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Pat Magrath

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The Nurse Who Admits Patients to Hospice Care

Posted by Pat Magrath

Thu, Mar 30, 2017 @ 03:39 PM

Are you a Hospice Nurse or have you thought about becoming one? Perhaps you’d like to understand what this job entails. This article is written by a Hospice Admissions Nurse and she explains her role very honestly. She’ll tell you what her days and nights are like. The questions she’s asked by families and patients.
She emphasizes the importance of doing what the patient wants. She’ll ask how they want to live their final days. What they’d like to see and do. I appreciate her candor and would love to hear your comments.

Pamela Moss Blais, 55
Hospice Admissions Nurse
Norfolk, Virginia

As a hospice admissions nurse my job is to explain the process to new patients. I’m the very first face they see as they embark on their journey. That’s what I call it, a “journey.” Since I admit patients I don’t carry a caseload. I meet them once and then they float out of my life.

I was an ER nurse for 18 years. I saw patients who were resuscitated whether or not it was ethically correct. I saw families get hope when there was clearly none.

In hospice, the family is your patient. They’re truly living their darkest days. For many of them, this admissions meeting is an overwhelming process. Every emotion that they have inside of them that maybe even hasn’t ever surfaced might come to the top. But I don’t want families to cry.

During that first meeting I don’t say: “So this is what we do for people who are dying.” I say: “Hospice is not about dying. It is about living the remainder of your life how you want to. Not how I want you to, not how your husband, wife, daughters, or sons want you to, and not how the doctor wants you to, but how you want to.”

If you think about the last time you went to the doctor, he probably said, “Okay, this is what I think. These are the tests I want to run.” Nobody asks you, “What do you think? Does this sound reasonable? Do you want to do it?” Nobody tells patients how their quality of life is going to go down the toilet when they get chemo. So it’s sometimes hard for patients to wrap their head around the idea that everything is their choice now, they’re driving the ship. That’s the mission of hospice.

I encourage my patients to live because I want them to know: This is not about assuming the sick role. This is about getting up every day, taking a shower, getting dressed — if you can do that — eating, going out with your family — whatever it is you want to do. I recently met with a patient who was a plane enthusiast. He wanted to go to some Top Gun show in Delaware. I encouraged him to go …

I believe that the people who are most successful at hospice are good observers. They can read vibes and figure out the situation before they say a word. Sometimes I meet with patients in the hospital. Sometimes they’re in a nursing home. Often they are in their home. Before I even begin to discuss hospice, I try to figure out the patient’s faith. Do they even have a faith? I don’t ask directly … I do some detective work. If I’m at their house I look for crosses or iconography. I’ve seen people from all walks of life: Jewish, Buddhist, Jehovah Witness, Wiccan.

I think hard about my physical presentation. I don’t want anything too flashy or festive. Today I have on blush and lipstick and a little bit of eyeliner, but it’s very conservative. So is my dress. I make sure there’s no cleavage exposed or anything that would offend. I’m Jewish, but I don’t wear any religious jewelry. When I see someone dressed in scrubs that have Froot Loops on them or something, I say to myself, “Really? You look like you are in pajamas.”

My dad a pediatric allergist/immunologist in Norfolk. I used to go with him to the children’s hospital to watch. But the pivotal moment came the summer just before I graduated college, this was during the Carter administration. I was sitting by the local pool and overheard some women talking about all the cuts to education and how they might lose their jobs. I had studied special education and taught art at camp for mentally challenged kids, and I loved it. But would I have a job?

Then my brother who is a year older than me broke his neck when he was body surfing in the sea. He was 25 and home for the weekend from college. He suggested that I become a nurse, I spent so much time caring for him.

The other night I admitted a woman who has metastatic bladder cancer. I was instructing the family to give medicine, but I could tell they were nervous. They said they knew how to do it, but the mother was refusing. You could sense the stiffness and the fear in the room. And once I showed them how to do it, it was like an immediate Aha! Immediate relief. Because they realized, I can do that. I did that. These little tiny steps are big.

There’s so much information that has to be explained, I have to use my words very carefully. I want them to know there is a light. I want them to see that and feel it when I do my mission.

Sometimes the family members will ask, “Well, what do I say to my mom? I can’t say, ‘Hey how was your day?’ I can’t ask questions about the future.” I say, “Talk about the past. Talk about stories, trips you went on together. Ask them to tell you stories you have never heard. Talk about fun times. That’s how you comfort your loved ones when you don’t know what to say.”

There was a patient I admitted who had two daughters who work in the health-care field. They said something like, “I checked her blood pressure.” I said, “Why did you do that? I don’t want you to feel you have to assume the role of a nurse. I want you to be the daughter.”

I want to know when I leave the house or the hospital or the nursing home that the family and the facility staff feels okay. Not great. Because they’re not going to feel great. But that they feel okay with the situation and that if anything happens, they’re going to reach out to us and we’re going to be there. If you sense a problem, even if it’s tiny, even if you’re not sure it’s a problem, call us. We would rather you call us 20 times a day with a little tiny problem than let it escalate.

I spend a lot of my time alone in my car, traveling to see patients. Sometimes I’m putting in over 100 miles a day, driving all over Virginia. On an eight-hour shift, I usually process two admissions. On a 12-hour shift, I can do three.

I’ve been in the trenches. I’ve worked in labor and delivery, I’ve worked in the pediatric ICU, I’ve worked in Medserv, I’ve worked in home health, I’ve worked for a cardiologist in an office setting. I worked in the ER. You can’t be a nurse unless you care about people. It’s exhausting in every way. Spiritually, psychologically, emotionally. Nursing has been my life. This is the unfortunate thing about nursing. I love nursing, but it’s extremely hard to find a work-life balance.

