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DiversityNursing Blog

Health Systems Look Locally To Recruit Nurses

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Mon, Jan 15, 2024 @ 11:03 AM

Hospitals across the country are implementing a range of innovative strategies to attract and recruit talented Nurses from their local communities. Here, are some effective methods to consider:

UC Davis Health, renowned for being named a top employer in California by Forbes, has devised an inclusive outreach and local recruitment plan to promote workforce diversity throughout the healthcare industry. This innovative approach is now receiving global attention through a new case study published in New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst's January 2024 issue.

"Diversity, equity and inclusion are core tenets of our recruitment strategies," said Lyndon Huling, interim lead for Talent Acquisition Unit and co-author of the case study. "We implement those values in our approach to outreach. We know that a diverse and local workforce cultivates innovation, improves patient outcomes and makes UC Davis Health an employer of choice."

"We wanted to use our presence in the community to increase local hiring," said Victoria Ngo, co-first author of the case study and postdoctoral researcher at UC Davis Health. "Targeting outreach to local Sacramento neighborhoods of concern is just one way the anchor institution mission is focusing its efforts in reducing disparities in the long term."

A 2019 Community Health Needs Assessment identified 10 ZIP codes within a 20-minute commute of UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento with the greatest socioeconomic and health needs. In response, UC Davis Health pledged to hire and invest in the communities within these ZIP codes.

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Establish Educational Relationships with Local Universities

To establish strong connections with Nursing students, consider offering Nursing internships that provide valuable practical experience and college credit. By forging educational partnerships with local universities, you can provide top-tier students with the opportunity to intern at your organization, offering them a real-life glimpse into the rewarding world of your health system. These internships allow employers to thoroughly evaluate potential candidates, enabling them to select the best fit and streamline the hiring process.

Networking and Community Engagement

Get involved in local healthcare and community events to connect with potential candidates and expand your network. Take part in community outreach programs to spread awareness about the exciting Nursing opportunities available at your hospital.

Employee Referral Programs (ERPs)

Implementing a rewarding employee referral program motivates your current staff to recommend talented candidates. Show your appreciation by offering enticing incentives for successful referrals. A creative ERP not only boosts employee engagement and satisfaction, but also helps you retain employees and attract top-notch individuals to join your team.

Utilize Social Media

Harness the power of social media platforms to broadcast job opportunities in your area and captivate potential candidates. Showcase the hospital's vibrant work environment and let employee testimonials shine a spotlight on the positive culture.

Recruitment Events and Open Houses

Organize exclusive recruitment events and Open Houses that provide a firsthand experience of the exceptional facilities and vibrant culture that exist at your place of employment. These events will create opportunities for prospective Nurses to interact with your dedicated staff, gaining valuable insights into the numerous career opportunities available.

Topics: hiring, hiring nurses, nurse recruitment, hiring diverse candidates, hiring diverse workforce, DEI, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, healthcare hiring, nurse hiring, hospitals hiring

Unlocking Nursing Career Opportunities: Tips and Advice for Success

Posted by Sarah West APRN, FNP-BC

Mon, Dec 04, 2023 @ 11:19 AM

One of the most extraordinary things about Nursing are the endless opportunities that lay at your feet the second you enter the profession. Here are some tips and advice to set you up for success in your Nursing career.

Continuing Education and Learning

Nursing is a dynamic career field with constant technological advancements and best practice updates. Nurses should strive to stay on top of industry trends by attending conferences, online classes, independent study programs, and on-the-job training.

Continuing education credits can ensure you stay updated with industry trends and broaden your skill set, making you stand apart from others in the job market. 

Nursing Specialization

Nursing specialization allows you to become an expert in a chosen area of interest within the Nursing profession. Registered Nurses can choose to become board-certified in various Nursing specialties, including but not limited to, Emergency Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, and Critical Care.  

Nurses who specialize in a specific area of Nursing can influence Nursing practice, education, and healthcare outcomes by sharing their expertise and patient care experience. Not only does pursuing a specialization look excellent on a resume, it also helps shape the healthcare industry's future and promote better patient care. 




Networking in Nursing can unlock unexpected and significant career opportunities. Networking contributes to personal growth and development within your career by allowing Nurses to connect with colleagues, mentors, and experts in the field to share knowledge and experience.

These connections provide Nurses with opportunities for learning from the experiences of others, developing professionally, and staying updated on advancements in healthcare. Becoming a member of a professional Nursing organization or association and finding a Nurse mentor are great ways to expand your network and unlock limitless career advancement.

Diversify and Seek New Experiences

A rich and productive work environment comprises diverse individuals with broad experience backgrounds. The best career candidates provide valuable experience and knowledge in different areas of Nursing practice.

To diversify your background and become an ideal career opportunity candidate, seek out new experiences to broaden your skills and knowledge by participating in volunteer opportunities, internships, and residency programs. Experience in various areas of Nursing makes you a well-rounded medical professional with knowledge and experience to share, which looks great on any job application.

