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DiversityNursing Blog

The CAN (Chinese American Nurses) Sisters

Posted by Pat Magrath

Tue, Aug 23, 2011 @ 10:18 AM

In 2003, a small group of Chinese-American nurses, all working in the Kansas City area, came together to share experiences, learn from one another and encourage each other. Today, the CAN (Chinese American Nurses) Sisters meet twice a month as we continue to share our nursing and American life experiences. Our common denominator is that English is our second language. We feverishly try to improve our listening, writing, and speaking skills in English. We especially want to reduce our translation and response time during conversations. We also have in common that we all work extremely hard; we are reliable, friendly, caring, and happy at work.
  Recently, we met for one of our regular meetings. We sat in a circle in my living room and began with introductions. On that particular night we had three overseas visitors from China who were part of an exchange program at Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics in Kansas City. The evening turned out to be an especially moving night for all of us. We each told the story of our life’s challenges and triumphs. We all talked of our struggles to memorize the names of cells, medications, and tiny germs in English! It was fun night.

After my guests left, I started cleaning the dishes. As I did, I suddenly was struck with the thought: How could I ever take these amazing, beautiful nurses for granted? I am so lucky to know them! At the end of every meeting, we feel charged and ready to face the world together. CAN nurses only need opportunities to prove themselves as great nurses. Here are a few of their stories:

SS – She was a nurse in China. After arriving in the United States, she started studying for the nursing board while also raising a child and working at local restaurants to help support her family. She studied hard and passed the nursing board. She then enrolled at Johnson County Community College for an RN refresher course. She completed her clinical RN training at a local specialty hospital. Her clinical instructor noticed how hard she worked and her solid knowledge of nursing. The instructor’s immediate supervisor then hired her as soon as she completed her clinical training practice. SS has being doing very well at that local specialty hospital for more than five years. Doctors trust her and her nursing judgment. She consistently receives praise from the doctors and other staff members.

FF – She also was a nurse in China. She studied and passed the nursing board soon after SS passed the board. FF went on and studied many more nursing specialties, and earned herself national certification in infusion nursing and wound care. She was a supervisor at a local nursing home with multiple certified nursing skills. She was doing an outstanding job in nursing.

GG – She practiced medicine in China. As soon as she arrived in the United States, she went to nursing school, studied extremely hard, and she passed the nursing board. She does not practice nursing yet; she is still waiting for her green card and permission to work. She is ready to serve.

HH – She was a nursing instructor in China. Right after arriving in the United States, HH started studying for the nursing board, even while she was caring for her premature baby. She passed the nursing board exam, and then went to work at a hospital. For many years, she has been a well liked and well respected weekend night nurse. She turned down a promotion opportunity, as her nurse manager suggested, to become a night charge nurse.

MM – When she arrived in Kansas City, MM was hired as a nurse technician even though she was a RN in China. She was living in an empty apartment so learning English was difficult. A phone book became her best tool to learn conversational English. For eight to 10 hours a day, she would turn the pages and randomly pick a person or a store from the phone book, call them and ask questions;  when she flapped on “W” section and saw a water bed shop, she would ask  “what is water bed? How much cost for a water bed” --- etc. She listened attentively and tried to learn as much as possible. Alone in her apartment, the phone book connected her to her new world; this is how she learned and improved. She wanted to work as a nurse as soon as possible. Eventually, she passed her nursing board, and earned two master degrees and four national nursing and nurse management certifications. She is working at a hospital today as a Hospital Shift Supervisor.

ZZ – She was a nurse in China. Months of hard studies for boards, she passed her nursing board a few months ago. She sent out many applications to many hospitals. She received only one reply, requesting a phone interview. After the phone interview, she never heard from the hospital again. Personally, I believe a telephone interview can be a form of discrimination, especially for a nurse for whom English is her second language. We loss over 50% of effective communication tools in a telephone interviewing. Phone interviews don’t always allow us the opportunity to show how much we can do and how well we can be as a great nurse.

KK – She was an experienced nurse in China. She is now taking care of a child with multiple allergies. She would like to work as a nurse in United States.