I’ve been a nurse for 25 years and I don’t even make $40 an hour. You’re on your feet for 12 to 14 hours a day, and rarely do you get a lunch or even a bathroom break. Most nurses work their entire career and never get a break. When people say,”There’s such a nursing shortage,” this is why. It’s a struggle for the nursing profession as a whole and they still haven’t figured it out.

My hospice-admissions job is the first I’ve ever had where I actually can say, “Y’know, I’m hungry. I’m going to go to a WaWa and get a cheesesteak.” But still, the only thing that gets me through the work week is that I’m off Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

I work Monday through Thursday, 40 hours — on paper. When I come home at night, I start in on the homework. Each admission is two to three hours of paperwork. That’s the killer. I spend the night buried in paperwork.

The company I work for is trying to rethink the flow of the documentation, but some of this stuff is based on federal requirements, the Medicare/Medicaid requirements, and all the insurance companies follow federal guidelines. They’re not going to rework the wheel. These things have to be done right if we want to get reimbursed. There’s no shortcut.

But I cannot work 12 hour shifts anymore. I have a daughter in college and a 15 year old who I rarely see during the week. I told my boss, I need to be home at dinner time so I can get organized, so I can talk to my daughter. She’s a teenager. She needs her mother.

We struggled to be parents. I had seven pregnancies but I only have two children. Being a mother is still my dream. I don’t want other people doing my job. Our other daughter was very sick a couple years ago. That was actually why I left the ER. And I told my husband, “You might put your job before us. But I’m never going to do it. I’ll be working at McDonald’s before I put my job before my family.” Luckily right now, my boss understands the struggle.

A lot of nurses feel like they don’t have value. I will admit it’s hard when you feel worthless. I’ve tried to make an impact with every job I’ve ever done but rarely got accolades. A couple of weeks ago, I really thought about leaving hospice. I’m tired. I’m fed up.

And then all of a sudden, people are telling me I do a good job. People have started copying the way I put my notes in. I got a little promotion and was asked to be a mentor. It’s been hard for me to accept it. It’s just so odd after so many years trying to climb the ranks in health care. I called my husband and said, “Something suspicious is going on.” People are complimenting me. Why all of a sudden now? I took it as a sign that, for now, I will stay in hospice. Maybe I’m truly having an impact.

Sometimes, I’m taking care of people who are my age or younger. Imagine being robbed of your life during your 50s. You have every right to be the angriest person in the world. You’re going to die, you see it. The end of the tunnel — you can see it. I can’t see the end of my tunnel. I’m not dying. These people know it’s coming. It might not be next month, but it’s going to be in the next six months. If you were told today you had six months to live, just think how differently you would look at your life … That gives me perspective. I regularly think, “Is my life really that bad? I’m having a bad day, but is it that bad? Am I this person? Am I dying?”

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Topics: hospice, hospice nurse

Cultural Competency: Bridging the Language Barrier

Posted by Pat Magrath

Tue, Mar 28, 2017 @ 02:08 PM

nurse-and-patient.jpgDepending upon your physical location of employment, whether it’s in the city, suburbs or rural area, you may encounter language barriers with your patients every day or maybe only once or twice a year. Whatever the frequency is for you, it’s important that the information you have to deliver is conveyed as clearly as possible. Some medical terms we use here in the US may not have clear translations in your patient’s native language.
What are you to do? This article will help guide you in these situations. Perhaps you’ve encountered a language barrier predicament that you’re willing to share with our Nursing community that would be helpful?

Let’s face it, it is often hard for a patient whose first language is English to navigate the technical medical vocabulary that we use in our healthcare system. Patients who don’t speak English well—or at all—are considered to have low health literacy. This is not necessarily a reflection of their intelligence, but rather of how hard it can be to educate them about their medical status, treatment plans, etc.

A language barrier can also make it hard for nurses to honor patient preferences, answer questions, and establish a trusting relationship—particularly when cultural differences exist regarding the patient’s concepts of wellness and illness. Perhaps most troubling is the fact that informed consent becomes a sticky issue, both legally and ethically, when a patient cannot understand his condition or ask questions about treatment options.

In regions with large Hispanic or Asian populations, many healthcare facilities have staff nurses who are bilingual. But what happens when you are caring for a patient that you can’t communicate easily with?

The ideal situation would be to use a professional translator who has training in medical vocabularies. These professionals are often available through a staffing service or a 24-hour telephone translation line. If you have access to these services, be sure to take advantage of them. And if you frequently encounter situations in which you feel a translator is required but none is available, you can encourage your hospital to contract with a translation service.

Often, friends or family members of the patient can step up to bridge the language gap. It’s advisable to use these ad hoc interpreters only as a last resort, because these non-professionals are more likely to make mistakes that can affect clinical outcomes. Friends or family members may have low health literacy themselves, may not fully understand a medical term that has no direct translation, or may inject their own personal views into the dialogue to the patient as an attempt to be helpful. The more complicated the medical case, the higher the likelihood of translation errors.

