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10 Ways Nurses Can Get Involved in Politics

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Wed, Sep 18, 2024 @ 10:39 AM

Nurses possess a wealth of firsthand experience that can greatly impact health policy and political decisions. By getting involved in politics, Nurses can advocate for changes that benefit both patients and the healthcare system as a whole. Here are 10 effective ways Nurses can get involved in politics and policy:

Join a Professional Nursing Organization

Professional organizations, such as the American Nurses Association (ANA), often have advocacy arms focused on health policy. By joining these organizations, Nurses gain access to a wealth of resources and information keeping them informed about key legislative issues affecting healthcare.

These organizations offer training programs, webinars, and workshops that equip Nurses with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively advocate for policy changes. They provide numerous opportunities to engage directly with policymakers through organized events, such as lobbying days, where Nurses can meet face-to-face with legislators to discuss important healthcare concerns.

By being part of a professional Nursing organization, Nurses also become part of a larger community of like-minded professionals, which fosters a collective voice that can exert significant influence on public policy. This network not only supports individual advocacy efforts but also amplifies the impact of collective action, making it easier for Nurses to drive meaningful change in the healthcare system.

Advocate for Policy Changes Locally

Nurses can start at the local level by working with city councils or county health boards to advocate for changes that improve healthcare services in their communities. These platforms allow Nurses to bring attention to gaps in healthcare delivery and influence local regulations. By participating in local government meetings, Nurses can present data and personal stories that highlight the urgent need for improvements in areas such as access to care, quality of services, and public health initiatives.

Nurses can collaborate with other community leaders, such as school administrators, business owners, and nonprofit organizations, to develop comprehensive strategies to address local health challenges. By forming coalitions and working together, these groups can create a unified front that is more likely to achieve meaningful changes in local healthcare policy.

Run for Office

Nurses possess critical thinking, problem-solving, and leadership skills making them well-suited for public office. Running for local or state positions, such as city council or school board, allows Nurses to advocate for broader public health initiatives and healthcare reforms. By stepping into these roles, Nurses can bring their unique perspectives and firsthand experiences to the forefront of political discussions and decision-making processes.

Serving in public office also provides Nurses with the platform to influence funding allocations, support healthcare infrastructure projects, and create policies that prioritize preventive care and wellness programs. By being at the table where critical decisions are made, Nurses can ensure healthcare considerations are integrated into broader policy discussions, ultimately leading to more holistic and effective public health strategies.

Testify at Legislative Hearings

Nurses can provide expert testimony at local, state, or national legislative hearings. Sharing firsthand experiences and patient stories helps humanize the effects of proposed policies and gives lawmakers a clearer understanding of healthcare challenges. When Nurses testify, they bring a wealth of clinical knowledge, real-world problem-solving abilities, and compassionate perspectives that can significantly influence legislative outcomes. Their testimonies can highlight the practical implications of policy decisions, such as how budget cuts might reduce patient care quality or how new regulations could improve patient safety.

Testifying at hearings also allows Nurses to advocate for specific legislative measures that directly impact their profession and their patients. For instance, they might support bills that aim to increase Nursing staff ratios, thereby reducing burnout and improving patient care, or advocate for expanded access to mental health services, which are often underfunded and neglected.

Join a Policy Committee or Task Force

Many healthcare institutions, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies form task forces or committees to address specific health policy issues. Joining one of these groups allows Nurses to directly influence the development of health policies and ensure Nursing perspectives are included. Nurses bring a unique, frontline viewpoint that is often underrepresented in policy discussions. Their hands-on experience with patient care, understanding of the complexities of healthcare delivery, and insights into the everyday challenges faced by both patients and providers make their contributions invaluable.

Participating in these committees not only gives Nurses a platform to advocate for necessary changes but also helps them stay informed about emerging health policy trends and legislative developments. Nurses can use these opportunities to share evidence-based practices, propose innovative solutions, and highlight the real-world implications of policy decisions. By actively contributing to the discussions and decision-making processes, Nurses help shape policies that are more practical, effective, and compassionate.

Write Letters or Op-Eds

Nurses can write letters to editors or op-eds for local newspapers and online platforms to raise public awareness about important healthcare issues. By explaining complex health policies in relatable terms, Nurses can engage the broader community and inspire others to take action.

Writing these pieces allows Nurses to highlight pressing healthcare challenges, such as the impact of staffing shortages, the need for mental health services, or the benefits of preventive care, in a way that resonates with the general public. By sharing real-life anecdotes and patient stories, Nurses can put a human face on abstract policy discussions, making the issues more tangible and urgent for readers.

Engage in Grassroots Advocacy

Grassroots efforts, such as organizing rallies, participating in town halls, or creating petitions, give Nurses an opportunity to mobilize communities around important healthcare issues. These grassroots movements are not only about gathering people but also about building a groundswell of support that can significantly amplify the impact of their advocacy efforts. For instance, organizing a rally focused on Nurse staffing ratios can draw public attention to the issue, create media coverage, and put pressure on policymakers to take action.

