to use our presence in the community to increase local hiring," said Victoria Ngo, co-first author of the case study and postdoctoral researcher at UC Davis Health. "Targeting outreach to local Sacramento neighborhoods of concern is just one way the anchor institution mission is focusing its efforts in reducing disparities in the long term."

A 2019 Community Health Needs Assessment identified 10 ZIP codes within a 20-minute commute of UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento with the greatest socioeconomic and health needs. In response, UC Davis Health pledged to hire and invest in the communities within these ZIP codes.

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Establish Educational Relationships with Local Universities

To establish strong connections with Nursing students, consider offering Nursing internships that provide valuable practical experience and college credit. By forging educational partnerships with local universities, you can provide top-tier students with the opportunity to intern at your organization, offering them a real-life glimpse into the rewarding world of your health system. These internships allow employers to thoroughly evaluate potential candidates, enabling them to select the best fit and streamline the hiring process.

Networking and Community Engagement

Get involved in local healthcare and community events to connect with potential candidates and expand your network. Take part in community outreach programs to spread awareness about the exciting Nursing opportunities available at your hospital.

Employee Referral Programs (ERPs)

Implementing a rewarding employee referral program motivates your current staff to recommend talented candidates. Show your appreciation by offering enticing incentives for successful referrals. A creative ERP not only boosts employee engagement and satisfaction, but also helps you retain employees and attract top-notch individuals to join your team.

Utilize Social Media

Harness the power of social media platforms to broadcast job opportunities in your area and captivate potential candidates. Showcase the hospital's vibrant work environment and let employee testimonials shine a spotlight on the positive culture.

Recruitment Events and Open Houses

Organize exclusive recruitment events and Open Houses that provide a firsthand experience of the exceptional facilities and vibrant culture that exist at your place of employment. These events will create opportunities for prospective Nurses to interact with your dedicated staff, gaining valuable insights into the numerous career opportunities available.

Topics: hiring, hiring nurses, nurse recruitment, hiring diverse candidates, hiring diverse workforce, DEI, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, healthcare hiring, nurse hiring, hospitals hiring

Hospitals Introducing Teens To Healthcare Career Opportunities

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Wed, Aug 24, 2022 @ 02:11 PM

GettyImages-483482847Hospitals are hiring or accepting volunteer teens and young adults as a long-term strategy to help combat shortages in the healthcare industry. 

Research shows, exposure to various healthcare fields is crucial to the development of career interests for adolescents and young adults. 

Earn while you learn programs give high school students the opportunity to gain knowledge in the field and make a better wage than the average part time jobs students often take.

These programs offer roles such as:

  • Food Services
  • Transportation
  • Manage Gift Shop
  • Medical Library
  • Patient Support
  • Environmental Services
  • Administrative Support
  • Translator

According to Becker's Hospital Review, Mount Carmel launched its inaugural patient-facing role for those 16 and older: a student support associate position.

Student support associates work as part of the care team, with a multi-skilled technician. The younger workers can help with tasks such as bathing patients, taking patients' vital signs and restocking equipment. 

"We did elect to have specific criteria that students coming to us are actively enrolled in a Nursing program or a pre-Nursing program throughout their high school [career], so that we are really looking to support and foster their interest in long-term career growth and positioning them well to continue to work for us after they graduate from high school and ultimately matriculate into a Nursing program or another allied health program," Mount Carmel Regional Director of Talent Acquisition Rachel Barb told Becker's.

Volunteer programs help plant the seed and further educational opportunities for young adults.

Inova Fairfax Hospital in Virginia offers a volunteer Summer program where teens get to learn about different positions in the hospital and get hands-on experience at the hospital’s simulation lab.

Dr. Steve Narang, President of Inova Fairfax Medical Campus says to volunteers, "We are taking care of human beings, and this is just a gateway whether you want to be an accountant, whether you want to be in security, whether you want to be in IT or whether you want to be at the bedside. There’s a job for you in healthcare.”

Abrazo West Campus Hospital in Arizona hosts a volunteer program with interactive workshops.

“In those workshops, they have someone’s undivided attention, so they have a surgeon, a specialist, a radiologist that’s up there, and they tell them everything from A to Z, salary, challenges, rewards, education, the best career paths to take,” said Barry Worman, Director of Volunteer Services.

The Healthcare industry will continue to face workforce shortages in the near future so it’s crucial health systems offer opportunities like this to fill the gaps. 

Topics: nursing shortage, healthcare, healthcare industry, healthcare careers, healthcare organizations, healthcare hiring, healthcare workforce, healthcare staffing, teen volunteer programs, hospital volunteer, hospital volunteer program, hospitals hiring

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