If you are communicating through a translator of any sort, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Begin by briefly advising the translator what you need from him/her: to translate the words of both parties as literally as possible, without adding or leaving out anything.
  • Ask the translator if he/she knows of any general cultural beliefs that might come into play during medical treatment—such as a cultural preference for avoiding conflict, avoiding interactions with a person of the opposite gender, or avoiding anything that might seem like questioning the authority of a clinician.
  • If the translator contracts with your employer, there is probably already a signed HIPAA agreement in place. If a family member or friend is translating, advise that person that the information being translated is considered confidential.
  • Document the name of the person translating in the patient chart.
  • Use the “teach back” method to convey medical information. You’ll be doing it through a translator, but the process can still help you assess how well the patient has understood the information being provided.

Census statistics indicate that nearly 47 million U.S. residents speak a foreign language at home, with a quarter of them reporting limited proficiency in English. These numbers practically ensure that you will encounter a language barrier at some point. Despite the difficulty in communicating, remember that you, as a nurse, are still responsible for providing a quality experience for the patient, including protecting his dignity, ensuring comfort, and advocating on his behalf. You also have to be diligent about assuring the data you document is as accurate. 

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Topics: cultural competence, language barrier

Minding Our Lives

Posted by Pat Magrath

Thu, Mar 23, 2017 @ 12:12 PM

Mind-full-or-mindful-604x270.pngA few years ago, I attended a conference where Ron Culberson was a featured speaker. Every few months since then, I receive Ron’s eNewsletter and I always find what he has to say inspiring. He points out the everyday things in our lives and how we need to slow down and be present.
Often, he talks about our family and professional interactions and how things we say and do can be misinterpreted. How other things happening in our lives distract us when we should be focused on the present and what is happening right now.
I hope you can take a few minutes and read his article about mindfulness. I found myself nodding in agreement and thinking you are so right. I hope this article will help you in your everyday life.
I know this has happened to you. You’re driving down an interstate highway when your mind begins to wander. Maybe you’re thinking about your boss’s rude behavior or how nice it would be to make a career change. You start imagining all the jobs that might fit your skills. Maybe you should open a coffee shop or be a consultant and work from home. The ideas are coming fast and furious, and you start to get excited about all of the possibilities. Then, it hits you. The reality of your situation sinks in. You passed your exit ten miles ago.

How does this happen? How can we be so focused on our thoughts and still stay on the highway? And how can it be that we have no idea how far we’ve gone or how long we’ve been distracted?
Welcome to being human and having a mind that loves to wander. But don’t fret. It’s a problem that affects all of us.

I’m trying to be more mindful this year and I’m convinced that mindfulness is a skill that can make life easier and richer. Ironically, it’s a practice that most of us never learn. Instead, our minds get distracted by even the slightest of random thoughts. Yet the goal of mindfulness, and perhaps even life, is to stay focused on where we are in any given situation rather than being tempted by thoughts that lead us away from that moment.

Here’s an example of how our minds distract us.

Imagine that I’m having a somewhat heated discussion with my wife. Let’s pretend I’ve done something wrong. I say “pretend” because it’s never happened. But just go with me on this one. Suppose she is upset because I didn’t take the dog out and the dog decided to make a “deposit” on the floor. My wife is accusing
me of not taking the dog out.

The reality of the situation is that we didn’t take the dog out, and the dog pooped. That’s it. No more, no less. If both of us were being mindful of the situation, we would have recognized this and not given it a second thought. Unfortunately, our minds are not satisfied with that approach and prefer to look for more exciting problems. Our egos like drama and love to stir things up.

So, my wife’s ego may whisper something like this,
I was busy working on our tax returns. He knew I was doing something important and could have watched the dog. If he had just been more attentive to what I was doing and taken his turn with the dog, we wouldn’t have to clean up this mess.

Meanwhile, my ego might whisper something like this,
I didn’t want this dog in the first place. At my age, I want to relax. I don’t want to worry about a hyperactive, chewing and pooping machine. I don’t need to be potty training a dog. So, since she wanted a pet, she needs to be the one to monitor that doggone dog.

Then an argument ensues which on the surface, appears to be about the dog poop but in reality, is about the crap that our minds are telling us. And none of this is based on the reality of what really happened.

Does this sound familiar?

How many times have we reacted to our bosses, our partners, our children, or even our pets because of something our heads told us that distorted the reality of the situation. This is generally due to a lack of mindfulness. But there is a solution—it just takes a little effort.

Here’s a quick mindfulness test. Wherever you are right now, take a look around the room and see if you can find something you hadn’t previously noticed. If you’re in your home, this might be harder than if you’re in your office or in a public location. Nonetheless, give it a try.

If you found something, why hadn’t you noticed it before now? Most likely it’s because we typically experience our surroundings through the familiarity of assumptions. We expect to see the tree in the yard or the desk in our office but never really experience the colors, shapes. or sensations of those items as we would if it was a new experience. Ironically, every single second of every single day is a new experience since it’s the first time we’ve experienced that particular moment. So we should go into each moment with an openness to the newness of the experience.

To battle the distractions in our heads that steer us away from the present moment, we need to focus our awareness on right now. Here are two ways to work on this.

First, no matter what you are doing, look at it with fresh eyes in order to be surprised by the novelty of the experience. When we’re open to being amazed, we will be amazed.

The other day, I took a walk. It would have been easy to listen to music or a podcast while I was walking in order to make the most of my time. But the truth is, walking makes the most of my time. When I’m fully focused on the activity, the activity becomes fuller. So, during my walk, since I wasn’t listening to music, I heard a noise in the woods. I turned towards the noise and saw ten deer standing just a few feet away. We stared at each other for a couple of seconds. Then one of the deer snorted and they all galloped away. It was extraordinary. And I’m sure I would have missed it if I’d been focused on the music or a podcast.