Participating in town halls offers Nurses the chance to directly engage with elected officials and community members, presenting data and personal stories that underline the importance of proposed healthcare policies. These face-to-face interactions can be incredibly persuasive, as they humanize the issues and demonstrate the real-world impacts of legislative decisions.

Collaborate with Advocacy Groups

Many advocacy groups focus on specific health issues, such as mental health, access to care, or health disparities. Nurses can partner with these organizations to support policy changes, participate in awareness campaigns, or help draft legislative proposals. By collaborating with advocacy groups, Nurses can leverage the specialized knowledge and resources these organizations offer, enhancing the effectiveness of their advocacy efforts.

For example, working with a mental health advocacy group could provide Nurses with valuable data and research that underscores the need for increased funding for mental health services. Additionally, these groups often have established relationships with key policymakers and media outlets, which can help amplify Nurses' voices and bring more attention to critical issues.

Nurses can also play a pivotal role in awareness campaigns by participating in events, sharing their expertise in public forums, and utilizing their trusted status in the community to educate the public and destigmatize health issues. Their involvement adds credibility and a personal touch to the campaigns, making them more relatable and impactful.

Network with Policymakers

Attending conferences, forums, or public events where policymakers are present allows Nurses to network and build relationships with key decision-makers. These connections are crucial for making your voice heard and for creating future opportunities to influence health policies. Engaging in these environments offers Nurses a platform to share their insights and experiences directly with those who have the power to enact change. By participating in panel discussions, Q&A sessions, and informal conversations, Nurses can highlight pressing healthcare issues, propose practical solutions, and advocate for necessary reforms.

These events provide an excellent opportunity for Nurses to stay informed about current and upcoming policy changes, learn from other advocates, and gain a deeper understanding of the political landscape. Building rapport with policymakers through consistent and meaningful interactions can lead to long-term partnerships and open doors to collaborative projects. These relationships can prove invaluable when Nurses need allies to support their advocacy efforts or when seeking endorsements for legislative initiatives.

Leverage Social Media for Advocacy

Nurses can use social media platforms to raise awareness about healthcare issues, engage in policy discussions, and connect with other healthcare advocates. By sharing articles, research, and personal insights, Nurses can amplify their impact and reach a larger audience, including lawmakers who monitor social platforms.

Nurses are in a unique position to impact health policy due to their in-depth knowledge of patient care and the healthcare system. By stepping into the political arena, Nurses can advocate for meaningful changes that improve patient outcomes and strengthen the healthcare system. Whether through direct political involvement or behind-the-scenes advocacy, every Nurse has the potential to be a powerful agent of change.

Topics: Politics, healthcare policies, healthcare policy, nursing policies

Suicide Prevention: Raising Awareness and Offering Hope

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Wed, Sep 11, 2024 @ 12:14 PM

September marks Suicide Prevention Month, a crucial time to raise awareness about suicide and offer support to those who may be struggling. Suicide is a global public health issue that touches people of all ages, races, and backgrounds. The more we talk about it, the better we can address this growing concern and offer hope to those in need.

The Importance of Suicide Prevention

Suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide, claiming more than 700,000 lives each year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). In the U.S., nearly 50,000 people die by suicide annually, which is about one death every 11 minutes. The number of people who think about or attempt suicide is even higher. An estimated 13.2 million adults seriously thought about suicide, 3.8 million planned a suicide attempt, and 1.6 million attempted suicide, according to the CDC.

Understanding the Risk Factors

There’s no single cause for suicide. A combination of genetic, psychological, environmental, and social factors often contribute. However, certain groups are at higher risk:

  • Mental Health Disorders: Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia are among the most common mental illnesses linked to suicide.
  • Trauma or Abuse: Those who have experienced physical, emotional, or sexual abuse may face a higher risk.
  • Substance Abuse: Alcohol and drug misuse can exacerbate suicidal tendencies, particularly when combined with mental health issues.
  • Chronic Illness: Chronic pain or terminal illnesses can contribute to suicidal thoughts.
  • Isolation and Loneliness: Social isolation, particularly during major life transitions or in the elderly, is a significant factor.
  • Historical Trauma: Some groups, such as Indigenous peoples, veterans, and members of the LGBTQ+ community, may be at heightened risk due to systemic discrimination and trauma.

Recognizing the Warning Signs

Recognizing warning signs early can save lives. If someone is experiencing suicidal thoughts or tendencies, they may exhibit:

  • Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live
  • Expressing thoughts of being a burden to others
  • Withdrawing from social activities
  • Sudden mood swings (from sadness to calm)
  • Increasing substance use
  • Engaging in risky or self-destructive behaviors
  • Giving away possessions or saying goodbye to loved ones

How to Offer Support

If someone you know is exhibiting these signs, don’t wait to act. Here are ways to offer support:

  • Start a Conversation: Ask open-ended questions like, “How are you feeling?” or “Is there anything you’d like to talk about?” Express your concern directly by asking, “Are you thinking about suicide?” Studies show that asking about suicide does not increase risk but rather opens up a safe space for dialogue.
  • Listen Without Judgment: Often, people need someone to listen. Avoid interrupting or offering immediate solutions. Instead, be empathetic, acknowledge their feelings, and show that you care.
  • Encourage Professional Help: Encourage the person to seek help from a mental health professional. Offer to assist them in finding resources or accompany them to appointments if possible.
  • Stay Connected: Keep in touch with the person. Check in regularly, and ensure they feel supported. Ongoing communication is critical in preventing feelings of isolation.