DD – In China, DD majored in English. She worked in a non-nursing field in the United States for a while and then decided she wanted to be a nurse. She went to LPN school, and then to an RN bridge program. Soon she became a RN. In her nursing student training, she worked at a telemetry unit. She was well-liked in her nursing practice and she was hired by that unit as soon as she completed her clinical training. The staff in that unit love her, and she loves nursing.

WW – She came to the United States with her husband. At that time, her husband was an owner of a local restaurant. WW did not want to work in the restaurant, she went on to study nursing as a new fresh beginning foreign student, and passed the nursing board. She worked as a nurse at a large local hospital for a few years, and then she earned her advanced nursing degree to become a nurse practitioner. She works as a nurse practitioner as soon as she completed school. She was alone and struggled for a long time in learning what was the nursing about, but she made it.

One of our visitors, Janice, asked, “Was there anyone who did not make it? Did anyone go back China?” Without pause and without knowing who else was going to respond, the CAN sisters answered in one voice in the spirit of our sisterhood:

“No, that  was not an option for us.”

They continued:

“Nobody said it was not hard.”

“We were determined to make it in this world together.”

“We were not going to quit.”

“We appreciate each other.”

“We learn from each other.”

“We are going to be strong, stand up straight, and shine.”

Our visitors were very impressed and encouraged. They also said they were very proud of their countrymen who are “making a difference in their new world.”

CAN, yes we can. CAN, yes we can.

This article was written for by:

Hospital Shift Supervisor
Children's Mercy Hospitals & Clinics
2401 Gillham Road
Kansas City, MO 64108

Topics: asian nurse, women, chinese nurse, diversity, diverse, nurse, nurses

A Day in the Life of A Patient

Posted by Pat Magrath

Wed, Aug 10, 2011 @ 09:43 AM

​A Day in the Life of A Patient

By Stephanie Wilborne, APRN FNP
Contributing author to

            John takes five pills every day.  He does not know the names of all his medications, but he recognizes each pill by its shape and color. Taking medications every day is a struggle for John.  Sometimes he forgets to take his pills.  Frequently, he has problems paying for his prescriptions. John missed two appointments to see the eye doctor.  He forgot about the first appointment and was so late for the second, they refused to see him.    He's been told in the past that people with diabetes have a "higher risk" of eye problems.  John still does not understand why he needs to see an eye doctor.

            John is your patient today.  His blood pressure reading is high again.  And unfortunately, his hemoglobin A1c readings are still too high.  His diabetes and hypertension are poorly controlled.    You ask what pills he takes.  He can’t remember.  Reading in his chart, you see at his last visit he was given a list of all his medications.  Trying to figure out why his high blood pressure and diabetes are uncontrolled, you ask tons of questions. "Are you taking your medication every day?  Why did you miss the second eye appointment,” you ask him?  Frustration sets in.

            The term health literacy refers to a set of skills people need to effectively manage their health.   More than two decades of research has associated poorer health literacy skills with less frequent screening for diseases such as cancer, higher rates of disease, mortality and worse health outcomes.  It is important for health care providers to understand that patients with poorer health literacy skills may struggle at times with health related tasks.

Taking Medications: May have difficulty reading prescription bottles and understanding when, how and how often to properly take medications.

Disease Self Management Skills:  May have less knowledge concerning their disease or condition resulting in poorer disease and self management skills.  For example, diabetic patients with poorer math skills are more likely to have problems interpreting glucometer readings and therefore miss that blood sugars are too high, low or normal.

Risk:  May have difficulty understanding the concept of risk and how it may impact their health.

Navigation:  Patients with poorer reading skills may have difficulty reading a bus schedule, following directions and other hospital or healthcare signage.

Communication:  Patients with poorer health literacy skills are more likely to report problems understanding and following conversations and verbal instructions of health care providers.