Second, when you find yourself reacting to something with fear, anxiety, or some other emotion, ask yourself what’s really happening as opposed to what your mind is telling you is happening. Often, you’ll find that your reaction is based on something your mind is telling you rather than the reality of the situation.

Last week, my wife and I were driving to a college basketball game. About halfway there, I started thinking about something I had said during a presentation and began to worry that while the comment was funny, my client might have found it unfunny, or worse yet, offensive. For the next twenty miles, I could feel myself getting more and more worked up as I imagined that my client was angry with me and that she might not want to work with me again. I became tense, was short with my wife, and felt miserable. However, when I realized what I was doing, I refocused on the present moment and enjoyed the basketball game with my wife. The next week, I got an email from my client and she specifically mentioned how funny the comment in question was. So the reality in my car was not real. It was all in my head. And I spent twenty minutes of my life worrying about it. Thankfully, I made an adjustment before wasting my entire day.

Being mindful means being present to the reality of the moment. The present moment is all that matters. For many of us, our reality is not just in the present moment, but in our heads as we think about last week, next Tuesday, or when we were teenagers. That’s probably too much for our feeble minds to handle. Why not, instead, focus simply on now and make it as rich as possible? That’s how we mind our lives.

Topics: mindfulness, mindful

Cultural Competency: Matters of Modesty

Posted by Pat Magrath

Wed, Mar 22, 2017 @ 03:41 PM

nurse-and-patient-at-home-web.jpgGrowing up, we were taught to be modest. As we became adults and more comfortable with who we are as a person, modesty may have become more important in our lives, or perhaps, less important. It depends on our personal circumstances and beliefs.

Whatever our personal feelings are, as a Nurse, you must always be vigilant and respect your patient’s privacy. You already know this, but are you aware in some cultures, modesty truly is a virtue? For others, there could be a personal trauma, physical disfigurement, or psychological reason that produces tremendous anxiety when disrobing or showing any part of their body.

This article stresses the importance of being sensitive to each patient’s needs in delivering culturally competent care.

Many cultures and religions place a high value on modesty, particularly for women, associating it with honor and virtue. Often modesty is linked to styles of dress and circumstances under which an individual might feel comfortable being uncovered or touched. Yet, there are personal reasons for modesty too, so you’re likely to come across patients, both male and female, who have firm boundaries of privacy—including survivors of sexual assault and transgender patients.

Modesty can be so important to some patients that medical visits cause them a great deal of stress and anxiety. Some will shop around for a clinician of a particular gender or one who makes them feel comfortable—or even forego care completely. As a nurse, your ethical commitment to patient advocacy and patient dignity requires you to demonstrate cultural sensitivity to patients who value modesty. Making accommodations for a patient who values modesty is a form of holistic care, because it recognizes the individual’s emotional well-being.

In general, nurses should always preserve patient privacy, by providing gowns and cover-ups, pulling drapes closed, knocking before entering an exam room, etc. Whenever possible, go the extra mile, by providing scrub pants if a gown doesn’t close in the back or double-gowning a patient who will be leaving his room. Patients may know intellectually that healthcare providers “have seen it all,” but that doesn’t stem their embarrassment. You can also urge your employer to build an environment where patients feel safe, by speaking up about gowns that don’t close all the way or other modesty issues.

Cross-cultural patient encounters can often be challenging in terms of modesty. Muslim women are likely to request female providers only, and these requests might be hard to honor in small facilities or rural areas. They may also prefer to have their husband present during an exam or procedure, and may resist disrobing entirely—or uncovering their hair—for an exam. Women from certain Asian cultures also have a strong preference for female obstetrics staff. Ideally, nurses should be able to anticipate cultural requirements for modesty and make accommodations before patients become anxious or uncomfortable.

While the majority of nurses are female, many mistakenly believe that male patients really don’t care about modesty, but that often is not true. Many hospitals don’t have nearly enough male nurses or technicians on staff, but you should try your best to honor requests for same-gender providers for baths, catheterizations, or other intimate procedures. Always try to be sensitive to modesty concerns—even when it creates an extra step for you or takes more time.

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Topics: cultural competence, modesty

Nurse Hackathon – Northeastern University on March 24-26, 2017

Posted by Pat Magrath

Fri, Mar 17, 2017 @ 11:58 AM

AHO-DN_3.jpgWe came upon this article and want to share it with you because we didn’t know about it and maybe you don’t either. Have you heard about the Nurse Hackathon? It’s a pretty cool opportunity to share your ideas regarding Nursing innovation. As a Nurse, you see things every day that could be done better to make your job more efficient, help your patients with their healthcare problems or share information.

Perhaps you’ve got an idea for an app? Maybe you can attend the Nurse Hackathon this year. If not, start thinking about it for next year.

When you hear the word “hackathon,” you may not necessarily envision a room full of nurses brainstorming ideas. Traditionally, hackathons were created as a way for computer programmers to gather and collaborate to solve a problem. Participants at a hackathon try to “hack,” or “solve” a challenge. At the “Nurse Hackathon: Nurses Hacking HealthCare” event hosted by Northeastern University, nurses are the ones leading the problem solving, developing solutions to issues in healthcare.

“Nurses are natural innovators, because we are trained to solve problems,” said Rebecca Love, RN, MSN, ANP, director of nurse innovation & entrepreneurship at Northeastern University in Boston, Mass. “Most nurses don’t think about taking their critical thinking skills a step further and actually developing a product or service that can be implemented on a larger scale. Through the Hackathon, we hope to revolutionize nursing education to change the current perceptions around nursing and present nurses as agents of change.”

