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Former Combat Medic Combats PTSD With Hip-Hop

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Mon, Jun 26, 2017 @ 12:40 PM

doc-todd-21_wide-f1a0f9bb6201a43906f53ebecf9ccf0890d264ce.jpgFormer Fleet Marine Force corpsman, George "Mik" Todd, released a new hip-hop album called Combat Medicine. George raps under the name Doc Todd and his main goal is to help veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, or substance abuse.

According to NPR, Todd took several years before gettingt help for his PTSD. He was depressed and started drinking heavily. Eventually, he realized what he needed to be doing was helping other veterans. With savings from his job as a money manager and help from his wife, he was able to quit his job. He'd been making music since he was a teenager. Now, he wanted to use his music to help veterans heal. And he had plenty of material for his lyrics.

Some lyrics from his song, Not Alone, Doc Todd urges veterans to take action in their own recovery.

The struggle is real

Found a feast

And lost a soul

Eventually my drinking

It got out of control

There in darkness, I roamed

Struggling to find home

See Suddenly death didn't

Feel so Alone

Take those bottles out, dog

and pour 'em in the sink.

Take the needles out of your arm

And the gun away from your forehead.

It's time, man.

You've been through enough pain.

Stand up.

It's time to stand back up.

Learn more about Doc Todd in his interview here.

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Topics: clinical depression, PTSD, Veterans, post traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, hip hop

VA Initiatives Reduce Staph Infections In Veterans

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Mon, Oct 20, 2014 @ 11:50 AM

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A Department of Veterans Affairs initiative targeting staph infections in hospitalized patients has produced positive results, according to data released by the VA. 

Among VA patients in ICUs between 2007 and 2012, healthcare-associated MRSA infection rates dropped 72% — from 1.64 to 0.46 per 1,000 patient days. Infection rates dropped 66% — from 0.47 to 0.16 per 1,000 patient days — for patients treated in non-ICU hospital units.

“These results are striking,” Carolyn Clancy, MD, VA’s interim under secretary for health, said in a news release. “Healthcare-associated infections are a major challenge throughout the healthcare industry, but we have found in VA that consistently applying some simple preventive strategies can make a very big difference, and that difference is being recognized.”

VA’s prevention practices consist of patient screening programs for MRSA, contact precautions for hospitalized patients found to have MRSA, and hand hygiene reminders with hand sanitizer stations placed in common areas, patient wards and specialty clinics throughout medical centers, according to the release. Practices are reinforced via computerized reminders, training, measurement and continual feedback.

MRSA infections are a serious global healthcare issue and are difficult to treat because the bacterium is resistant to many antibiotics. In a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2012 MRSA surveillance report from its Active Bacterial Core surveillance, the CDC cites 75,309 cases of invasive MRSA infections and 9,670 deaths due to invasive MRSA in 2012, according to the release.

“The VA healthcare system is able to implement and assess these prevention strategies,” Martin Evans, MD, director of VA’s MRSA control program, said in the release. “What we’ve learned translates into better healthcare for the veterans we serve.”


Topics: Department of Veterans Affairs, VA, Veterans, staph infections, health, healthcare, patients, hospital

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