Support Resources for Suicide Prevention

There are numerous resources available for individuals in crisis, as well as for those supporting someone who may be at risk:

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-TALK) or 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: This free and confidential service is available 24/7 for anyone experiencing a mental health crisis or suicidal thoughts. Their trained counselors can help assess the situation and connect individuals to local resources.
  • Crisis Text Line (Text HOME to 741741): A free, 24/7 text-based service that provides support in real-time. Ideal for those who may find it easier to communicate through text.
  • Veterans Crisis Line (Dial 988 and Press 1): Veterans and their loved ones can access specialized support.
  • Trans Lifeline (877-565-8860): A hotline dedicated to supporting the transgender community through peer support and crisis intervention.
  • Trevor Project (1-866-488-7386): A resource for LGBTQ+ youth that provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services.
  • Local Mental Health Resources: Most communities have local mental health services that can provide counseling, support groups, and emergency intervention.

The Importance of Breaking the Stigma

One of the biggest barriers to seeking help is the stigma surrounding mental health and suicide. It’s vital to break down these stigmas by normalizing conversations about mental health. Encouraging open, honest dialogue creates an environment where those who are struggling feel safe to reach out for help.

Suicide Prevention Month is not just about spreading awareness for 30 days—it’s about creating a year-round culture of compassion, understanding, and support. Whether you’re offering a listening ear, educating others, or advocating for policy changes, your efforts can make a difference. Remember, help is always available, and hope is within reach.

Let’s work together to prevent suicide and save lives.

Topics: mental health, suicide, mental health awareness, suicide prevention, suicide awareness

Jefferson Health Grows Its Groundbreaking Nursing SEAL Team Initiative

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Wed, Sep 04, 2024 @ 11:01 AM

Jefferson Health, a “Proud Partner”, is excited to reveal the growth of its Nursing SEAL Team, a groundbreaking initiative designed to tackle staffing shortages while offering Nurses enhanced flexibility and valuable experience.

The Nursing SEAL Team, which stands for Service, Excellence, Advocacy, and Leadership, was inspired by the concept of an elite special forces unit. Initially launched in 2022 with 25 Registered Nurses, the program has grown to encompass over 150 highly experienced, full-time Nurses who deliver care across Jefferson’s acute care hospitals.

“We recognize the importance of identifying innovative solutions to address Nursing workforce and staffing challenges,” said Daniel Hudson, MSN, RN, CENP, Vice President and Associate Chief Nurse Executive, Jefferson Health. “Our Nursing SEAL Team has proven to be a successful solution that has resulted in greater flexibility and improved Nurse satisfaction, while continuing to ensure that our patients receive the highest quality of care.”

Nurses on the SEAL Team are assigned to a variety of departments, such as medical/surgical, telemetry, critical care, and emergency services, ensuring that a broad spectrum of patient needs are met. Every two weeks, team members are reassigned to the hospital and unit that requires the most support for each shift. These assignments are determined using proactive scheduling data and insights from Nursing workforce leaders.

Nurses are strategically positioned ahead of time to cover for colleagues on leave and to bolster departments with high vacancy rates or those that typically see a surge in patient admissions. Of the more than 150 Nurses on the SEAL Team, a significant 60 percent or more are assigned to night or rotating shifts, where the need for additional support is often greater.

“The Nursing SEAL Team has been a tremendous support to all levels of our workforce. The average SEAL Team member has nine years of Nursing experience which brings a wealth of knowledge and clinical expertise to support new to practice Nurses on their units,” said Andrew Thum, DNP, ML, RN, NE-BC, Director, Nursing Workforce Operations, Jefferson Health.

Since its launch two years ago, the Nursing SEAL Team has garnered consistent positive feedback from its members. In addition to providing greater flexibility and better staffing, the initiative has significantly decreased the dependence on agency Nurses, achieving an impressive 95% reduction.

“Nursing workforce optimization requires a multi-faceted approach to meet the ever-changing needs of our care teams. Our Nursing SEAL Team is one of many ways that we continue to engage, retain and recruit highly qualified and experienced Nurses,” said Kate FitzPatrick, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, Executive Vice President and Connelly Foundation Chief Nurse Executive Officer, Jefferson Health.

Jefferson’s Nursing SEAL Team is part of the organization’s comprehensive strategy for Nursing workforce optimization. Additional initiatives include the Virtual Nurse Program and Nurse Emeritus Program.