Love is a nurse entrepreneur and organizer of the Nurse Hackathon. The event is designed to promote collaboration within the healthcare sector and inspire the nursing community to take on a leadership role in evolving new innovations in healthcare. This year, the Nurse Hackathon is scheduled for March 24-26, 2017 and will focus on the evolving field of “telehealth” and healthcare within the “home” for older adults. For more information or to register for the event, visit

During the Nurse Hackathon, hundreds of attendees of different disciplines including nurses, web designers, technologists, computer scientists, engineers, designers and others will share their ideas and collaborate during this three-day event. Each teams pitches their inventions/ideas to a panel of judges made up of venture capitalists and chief level healthcare executives who determine the winner. 

Last year, the event hosted more than 200 attendees, and 50-60 nurse entrepreneurs and mentors. Nine multi-disciplinary teams presented their healthcare innovations and competed for cash prizes, mentorship opportunities, business seminars, and other opportunities to build their business ventures. The first-place winner of last year’s hackathon was TeleCode, a telehealth system that automatically links nurses and physicians at the bedside with experts in CPR and codes, who can assist them in delivering care.

Christine O'Brien, MSHI, RN, a nursing informatics specialist at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, Mass., attended the Nurse Hackathon last year. Her team won second place for its idea to create an app that allows school nurses to track and alert parents and public health officials about outbreaks of illness and contagious conditions in their school.

“I realized very quickly that nurses were playing a huge role at the hackathon,” said O’Brien. “The atmosphere was electric. You could look around the room and see that everyone was throwing out ideas and brainstorming. I remember driving home from the first night feeling so proud about my chosen profession and inspired to dream big.”

At the Nurse Hackathon, the range of problems identified and solutions developed was diverse. The third-place team concentrated on mental health, developing a way for students to anonymously seek help for suicidal thoughts or depression through a system called Sharanonymous. This app-based platform allows college students who are feeling depressed to connect anonymously with student counselors who provide emotional support through challenging times to diminish the rates of college suicide.

According to O’Brien, participating in the Nurse Hackathon inspired her to consider a career as a nurse entrepreneur.

“Attending the hackathon inspired me to consider a whole new world where I can create new entrepreneurial opportunities for myself,” she said.

To learn more about O’Brien’s team project and read her advice to nursing entrepreneurs, read the Nursing Notes Nurse Perspective article. You can also follow along during this year’s Nurse Hackathon by using the hashtag #RN_Innovator. 

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Topics: Nursing innovation

Here's What I Learned By Going Back To School

Posted by Pat Magrath

Thu, Mar 16, 2017 @ 02:29 PM

5882146398_7014d39636_o.jpg.736x0_q85.jpgHave you noticed some people were born knowing what they wanted to do for a career? Not me, I didn’t have a clue. One friend in particular, never wavered. He knew from the time he was a young boy, he wanted to be a doctor. He achieved his goal and he’s an excellent one too!
Some people change their career path and have to go back to school. Others go back to school to advance in their current career. Whatever the reason may be, going back to school can be overwhelming and a big deal for many reasons
Jennifer Mensik, PHD, RN, FAAN gives us a personal look at her educational journey and shares with us a few things she learned along the way.
Have you gone back to Nursing school? Maybe started out in a completely different career and switched to Nursing? What’s your experience?
Diversity Education Award

Everyone has a reason for going to nursing school and often different reasons for continuing education beyond that. I am one of the few RNs I know at my age who decided to become a nurse when I was in high school. Living in Washington state at the time, I participated in the Running Start program, which allowed me to take college prerequisite courses at the local community college. The tuition was covered by the high school; I just paid for books. I completed my nursing school prerequisites and applied to the associate’s degree in nursing program my senior year of high school.

As a sophomore in high school, I wanted to be a nurse practitioner. I knew once I was done with my ADN, I would transfer to Washington State University for my BSN. I had even chosen my NP program. I am quite the type A personality and had my life planned in 10th grade! Interestingly, my high school counselor always questioned my decision to go into nursing. And  while progressing through nursing school, I actually did change my mind. Because I have a type A personality, changing my planned path was difficult. It was one that I didn’t fully appreciate at the time, but I am thankful for today. I often reflect and tell others about what I learned along my 12-year journey. Here are the most important pieces of my self-reflection.

Pay attention to what piques your interest

As I started my RN to BSN program, I was still bound and determined to be a nurse practitioner. However, I really didn’t like pathophysiology nor pharmacology. I slugged through the material because I needed to learn it. But then came a leadership course. And as I was reading articles, I fell in love with the content. What I noticed was that many authors, all RNs, had MBAs. This made me pause. This was something I had not considered, primarily because I had never been exposed to it. As I finished my BSN, I decided I was going to get my MBA and not be a nurse practitioner.

Many of us get preconceived ideas of what we want to do based on what we know at the time. And many of us continue down a path because we do not pause to really determine if that is what we should still do. As you think about your next steps and what you want to do, pause and think. What piques your interest? Life is too short to not do what you love.

"Many of us get preconceived ideas of what we want to do based on what we know at the time. And many of us continue down a path because we do not pause to really determine if that is what we should still do.”

You get back what you put into it

During my MBA program, I couldn’t afford the time commitment to be on campus at times, so I chose an online education. At the time, many people were weary of online programs, thinking they lacked rigor and quality. This is where you need to make your own decisions. Regardless of the program type, I have seen students do the minimum work and try to sail through courses, checking off boxes, just to get the degree. As a faculty member, it is so disheartening to see. Why are you selling yourself short? It saddens me every time I overhear nurses say they didn’t learn anything when they went back to school. I am very leery of those individuals.