  In 2003 the National Assessment of Adult Literacy for the first time measured the health literacy level of more than 26, 000 American adults.  Only 12% of Americans were found to have proficient health literacy skills.  Based on this data, the majority of adults may have problems functioning in our current healthcare system at different times of their life.  Unfortunately, health information that patient's receive from health care professionals is often too complex for them to understand.  The United States government, American Medical Association, Joint Commission and many other agencies are advocating that all health care professionals incorporate clear communication techniques and strategies into clinical practice with ALL patients.

John’s nurse turned her frustration into action.   How many times a day he needs to take his medication was reduced to once a day.  His prescriptions are now written for a 90 day supply.  To help John manage his diabetes and hypertension better, John sees a nurse or clinician more often.    His health care team has completed training on utilizing clear communication techniques and strategies into clinical practice.   John now receives verbal and print instruction that incorporates plain language principles with less medical jargon. Teach back is used to confirm understanding.  Brief conversations with John revealed he didn’t know that much at all about diabetes or hypertension.  His clinician and nurse devised a plan to provide short bursts of education for future appointments.  They are also trying to coax John into attending diabetes self management classes   And yes, John finally had an eye appointment.  His nurse arranged for a family member to take him to his appointment.

All of the interventions mentioned above are based on more than two decades of research on how to improve the health care delivery and health outcomes for patients with poorer health literacy skills.  How health care providers communicate and deliver care can improve the ability of patients with poorer health literacy skills to manage their own health.  Nurses, we have the power to transform our healthcare system.  Learn more about health literacy and incorporate clear communication into your clinical practice.

Stephanie Wilborne, APRN FNP

Topics: women, literacy, diversity, ethnic, diverse, hispanic, Articles, black, health, nurse, nurses

Breaking the Barriers of Nursing

Posted by Pat Magrath

Fri, Jul 22, 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Thank you to Pilar De La Cruz-Reyes, MSN, RN from the California Institute for Nursing and Healthcare for the content of this video.

Breaking the Barriers is a great compilation of nursing stories put together by the California Institute for Nursing & Health Care that show how everyday people can overcome adversity to follow the career of their dreams. The nurses in this video will inspire you and show to our young people how you really can achieve if you have the desire and passion for a career in nursing.

Once you watch this video, we would love to hear your feedback. Please comment here on our blog when you have a minute.

Topics: asian nurse, women, diversity, hispanic nurse, ethnic, diverse, Employment & Residency, black nurse, health, nurse, nurses

Four Innovative Initiatives to Attract and Retain Diverse Women

Posted by Pat Magrath

Tue, Jul 19, 2011 @ 01:44 PM

Four Innovative Initiatives to Attract and Retain Diverse Women

By Tina Vasquez for Evolved Employer

Recently, Working Mother Magazine released its 2011 list of the best places to work for multicultural women – essentially, a survey of the availability and usage of diversity programs, as well as the accountability of the managers who oversee them at top corporations. For the fifth year in a row, Pepsico has been named number one, along with with 23 other companies, all of which are committed to supporting women of color with strong diversity, leadership, and education programs. Here are four of the most innovative initiatives included on 2011 list, that help advance and retain diverse women.

IBM’s cutting edge Reverse Mentoring pilot program turned mentoring on its head. Ten senior executives were given the opportunity to choose a culture they wanted to learn more about and for 10 months, and multicultural women (who were primarily non-executives) from these cultures acted as their mentors, helping them better understand cultural differences. The need for the program was identified as a key initiative of the Multicultural Women’s Group at the company, whose mission it is to attract, retain, and develop women through mentoring, networking, fostering a sense of community, and exchanging information.

According to Angela Archon, IBM’s VP of systems and technology, the program promoted cultural sensitivity and adaptability and demonstrated the impact of globalization and why culture matters.

“The hallmark of the program was to increase knowledge and sensitivity around cultural differences and continuously improve global collaboration. It helped dispel myths; it provided clarity to issues related to stereotyping; and it increased cultural awareness,” Archon said. “Executive mentees gained knowledge about their mentor’s culture and how business is done in that culture and the multicultural women who served as mentors had the opportunity to build a relationship with an IBM executive and enhance their leadership capabilities.”

It should come as no surprise that the ever impressive Deloitte was featured on Mother’s list for the sixth year in a row.