Source: Jefferson Health

Topics: nursing shortage, nursing, nursing career, nursing staff, nursing profession, nursing shift, nursing practice, nursing field, Jefferson Health, SEAL team

School Nurses Prepare for a New Academic Season

Posted by Carlos Perez

Wed, Aug 28, 2024 @ 10:15 AM

As summer winds down and the buzz of the new school year starts to fill the air, one group of unsung heroes is gearing up for a busy and impactful season ahead—our school Nurses. These dedicated professionals are more than just first responders to scrapes and fevers; they play a crucial role in maintaining the health and well-being of students throughout the academic year. Let’s take a closer look at how school Nurses prepare for the start of a new school year and why their work is so vital.

Reviewing and Updating Health Records

One of the first tasks on a school Nurse's to-do list is to review and update student health records. This involves checking that all immunizations are current and that any new health issues are noted. Nurses work closely with parents and guardians to ensure health forms are completed accurately and any necessary medications or medical equipment are ready for students who need them.

Developing Health Plans

For students with chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, or severe allergies, school Nurses develop individualized health plans. These plans detail the specific needs of each student, including medication schedules, emergency procedures, and dietary restrictions. This preparation is crucial for ensuring students with special health needs are supported and safe while at school.

Training and Refresher Courses

School Nurses often participate in training sessions and refresher courses over the summer to stay updated on the latest medical practices and guidelines. This might include training on new health protocols, emergency response techniques, or updates on mental health strategies. Staying informed helps them provide the best care possible and respond effectively to any health issues that arise.

Stocking Up on Supplies

From bandages and thermometers to medications and first aid kits, a well-stocked health office is essential. Nurses take stock of supplies and replenish as necessary to guarantee readiness for any scenario that may arise. This also involves checking that emergency supplies, such as EpiPens and asthma inhalers, are in good condition and readily accessible.

Setting Up Health Programs and Screenings

School Nurses often run or oversee various health programs throughout the year. As the school year begins, they may organize vision and hearing screenings, flu shot clinics, and wellness education sessions. These programs are designed to promote overall health and early detection of potential issues.

Building Relationships and Communication

At the start of the year, Nurses also focus on building strong relationships with students, parents, and school staff. They may hold meetings with teachers to discuss students with health needs, create communication channels for parents, and establish a visible presence in the school to build trust with students. Clear and open communication is key to effectively managing student health.

Preparing for Emergencies

In addition to routine preparations, school Nurses develop and review emergency response plans. This includes procedures for dealing with serious medical emergencies, natural disasters, and other unforeseen events. By planning ahead, they ensure they can act quickly and efficiently in high-pressure situations.

Fostering a Healthy School Environment

Beyond immediate medical needs, school Nurses play a role in promoting a healthy school environment. They may work on initiatives to improve mental health, advocate for healthy eating and physical activity, and create programs to address issues like bullying or substance abuse.

As students and teachers return to the classroom, the hard work of school Nurses often goes unseen but is deeply felt. Their meticulous preparations, ongoing education, and dedication to student health create a safer, healthier environment for everyone in the school community. So, as we dive into a new school year, let’s give a nod to these dedicated professionals who are always ready to lend a helping hand, guaranteeing every student can focus on learning and growing.

Here’s to a successful school year, supported by the invaluable care and commitment of our school Nurses!

Topics: school nurse, school nurses

How Hospitals Are Using Technology to Support the Nursing Workforce

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Mon, Aug 19, 2024 @ 10:34 AM

Technology is rapidly evolving to support and enhance the role of Nurses. As the backbone of patient care, Nurses face a demanding and ever-changing environment. From managing complex patient needs to coordinating care across multidisciplinary teams, their responsibilities are vast and varied. Fortunately, advancements in technology are providing valuable tools to streamline their work, reduce stress, and ultimately improve patient outcomes. Here’s a look at some of the key ways hospitals are leveraging technology to support their Nursing workforce:

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and Mobile Documentation

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have revolutionized the way patient information is documented and accessed. Mobile EHR platforms allow Nurses to update patient records in real time, directly from the bedside. This reduces the time spent on paperwork, minimizes errors associated with manual documentation, and ensures all healthcare providers have immediate access to accurate patient information. With streamlined documentation, Nurses can spend more time providing direct patient care, which enhances the overall patient experience.

Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS)

Clinical Decision Support Systems are advanced tools designed to assist Nurses and other healthcare professionals in making informed decisions. By analyzing patient data and comparing it to a vast database of clinical knowledge, CDSS can provide evidence-based recommendations and alerts for potential issues such as drug interactions or deteriorating patient conditions. This technology helps Nurses make quicker, more accurate decisions, improving patient safety and care quality.

Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring

Telemedicine has become a component of modern healthcare, especially in providing access to care in remote or underserved areas. For Nurses, telemedicine platforms facilitate virtual consultations, reducing the need for physical patient visits and allowing them to manage more patients efficiently. Remote monitoring technologies, such as wearable devices that track vital signs, enable Nurses to keep a close watch on patients' health from a distance. This capability is especially valuable for managing chronic conditions and post-operative care, reducing the burden on healthcare facilities and allowing for more personalized patient management.

Automated Medication Dispensing

Medication administration plays a crucial role in Nursing care, with any errors potentially having severe consequences. Automated medication dispensing systems help in reducing medication errors by ensuring the correct medication is administered to the right patient at the right time. These systems are equipped with barcode scanning and real-time verification processes, which not only streamline medication administration but also minimize the risk of human error. By automating these routine tasks, Nurses can allocate more time to patient interactions and less to manual checks.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is increasingly being implemented to manage repetitive administrative tasks. By automating these routine tasks, hospitals can empower Nurses to focus on more critical aspects of patient care. RPA also plays a vital role in reducing burnout and job dissatisfaction by alleviating the administrative workload on Nursing staff.

Some common automated tasks can include:

  • Scheduling and registration
  • Discharge management
  • Invoice and payment management
  • Data entry
  • Data analytics and report generation
  • Inventory ordering
  • Regulatory compliance and audit
  • Claims management

Advanced Simulation Training

Simulation technology has emerged as a valuable tool for Nursing education and training. High-fidelity simulators allow Nurses to hone their skills in a controlled setting that replicates real-life scenarios. This hands-on approach fosters confidence and expertise, equipping Nurses to handle a variety of clinical situations without jeopardizing actual patient care. Additionally, simulation training provides avenues for ongoing learning and skill enhancement, aiding Nurses in upholding their professional competency.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Predictive Analytics

Artificial Intelligence and predictive analytics are revolutionizing patient care approaches. AI algorithms can analyze extensive data to forecast patient outcomes, detect potential complications, and enhance care plans. For Nurses, this equates to accessing actionable insights for informed patient care decisions and increased overall efficiency. AI-powered tools also aid in recognizing patterns and trends, leading to more proactive and preventive care strategies.

Technology is revolutionizing the Nursing and healthcare landscape. By incorporating cutting-edge tools and systems, hospitals are not only improving patient care but also providing unprecedented support to their Nursing staff. From easing administrative tasks to offering advanced training and decision-making resources, technology is empowering Nurses to fulfill their roles more efficiently and with increased job satisfaction. As these technologies advance, the future of Nursing will see even more transformative breakthroughs that enhance care quality and the working environment for nurses.

Topics: Health Technology, health care technology, healthcare tech, healthcare technology

The CNO Role: Navigating the Path to Leadership

Posted by Ryanna Brown

Tue, Aug 13, 2024 @ 11:52 AM

The Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) plays a vital role in leadership. The CNO signifies a dedication to enhancing Nursing practices, ensuring top-notch patient care, and spearheading strategic initiatives within a healthcare institution. Let's delve into the duties of a CNO, the necessary steps to reach this position, and what to anticipate upon achieving this pivotal role.

Understanding the Role of a Chief Nursing Officer

A Chief Nursing Officer serves as the top executive responsible for overseeing the Nursing staff and Nursing operations within a healthcare facility. The CNO plays a role in:

Strategic Leadership: As a CNO, you are involved in developing and implementing the overall strategy for Nursing within the organization. This includes setting goals for patient care, staffing, and resource management.

Advocacy and Representation: The CNO acts as the voice of the Nursing staff, representing their needs and concerns to the executive leadership team. This ensures Nurses have the support they need to provide excellent patient care.

Quality Improvement: A key responsibility of the CNO is to lead initiatives that enhance the quality of care provided to patients. This involves monitoring patient outcomes, implementing best practices, and ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations.

Resource Management: The CNO oversees the allocation of resources, including staffing, budget management, and the procurement of necessary equipment and supplies.

Talent Development: Another vital aspect of the CNO role is mentoring and developing the Nursing workforce. This includes identifying future leaders, promoting professional development, and fostering a positive work environment.

The Path to Becoming a Chief Nursing Officer

Becoming a CNO requires a blend of advanced education, extensive experience, and strong leadership skills. Here are the key steps you need to take:

Obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing (BSN): The journey begins with earning a BSN, which provides the foundational knowledge and clinical skills needed to start your Nursing career.

Gain Clinical Experience: After obtaining your BSN, you’ll need to gain several years of clinical experience. Working in various Nursing roles will give you a deep understanding of patient care and the challenges faced by Nursing staff.

Pursue Advanced Education: To advance to leadership positions, you’ll need to earn a Master’s degree in Nursing (MSN) or a related field, such as healthcare administration. Some CNOs also pursue a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) or a Master of Business Administration (MBA) to enhance their leadership and business acumen.

Develop Leadership Skills: Seek opportunities to take on leadership roles, such as Charge Nurse or Nurse Manager, where you can develop your management and decision-making skills.

Earn Certification: Obtaining certifications such as Nurse Executive-Board Certified (NE-BC) or Certified in Executive Nursing Practice (CENP) can bolster your credentials and demonstrate your expertise in Nursing leadership.