During my online program, I read everything and worked hard on my papers. I knew this would prepare me to be better at whatever I did. Today, I can tell the difference when I speak with someone who put in great effort to learn compared with the one who did not. It’s difficult to fake knowledge. You either know something or you don’t. So do not just treat this as a hoop to jump or check marks on a to do list. Your time is worth more than that, so spend it learning well. The time and money you are spending on education should make you better — a better nurse, a better person and an example for others. Maybe even an example to your children.

The more you learn, the more you realize you don’t know

Once I graduated with a doctoral degree, I proudly used my new initials after my name. What was interesting is that overnight, many people saw me as an expert. The perception was I had a doctoral degree, so I must know what you I’m talking about. In many ways through my dissertation I had become an expert in a particular area. But cue imposter syndrome! I feared I was really a fraud. I had to remind myself that there was no way I would ever know everything. There is so much to learn! You literally could spend every day of your life reading research articles and never know everything. What I learned wasn’t that I knew more than others; what I learned was the more you learn, the more you realize you don’t know.

So, realize that whatever stage you are at in your career or education or years of experience, there is a world out there much bigger than you or I could ever know!  Pause and think — are you happy with what you are doing and where you are going? Are you taking advantage of learning? And realize that no one knows everything. We are all lifelong learners.

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Topics: nursing school, continuing education

10 Tips On Providing Culturally Competent Care To LGBTQ Patients

Posted by Pat Magrath

Fri, Mar 10, 2017 @ 12:17 PM

LGBTQ Banner.jpgHow knowledgeable are you about the LGBTQ community and their healthcare issues? Do you know enough about the terms used in this community, such as the word queer? It doesn’t mean what it used to mean. As the LGBTQ community becomes more comfortable coming out and expressing themselves, hopefully they are more comfortable seeking medical care.
This means they should be in an environment free of judgment where they can honestly talk about their medical concerns and receive the help and treatment they need. We hope you find this article helpful and enlightening.

Many healthcare organizations are striving to ensure sensitive and equitable care for individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ). Recent societal changes, including the legalization of gay marriage and Caitlyn Jenner’s very public journey to transgender female, have raised public awareness of LGBTQ issues. Yet many nurses find gaps in knowledge when caring for LGBTQ patients. 

Healthcare curricula in colleges and universities are still sadly lacking content regarding the unique needs of, and health risks for, individuals who fall outside the “traditional” heterosexual orientation of society. However, you can prepare for meeting the needs of these individuals by informing yourself, listening, and making some simple and practical adjustments in your nursing practice.

LGBTQ persons experience a number of healthcare disparities for many reasons: discrimination and social pressures, personal sexual behaviors, limited access to health insurance, higher rates of smoking and alcohol/substance misuse, higher rates of anxiety and depression, greater risk of sexually transmitted infections (including HIV), and increased incidence of some cancers. And when nurses encounter LGBTQ individuals in the clinical setting, they may create or contribute to these barriers to quality care due to lack of understanding and personal bias.

1. Expand your knowledge about sexual orientation and gender identity

To understand the needs of LGBTQ patients, nurses must expand their own knowledge on the subjects of sexual orientation (SO) or attraction, and gender identity (GI), or how one identifies with and experiences the world. Sexuality has long been defined as heterosexual by the dominant society, yet in reality, it encompasses a spectrum of needs, desires, and behaviors that can be fluid and changing over time.

2. Know key LGBTQ definitions

You can read about the meanings of asexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, and “queer,” descriptors that fall under the SO umbrella, as pointed out in More than Pink: LGBTQ Breast Health, a report published by Susan G. Komen, Puget Sound. Note that “queer,” formerly considered a derogatory term, is now considered by some to be a more fluid and inclusive descriptor than other words related to sexual orientation. Also, learn the meaning of terms such as agender, cisgender, transgender, gender fluid, and others that typically describe an individual’s gender identity.

3. Deepen your LGBTQ knowledge

Deepening your knowledge base will enrich your understanding of sexuality in general, and increase your nimbleness in identifying potential health risks for patients seeking your care.

Keep your knowledge up-to-date with ongoing training, reading, and learning from others who are skilled in communicating with and caring for these patients. Some good websites that can help you further your understanding include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the GLBT Health Access Project (Community Standards of Practice Section), (online magazine), Women’, and many others, including sources for this article.

4. Create a welcoming environment for LGBTQ patients

LGBTQ individuals have a long history of discrimination at the individual and institutional levels, including the healthcare system. They may “scan” an environment to determine if it is a safe place to reveal personal information, especially about sexuality. Some things an individual may watch for and take note of during their time in your reception or waiting room area:

  • Your organization’s nondiscrimination policy: Is it in a visible location?
  • A rainbow flag, pink triangle, or other symbol of inclusiveness
  • Availability of unisex restrooms
  • Health education literature with diverse images and inclusive language, including information about LGBTQ health
  • Posters announcing days of observance such as World AIDS Day, Pride, and National Transgender Day of Remembrance

5. Use inclusive language

It may take a little practice, but you can shift your vocabulary towards inclusiveness, opening the door for more open healthcare discussions. This can begin right in the waiting room as patients complete required forms. Rather than asking marital status, for example, the form might read, “relationship status: married, partnered, or other.” 

When asking patients to provide their names, include an additional space indicating “Preferred Name,” as a transgender individual may not wish to be called by a name that reflects their gender identity. Including “preferred pronoun” on a form shows understanding that someone may not identify as they appear.