This year, two of Deloitte’s programs were spotlighted on the list: Navigation to Excellence and the Leadership Acceleration Program. After an internal survey of almost 4,000 multicultural employees, the firm found that multicultural women desired more formal sponsorship, so Deloitte launched its Navigation to Excellence pilot program, a one-year program that matches female managers and senior managers of color with leaders who help them orchestrate a career plan, gain access to key assignments, and enhance their knowledge of what it takes to advance. The 18-month Leadership Acceleration Program even allows female partners and principals to shadow their sponsors on the job, receiving intensive mentoring and coaching.

To continue moving these types of initiatives forward, the firm has quietly invested $300 million towards the creation of a state-of-the-art learning and leadership development center that will open its doors this fall after two years of construction.

According to Barbara Adachi, the National Managing Principal for Deloitte’s award-winning Women’s Initiative, it was never the firm’s intention to be a leader, but awards and recognition such as those given by Working Mother, inspires them to keep moving forward.

“We’re our biggest critics and we’re our biggest motivators. We don’t do this for the publicity. Diversity is a business imperative here. I recently read that half the population will be comprised of minorities in 2050 and I strongly believe that by being diverse, we attract the top talent in the market and we better serve our clients,” Adachi said. “We’re not doing this because it’s the right thing to do, but because this is the way business should be done.”

Chubb Group of Insurance Companies
This is the third time Chubb has been featured on Working Mother’s list, but the company has a long-standing commitment to promoting diversity with decades old programs and initiatives in place. According to Trevor Gandy, Chubb’s chief diversity officer, in order to form lasting business relationships with customers and become a true global leader in the industry, the company must understand its customer’s “diverse cultures and decisional processes- and not merely their languages.” To do so, the company strives to create a diverse workplace through programs such as their Count Me In: A Culture of Inclusion micro inequities program. The program began over 10 years ago and aims to help the company educate their workforce on the often small details and behaviors that help build an atmosphere in which all employees feel they have a voice.

Chubb also has a 29-year-old Minority Development Council whose mission is to advance the company’s business objectives by fostering the career development of people of color into leadership roles. Even more impressive, the company’s Women of Color strategy strengthens the bonds between women of color and their managers by providing them with meaningful feedback and structured development plans. The overriding goal, according to Gandy, is to prepare the company’s female multicultural employees to compete for leadership positions.

CA Technologies
Like Chubb, CA Technologies firmly believes that their business relationships in more than 140 countries drives their commitment to workplace diversity and it enables them to create, support, and sell the best IT management software.

The company’s Women in Technology Mentoring program is geared towards female employees that are in technical and quasi-technical roles within the company’s technology and development organization. The program was established to ensure that female employees are provided with the appropriate environment, knowledge, and sponsorship to achieve their full potential within the company. The company also supports the pursuit of higher education and provides up to $5,250 a year in financial assistance to eligible employees completing undergraduate and graduate level courses. CA Technologies also offers 15,000 online courses that employees can access. An adoption assistance program includes reimbursement of adoption-related expenses up to a maximum of $5,000 per child and $10,000 per family within a two-year period.

CA Technologies also aims to help working parents, so nearly 30 percent of the company’s North American employees participate in a full-time telecommuting or work from home program. The company also has Global Marketing and Finance associate rotation programs that were developed as a way to attract and develop entry level candidates and enable them to jump start their professional career with structured training programs, job shadowing, and access to mentors.

According to CA Technology’s VP of human resources, Beth Conway, the company is focused on fostering diversity both inside and outside the company.

“In addition to our efforts within the company, we’re also an active partner of the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology, a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing the impact of women on all aspects of technology,” Conway said. “We also sponsor ABI’s annual Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing conference in the U.S. and India. We’re dedicated to helping the leaders of tomorrow develop their talents and career paths by providing and encouraging a collaborative working environment.”

Topics: asian nurse, women, wellness, diversity, hispanic nurse, ethnic, diverse, black nurse, health, nurse, nurses, disability, disabilities, retain

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