Gain Administrative Experience: As you move into administrative roles, focus on areas such as budgeting, human resources, and strategic planning. Experience in these areas is critical for the CNO role.

Network and Seek Mentorship: Building a strong professional network and finding mentors who are experienced Nursing leaders can provide valuable guidance and open doors to leadership opportunities.

What to Expect as a Chief Nursing Officer

The role of a CNO is both challenging and rewarding. Here’s what you can expect:

Long Hours and High Responsibility: CNOs often work long hours and are responsible for the overall performance of the Nursing department. This includes ensuring patient care is delivered efficiently and safely, even during challenging times.

Decision-Making Authority: As a CNO, you’ll be involved in high-level decision-making that affects the entire organization. This includes decisions related to staffing, budget allocation, and policy development.

Collaboration with Executive Leadership: You’ll work closely with other members of the executive team, including the CEO, CFO, and Chief Medical Officer, to align Nursing goals with the organization’s strategic objectives.

Advocacy and Policy Development: CNOs play a key role in advocating for Nursing staff and patients, both within the organization and in the broader healthcare community. This can involve lobbying for policy changes, participating in professional organizations, and contributing to healthcare reform efforts.

Continuous Learning: The healthcare landscape is constantly evolving, and as a CNO, you’ll need to stay current with the latest trends, technologies, and regulations. Continuous learning and professional development are essential.

The role of a Chief Nursing Officer is one of immense responsibility, but it is also deeply fulfilling. As a CNO, you have the opportunity to shape the future of Nursing, improve patient care, and lead your organization to success. By following a strategic path of education, experience, and leadership development, you can achieve this prestigious role and make a lasting impact on the healthcare industry.

Whether you are just starting your Nursing career or are already on the path to leadership, the journey to becoming a CNO is one that requires dedication, resilience, and a passion for excellence in Nursing.

Topics: CNO, chief nursing officer, role of the Chief Nursing Officer

The Importance of the Patient Handoff Report

Posted by Sarah West APRN, FNP-BC

Wed, Aug 07, 2024 @ 10:32 AM

Nursing hand-off or shift reports are a critical component of safe patient care in all healthcare settings. Handoff reports must be comprehensive, accurate, and designed to properly communicate essential information from one Nurse to another during shift changes. Keep reading to learn more about the importance of patient handoff reports and how to improve your handoff to reduce patient harm. 

Critical Components of a High-Quality Patient Handoff Report

A high-quality patient handoff report must contain certain key elements to ensure that the incoming Nurse understands the patient and their health condition. Some critical components of a high quality patient handoff report include

  • Patient demographic information includes the patient's name, age, current diagnosis, and relevant medical and surgical history.
  • The patient's current condition should include vital signs, pain levels, and any changes to these values that could affect or change their care.
  • The treatment plan includes current medications, treatments, upcoming tests or procedures, and laboratory work.
  • Any recent changes should be included to cover treatments, new orders, or any significant events that have affected the patient's hospitalization.
  • Safety concerns include allergies, fall risks, and other safety precautions like seizure or aspiration risks.
  • Psychosocial information includes the patient's emotional state or disturbances, family involvement, or any social concerns.
  • Pending tasks or follow-ups that need to be completed or have not been initiated.

Benefits of A Strong Patient Handoff Report

Increase Patient Safety

An accurate patient handoff report can reduce the likelihood of medication errors, missed treatments, and other critical mistakes that could risk patient safety. When delivering a patient handoff report, information must be shared clearly and effectively to reduce the risk of errors.

All nursing handoff reports should include critical information such as patient allergies, vital signs, recent test results, patient history, and current health status to ensure that all pertinent information is shared. Another layer of protection is to give patient handoff reports in front of the patient and their family so that the patient can contribute any missing information before an error can be made.

Continuity of Care

Making sure patient handoff reports include detailed information for the incoming Nurse allows for a seamless transition into the care of another healthcare provider. When information is not shared appropriately, critical components of the patient's health status become overlooked, and errors can occur.

To ensure information is transferred correctly, many healthcare settings recommend combining written documentation with verbal communication to ensure all key points are communicated clearly and to reduce patient errors.

Promote Effective Communication

Handoff reports happen frequently in healthcare, not only from shift to shift, but also if a patient is transferred to a different floor, department, or facility. Effective communication is essential to ensure all pertinent patient information is shared correctly.

Standardizing patient handoff can significantly improve communication and reduce patient harm. A standardized patient handoff is a structured method for transferring patient information and responsibility. It can dramatically reduce the risk of missed information and allow Nurses to ask questions and gain clarity on any uncertainties. Standardized Nurse handoff reports like the SBAR model (situation, background, assessment, recommendation) can help ensure all information is properly covered. 

Enhanced Patient Outcomes

Enhancing patient outcomes is one of the greatest benefits of a comprehensive patient handoff report. With complete and up-to-date information, Nurses can properly anticipate any potential issues and proactively intervene to improve patient outcomes and provide better patient care.