6. Use gender-neutral language

Approach each interaction with open-mindedness, and a nonjudgmental attitude. Remember, your job as a healthcare professional is to assist the person in solving a health concern, or reducing the risk of future health problems. If your patient doesn’t feel comfortable sharing behaviors with you that are relevant, what good is the interaction? Conveying that the information shared in the provider-patient interaction is confidential may alleviate fears your patient has. 

When asking questions about sexual history and behaviors, preface questions with a statement such as, “So that I can best advise you about your health, I’d like to ask some questions related to sexual behaviors that I ask all my patients. ” Or, “It is our standard practice here to take a sexual history for every patient we serve.”

7. Ask open-ended questions

For example, asking, “Is there anything else that would help me ensure you get the most out of this visit?” can help patients share relevant health information.

Do not overwhelm patients with questions unrelated to the reason for their visit, or to enhance your own knowledge about transgender health. Focus on the behaviors impacting health rather than on SO/GI per se, so the conversation can positively influence health and foster acceptance. 

Prevent any “awkward pause” immediately after a patient shares SO/GI information. Practice your response in advance, such as “Thank you for being open with me; this will help me provide better care for you.” Role-playing your response can increase your own comfort with these situations.

8. Reflect the patient’s language

Avoid applying labels such as “gay.” Some people do not self-identify with any particular descriptive label, yet may have sex with partners of more than one sex or gender. Do not presume. For example, lesbian or gay men may have had or have sexual experiences with individuals of the opposite sex, and bisexual individuals may have long periods of monogamy; keep in mind that sexuality can evolve over time.

9. Investigate mental and physical health risks for LGBTQ patients

Be aware of the unique social pressures and health risks of LBGTQ patients. Societal phobias, violence, and hate crimes – and the fear of them -- are all too real for these individuals. Along with the potential for being ostracized from family and other social groups, this can contribute to chronic anxiety and depression.

LGBTQ individuals who are members of minority populations often face a double whammy of discrimination. Those with non-conforming sexual orientation or gender identity may also experience higher risk of suicide, as well as increased likelihood of tobacco use and drug/alcohol misuse.

It’s also important to build your awareness of the specific physical health problems LGBTQ individuals face. Lesbian women are more at risk for certain cancers due to the prevalence of obesity, nulliparity, or later pregnancy. Lesbian women are susceptible to many of the same sexually transmitted infections as heterosexual people and gay men. Thinking that this population isn’t at risk for these STIs can result in lack of appropriate screening and treatment. In addition to HIV infection, gay men may be at higher risk for anal cancer and can be particularly susceptible to body image issues in the desire to be attractive to other men. They may also experience a variety of cancers resulting from increased obesity and use of tobacco and alcohol.

10. Convey respect

Always remember that the LGBTQ patient in front of you has taken a courageous step to be in your office and disclose some of the most personal information about their lives. Having as positive and affirming an experience as possible will make it more likely the individual will seek future care in a timely manner. 

Becoming aware of resources specifically designed for LGBTQ individuals and making referrals as appropriate (e.g., support groups, smoking cessation groups or AA meetings, etc) will convey that you care enough to become informed about their particular needs. The quality of your interaction can truly make a difference in someone’s health -- and life.

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Topics: LGBTQ, LGBTQ Healthcare

Chief Nursing Officers Suffer Moral Distress in Isolation

Posted by Pat Magrath

Thu, Mar 09, 2017 @ 10:46 AM

work-stress-title-image_tcm7-212368.jpgHave you heard the term “moral distress”? It might be something you deal with occasionally in your job. You might have to go along with a decision made by a patient’s family member or it could be a decision made at you place of employment that makes you uncomfortable. This is moral distress.
We deal with it in our personal  and professional lives. This article talks about moral distress for CNO’s. We hope it’s enlightening.
The concept of moral distress in nursing—the disequilibrium resulting from the recognition of and inability to react ethically to a situation—has been around since the 1980s, and it's been acknowledged that some bedside nurses experience it during challenging situations such as when there is a conflict surrounding end-of-life care.

But what about chief nursing officers? They aren't providing direct care at the bedside, but do they still experience moral distress?

The answer, according to a qualitative study published in the Journal of Nursing Administration in February, is yes. It's just taboo to talk about it.

"There's shame and isolation when you do have the experience, so it can make it very difficult for people to feel like they can openly discuss it," says Rose O. Sherman, EdD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, professor and director of the Nursing Leadership Institute at Florida Atlantic University.

Sherman is one of the study's authors. "I think that the other piece of it is, CNOs might not always label it as moral distress. But these are uncomfortable situations where they're making decisions against their values systems."

Through oral interviews, Sherman and her co-author, Angela S. Prestia, PhD, RN, NE-BC, discussed chief nursing officers' experiences of moral distress, including its short and long-term effects. Prestia is corporate chief nurse at The GEO Group.

The study's 20 participants described their experiences of moral distress, and several said they experienced it on more than one occasion. It was often related to issues around staff salaries and compensation, financial constraints, hiring limits, increased nurse-to-patient ratios to drive productivity, counterproductive relationships, and authoritative improprieties.

"For example, a physician went to someone over a CNO's head and said, 'I think you should pay a scrub tech more. She is very valuable to me," Prestia says. "And of course he was a high-admitter, high-profile physician."

The CEO approved the special compensation, creating a salary inequity among the other scrub techs.