Create a Strong Cover Letter and Resume

When seeking new career opportunities, a strong cover letter and resume can set you apart from other candidates and help you to stand out.

The cover letter is the first document a potential employer reads. It should capture the reader's attention and set the tone for the rest of your application. From there, your resume should showcase your strongest achievements, skills, and experiences. A quality cover letter and resume may unlock or block you from career opportunities.

Consider an Advanced Degree

Advanced Nursing degrees can unlock extreme career potential and open the doors to new and prosperous opportunities. Advanced Nursing degrees empower Nurses to take on more specialized, leadership-oriented, and impactful roles in the healthcare system.

They provide a pathway for career growth, increased responsibilities, and the opportunity to contribute significantly to patient care, education, research, and healthcare policy. If you are looking for a new career opportunity, there is no better way to open more career goals than to work toward completing an advanced degree.

To unlock Nursing career opportunities and achieve the greatest success, Nurses must have a unique combination of education, skill development, networking, and a proactive approach to career planning. A successful Nursing journey can look different to everyone, and how you reach ultimate career satisfaction is an individualized process. Nursing at all levels takes skill, dedication, and passion. As long as you keep the goal of providing high-quality patient care, you will achieve career success.




Topics: nurse staffing, hiring nurses, Nursing tips, nurse recruitment, nurse advice, nurse hiring, nurse success

Nurse Retention Requires More Than Good Bonuses

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Tue, Oct 05, 2021 @ 03:37 PM


The pandemic has magnified the Nursing shortage and healthcare organizations are struggling to not only recruit Nurses but also retain them. Bonuses are nice, but Nurses need more than that. They want to feel valued and safe in their work environment.

Healthcare organizations must ensure Nurses are equipped with resources and the support they need to provide quality care. Hospitals must invest in initiatives that attract and keep Nurses, such as:

  • Developing An Employee First Culture

Dr. Linda Shell, DNP, MA, BSN, DNS-CT, Chief Learning Officer suggests Nurse leaders cultivate an “Employee First Culture” approach in their facilities.

“An Employee First Culture is built on the concept that employees are the best asset of any company, and they need to be encouraged and appreciated,” says Dr. Shell. “When appreciation goes up in an organization, quality tends to go up. I really believe that for us as Nurses, the more we can do to create a positive work environment and develop our leadership skills, the more opportunities we are going to have to improve the quality of care that we provide every day for patients, as well as the residents that we serve.”

  • Staff Recognition Programs

"A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected." This quote has been scientifically proven to be factual. 

According to research, giving thanks can have important implications for encouraging actions that promote cooperation.

Whether it be a hand written note, or a brief one on one meeting, managers should take the time to recognize the hard work Nurses are putting in.

Recognizing Nurses on their birthdays and work anniversaries is a simple way for organizations to show appreciation for their staff.

Celebrating Nurses with a themed party or gift bags is another way to give thanks.

According to Nursing Management, realistically, quarterly recognition will suffice for larger units; however, if you have a small unit, monthly recognition is recommended.

  • Mental Health Resources

Many Nurses are experiencing severe, adverse mental health effects as a result of the pandemic, and a lot of them are considering leaving the profession entirely.

Organizations must support employee self-care by establishing evidence-based preventive strategies, providing mental health resources, and demonstrating that leadership supports and prioritizes mental health and well-being.

Some health systems are hiring a Chief Wellness Officer (CWO) to support their wellness initiatives.

Dr. Maureen “Mo” Leffler, the first enterprise-wide CWO at Nemours Children’s Health said, “The goal of the Chief Wellness Officer is to promote professional well-being, which is characterized by having everything in place in both the individual and in the system, so those two things work together optimally. When we do that, we can provide the highest quality of care, the safest care, the best care. We can derive meaning in the work we’re doing.”

  • Tuition Assistance Programs

Tuition reimbursement is becoming a popular way for hospitals to attract and retain quality Nurses, especially in areas where demand is high. 

These programs are designed to help Nurses continue their education by relieving some of their financial stress.

  • Good Communication

Routine unit or individual staff meetings should be held to discuss any issues or concerns. Nurses want to feel heard. So it's important management truly listens to what they have to say and then set up action plans and follow up.  

  • Flexible Work Hours

According to a recent McKinsey survey, Nurses that experienced more flexibility in hours and scheduling during the pandemic were highly interested in retaining that flexibility going forward. For Nurses who indicated plans to stay in their current direct patient care role, flexibility in hours and shifts was an influential factor.

Bottom line, health systems must prove to their Nurses that they are Valued, Appreciated, Heard, and Supported if they want to keep them. There are thousands of Nursing opportunities out there and you must work to retain the Nurses you have. This is just as important as recruiting Nurses.

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Topics: retention rate, healthcare leaders, nursing careeer, nurse recruitment, nurse retention, frontline workers, retain nurses, hospital retention rates, nurse hiring

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