A good patient handoff report also allows Nurses to individualize their patient care based on the most current information provided to them so they can better accommodate each patient's needs and preferences.

As you can see, providing a high-quality patient handoff report is vital to providing safe, effective, and comprehensive patient care. An accurate and easily understood report allows for improved communication and can also help increase patient safety and improve patient outcomes.

Topics: communication in nursing, shift handoff communication, shift handoff, nurse communication, patient hand off, shift change

Lights, Camera, Louisville! Frontier's Documentary Debut - August 15th

Posted by Frontier Nursing University

Thu, Aug 01, 2024 @ 09:29 AM

We're Rolling Out the Blue Carpet

Join us on August 15th for a documentary premiere
Come and meet our new President, Dr. Brooke Flinders!

Join Frontier Nursing University at 6:00 pm for a premiere at the Speed Museum Cinema in Louisville, Ky on August 15th for a reception and viewing of Nurse-Midwives: Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis. Produced by Frontier and Michael Breeding, this new documentary examines maternal health care and the role of nurse-midwives.

Register Now!

Unable to join us for the premiere? We invite you to view the documentary at or sign up to host a viewing in your community!

Appetizers will be provided during the reception. Parking is available in the museum garage. Frontier will provide parking validation at the event. 


“The United States has the highest maternal mortality rate among wealthy nations, and 2022 data from the CDC shows that over 80% of pregnancy-related deaths in the U. S. from 2017-2019 were preventable by providing better care,” said FNU President Dr. Susan Stone, DNSc, CNM, FACNM, FAAN. “This documentary tells the story of how distance education paved the way to addressing this crisis by educating more nurse-midwives who play a crucial role in reducing maternal mortality.”

Before the advent of online learning, a remarkable group of nurses and nurse-midwives believed that more nurses would seek certification as nurse-midwives if they could stay in their home communities during the educational process. Thus the development of the unique and innovative Community-based Nurse-Midwifery Education Program (CNEP). CNEP was developed to allow nurses who lived in rural and underserved communities access to nurse-midwifery education without leaving home. The documentary details the development and evolution of the CNEP via interviews with visionary leaders and educators. It also shines a light on the subsequent development of family nurse practitioner, women's health care nurse practitioner, and psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner distance education programs and their similarly vital roles in maternal health care.

“The work of nurse-midwives and nurse practitioners is reshaping the landscape of 21st-century healthcare,” Dr. Stone said. “From Alaska to Alabama to Appalachia to every state in America, these amazing healthcare providers are making a difference in the rural and underserved communities in which they live and serve.”


Topics: midwife, Frontier Nursing University, nurse midwife, FNU, midwives, maternal health, maternity care

Exploring Non-Bedside Nursing Job Opportunities

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Tue, Jul 30, 2024 @ 10:18 AM

When people think of Nursing, the image that often comes to mind is that of a Nurse at the bedside, providing direct patient care. While bedside Nursing is a critical and rewarding part of the profession, it's not the only path available. There are numerous non-bedside Nursing roles that offer unique challenges, opportunities for growth, and the ability to make a significant impact in healthcare. Here are some exciting non-bedside Nursing careers to consider:

Nurse Educator

Role: Nurse Educators play a crucial role in shaping the future of Nursing by teaching and mentoring Nursing students and current Nurses. They work in academic settings, such as universities and colleges, as well as in hospitals and healthcare organizations.


  • Developing curricula and teaching courses
  • Conducting and publishing research
  • Advising and mentoring students
  • Staying current with Nursing trends and practices

Skills Needed: Strong clinical background, teaching skills, communication, and a passion for education.

Nurse Informaticist

Role: Nurse Informaticists bridge the gap between Nursing and technology. They focus on improving patient care by optimizing information management and communication technologies.


  • Implementing and managing electronic health records (EHR)
  • Analyzing data to improve patient outcomes
  • Training staff on new technologies
  • Collaborating with IT professionals to develop and refine healthcare software

Skills Needed: Technical proficiency, analytical skills, project management, and an understanding of clinical workflows.

Nurse Researcher

Role: Nurse Researchers conduct studies to improve patient care, develop new treatments, and advance the field of Nursing science.


  • Designing and conducting research studies
  • Collecting and analyzing data
  • Publishing findings in scientific journals
  • Securing funding through grants

Skills Needed: Analytical thinking, research methodology, statistical analysis, and writing skills.

Nurse Administrator

Role: Nurse Administrators oversee Nursing staff and manage the operations of healthcare facilities. They ensure patients receive high-quality care and the facility runs efficiently.


  • Managing budgets and resources
  • Developing policies and procedures
  • Hiring and training staff
  • Ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations

Skills Needed: Leadership, organizational skills, financial acumen, and a comprehensive understanding of healthcare systems.

Nurse Consultant

Role: Nurse Consultants provide expert advice to healthcare organizations, helping them improve processes, policies, and patient care practices.