In another scenario, six participants reported their CEOs had improper sexual relationships with staff members. Prestia points out that the CNOs did not object to these relationships because of religious or moral beliefs, but because they were harming productivity at the organization.

"In their [the CNOs'] mind' of right and wrong, these people had access to things that they should not have had access to and [those relationships] create barriers to getting the work of the organization accomplished."

Lasting Effects 
The study uncovered six significant themes related to CNO moral distress:

  1. Lacking psychological safety
  2. Feeling a sense of powerlessness
  3. Seeking to maintain moral compass
  4. Drawing strength from networking
  5. Moral residue
  6. Living with the consequences

CNOs reported they often felt very isolated during the experience of moral distress.

"If they pushed back on a decision because they felt it was in conflict with their values they were isolated within the organization and they no longer felt safe. They weren't invited to meetings. They weren't included in decision making," Sherman says.

Even though they took steps to do what they felt was right—documenting meeting minutes, reviewing policies and procedures, and referring to The Joint Commission standards—to maintain their moral compass, those efforts were often unsuccessful.

"What happened was when they were in this situation… they were beat down at every turn," Prestia says. "Then the 'flight' started to set in. 'Maybe I need to leave? Maybe I should resign? Maybe I need to start planning my exit strategy?' Or before they could do that, they were terminated."

Moral Residue
Even once they were out of the situation, many CNOs reported the experience left them with a 'moral residue.'

"It is a lingering effect of the moral distress. I liken it to a fine talc that lingers on your skin and it manifests itself either physically or emotionally," Prestia says. "We actually had several participants say, 'When I get a call about staffing now in my new job, all of a sudden I get this feeling of impending doom.'''

Both Sherman and Prestia hope this research will open up a larger conversation about CNOs and moral distress. They will present their findings at the AONE 2017 conference in March.

"What we found in the work that we did was, clearly, collegial support from a strong network is very important in building one's resiliency and being able to deal with these situations," Sherman says.

"I think that having others who've been through it is very important, which is why forums that allow people to talk about this candidly, when a CNO finds him or herself in this situation, become critical."

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Topics: moral distress, CNO, chief nursing officer, nursing stress

Crocheted Octopus Dolls Helping Preemies Thrive

Posted by Pat Magrath

Mon, Mar 06, 2017 @ 11:44 AM you or someone you know, love to knit or crochet? Perhaps you’d be interested in putting those skills to work for a terrific cause. 
Check out what they’re doing in England and other parts of the world to help preemies thrive. By crocheting an octopus and giving it to the little one, the baby has something soft to hang on to and is comforted. The baby is less apt to pull out their tubes too. The crocheted octopus represents something familiar, comforting and soft. 
How sweet is that, that something so simple can help a little one survive?

One hospital in Dorset, England has stumbled upon an unusual way of making tiny premature babies in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) feel safe and comforted: by giving them a tiny handmade octopus to curl up with.

According to Poole Hospital, where the practice of pairing preemies with crocheted cephalopods has become an ongoing ritual, these cuddly crafts do more than just calm the babies.

The idea originally hails from Denmark where Aarhus University Hospital has suggested that the creatures can actually help smaller babies grow and thrive. A spokesperson for Poole hospital stated that the decision to introduce the crocheted crafts to patients wasn’t based on published scientific research but contact with other hospitals who had found they made a noticeable difference to their little patients.

But it can't be just any toy. It must be an octopus.

So why these sea creatures exactly? The design of the crocheted tentacles gives the babies something to hold and squeeze, and that can be a good thing for regulating everything from oxygen intake to heartbeats. What's more, the tentacles might be helpful at keeping the tiny patients from pulling out their tubes.

A number of babies at Poole Hospital took to their new toys especially well. In a feature that in the Daily Echo last fall, it was revealed that premature twin sisters Jasmine and Amber Smith-Leach both benefited from the comfort of their new toys. Their neonatal nurses said they have no doubt these tiny octopuses have helped the girls.

What's more, in response to the story, the hospital's NICU has received a whole new supply of crocheted octopuses for future patients.

“We’ve been overwhelmed by the kind response to our appeal for crochet octopi,” said Daniel Lockyer, matron of neonatal services. “We’ve now received over 200 octopi and have a year’s supply ready and waiting for our little patients! We’re not looking for anymore octopi for a little while so we can use these up.”

“We’ve been overwhelmed by the kind response to our appeal for crochet octopi,” said Daniel Lockyer, matron of neonatal services. “We’ve now received over 200 octopi and have a year’s supply ready and waiting for our little patients! We’re not looking for anymore octopi for a little while so we can use these up.”

Find the Octopus Pattern on our Pinterest!

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Topics: Preemies, Premature Babies

Top 150 Best Places To Work In Healthcare In 2017

Posted by Pat Magrath

Fri, Mar 03, 2017 @ 12:12 PM

bptw-logo*750xx1920-1080-0-0-379845-edited.jpgWith so many choices for Nurses to work including hospitals, schools, hospice, home health care and numerous companies, does your place of employment appear on Becker’s 150 Great Places to Work in Healthcare? Employee development, Mentoring and Leadership opportunities were factors that helped determine who landed on this list.

Other important factors included excellent benefits, high retention rates, commitment to diversity, respect for cultural differences and an overall high employee satisfaction rating. If you’re currently seeking employment, check out the job postings on as well as Becker’s list.

Becker's Healthcare is pleased to release the 2017 edition of its "150 Great Places to Work in Healthcare | 2017" list. The list recognizes hospitals, health systems and organizations committed to fulfilling missions, creating outstanding cultures and offering competitive benefits to their employees.


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