  • Analyzing healthcare practices and recommending improvements
  • Training staff on best practices
  • Conducting audits and evaluations
  • Advising on legal and ethical issues in healthcare

Skills Needed: Expertise in a specific area of Nursing, problem-solving skills, communication, and the ability to work independently.

Nurse Health Coach

Role: Nurse Health Coaches work with individuals to help them achieve their health goals through personalized coaching and support.


  • Assessing clients' health status and needs
  • Developing and implementing personalized health plans
  • Providing education and motivation to clients
  • Monitoring progress and adjusting plans as needed

Skills Needed: Strong interpersonal skills, motivational interviewing, knowledge of wellness and prevention strategies, and empathy.

Nurse Case Manager

Role: Nurse Case Managers coordinate care for patients, especially those with chronic conditions or complex medical needs, to ensure they receive comprehensive and efficient care.


  • Assessing patients' needs and developing care plans
  • Coordinating services and resources
  • Monitoring patients' progress
  • Advocating for patients and families

Skills Needed: Organizational skills, understanding of healthcare systems, patient advocacy, and the ability to work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals.

Nursing offers a diverse array of career paths beyond the bedside, each with its own set of challenges and rewards. Whether you're interested in education, technology, research, administration, consulting, coaching, or case management, there's a non-bedside Nursing role that can suit your skills and passions. By exploring these opportunities, you can find a fulfilling career that allows you to make a significant impact on the healthcare system and the lives of patients in a different capacity.

Topics: nursing programs, nursing career, nursing degree, nursing jobs, nursing opportunities, nursing field, non-bedside nursing jobs

Interview Preparation: Strategies to Excel in Nursing Interviews

Posted by Erica Bettencourt

Wed, Jul 24, 2024 @ 11:44 AM

Entering the Nursing field is an exciting and rewarding journey, but the interview process can be daunting. Here are some strategies to help you excel in your Nursing interviews and secure your dream job.

Understand the Job Description

Before stepping into the interview room, make sure you thoroughly understand the job description. Review the skills, qualifications, and responsibilities required for the role. This will help you tailor your responses to demonstrate that you are the perfect fit for the position.

Tip: Highlight key phrases in the job description and think of specific examples from your experience that align with these requirements.

Research the Healthcare Facility

Take the time to research the healthcare facility where you’re interviewing. Understand its mission, values, culture, and any recent news or achievements. This knowledge will not only impress your interviewers but also help you determine if the facility is a good fit for you.

Tip: Visit the facility's website, read their annual reports, and look for any recent press releases.

Prepare for Common Nursing Interview Questions

Nursing interviews often include a mix of behavioral, situational, and clinical questions. Prepare for common questions such as:

  • Why did you choose Nursing as a career?
  • How do you handle stressful situations?
  • Can you describe a time when you dealt with a difficult patient?
  • How do you prioritize tasks during a busy shift?

Tip: Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your answers and provide clear, concise examples.

Showcase Your Soft Skills

In addition to clinical skills, soft skills like communication, empathy, teamwork, and problem-solving are crucial in Nursing. Be prepared to discuss situations where you’ve demonstrated these qualities.

Tip: Think of specific instances where your soft skills made a difference in patient care or team dynamics.

Prepare Questions for the Interviewers

Having thoughtful questions ready for your interviewers shows your genuine interest in the position and the facility. Consider asking about:

  • The facility's approach to patient care
  • Opportunities for professional development and continuing education
  • The team dynamics and work culture
  • Challenges the unit is currently facing

Tip: Avoid asking questions that are easily answered by looking at the facility’s website or job description.

Dress Professionally and Arrive Early

First impressions matter. Dress in professional attire and aim to arrive at least 15 minutes early. This demonstrates your punctuality and respect for the interviewers' time.

Tip: Plan your route in advance and account for any potential traffic or transportation issues.

Bring Necessary Documents

Bring multiple copies of your resume, a list of references, and any certifications or licenses relevant to the position. Having these documents on hand shows that you are organized and prepared.

Tip: Keep your documents in a professional folder or portfolio.

Practice Good Body Language

Your body language can convey confidence and enthusiasm. Maintain eye contact, offer a firm handshake, and sit up straight. Avoid fidgeting or crossing your arms, as these can signal nervousness or defensiveness.

Tip: Practice your body language in front of a mirror or with a friend before the interview.

Follow Up with a Thank-You Note

After the interview, send a thank-you note or email to express your appreciation for the opportunity. This small gesture can leave a positive impression and reinforce your interest in the position.

Tip: Mention specific topics discussed during the interview to make your note more personalized and memorable.

Excelling in a Nursing interview requires thorough preparation, a clear understanding of the role, and the ability to showcase both your clinical and soft skills. By following these strategies, you'll be well on your way to making a lasting impression and securing the Nursing position you desire.

Best of luck in your interview preparation!

Topics: hiring, interview, job interview, hiring nurses, hospitals hiring

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